Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted 4

Where’s Rick?

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-05-05 - Updated: 2008-05-05 - 907 words - Complete

Ch. 10
Where’s Rick?
Billy ran down the street as fast as he could. He slid to a stop and turned looking at the pathway down to the Love’s house. He looked around then looked back at the house, “What was Susan talking about… Closer…” He walked up to the path and looking through some trees at the rooftop of the house.
A funny feeling hit him as he started walking down the path to the house
At the gate
Billy stood looking at the house through the gate, he hugged himself, “What does it mean… Rick hasn’t bugged me yet…” He looked down, “Much…” He looked up at the house again tears in his eyes, “I swore Megan got rid of him… he shouldn’t be back. If so…” He looked down, “Why is he back?” Looking to the side he blinked, “Is it that…” He looked at the house, “No way!” He grabbed his chest, “Is he… Joel kept saying I said Stacie…” He spun around holding his chest,” Oh my god! He wanted something! But it couldn’t… is it! Is he in… Me? No! He can’t be!” He looked down the path his body shaking, “Why? Is it because he wants to come back? But there has to be more… Stacie was the only thing he wanted…” He started running down the pathway, “Hilary…”
Joel sat on the couch looking down at the floor, “Gah… where’s that moron… He should be back…” He looked at the steps, “Hilary’s asleep… its almost 9:30. Where is Billy! He makes me worry so bad!” He stood up, “That’s it… I'm going to go find him.” He grabbed his coat, “Billy is such a stupid trouble maker.”
Mandy through the door, “Joel?” She blinked, “What are you doing here?” She placed her purse down on the floor taking her shoes off
Joel watched her, “No reason.” He looked away
Mandy blinked again, “Joel?” She stood up, “What’s wrong?” She was puzzled, his reactions weird really weird
Joel walked up and smiled, “Take care of your mother.” He started out the door, “I’m going to go find Billy.”
Mandy watched him, “Where is he?”
Joel stopped and looked at her, he shrugged, “Here there? Who knows…” He started walking again, “He’s a bad boy.” He smiled disappearing out of sight
Mandy watched him, “Ok… Totally freaky. But anyways…” She walked up to the couch and laid across it, “My body hurts… Gah.”
Billy ran up to Hilary’s mom’s door and started pounding on it, “Open the door!”
She opened the door, “Billy! Stop hitting my…”
Billy shoved her in and slammed the door shut, “I need your help!”
She blinked and glared, “How dare you just barge in here!”
Billy grabbed her shoulders, “Are you related to Stacie McDonald?”
She grabbed him, “You’re scaring me! Get out of my fucking house before I call the cops!”
Billy shoved her away and ran up to the china cabinet and pulled the drawer open. He started digging in the drawer
Hilary’s mom ran up and grabbed him, “What are you doing?”
He shoved her away, “Don’t touch me! I got to know something.” He pushed her to the floor then continued digging
Hilary’s mom blinked looking at him
Billy stopped suddenly and pulled out a picture, he looked at Hilary’s mom, “You are!” He tossed the picture at her mom
She grabbed it and looked, “Billy…” She looked up at him
Billy grabbed more pictures and dropped them to the floor, “You are! You’re related to Stacie McDonald!” He looked at her, “Why didn’t you tell us!” He bent down, “How is she related to you!”
She looked away, “I can’t… she’s not part of my family!”
Billy grabbed the pictures and tossed them at her, “You liar!” He stood up, “How!”
She looked at him, “She’s my fucking sister ok!” She looked away tears going down her cheeks, “She’s my sister! I disowned her a long time ago though…” She looked at him, “That’s why I didn’t say anything! I disowned her and I didn’t want Hilary to know. I knew she was helping your father cheat on Megan…”
Billy’s mouth dropped, “You what!”
She looked at him, “I’m so sorry Billy.”
Billy fell to the floor, “Hilary…” He covered his face, “He is after Hilary… He is going through me to Hilary.”
She reached out, “Billy…” she placed her hand on his shoulder, “What are you talking about…”
Billy stood up, “I have to…” He looked away, “I have to stop this.” He walked out
She watched him, “Billy!”
Billy walked up to the Love’s gate, “To kill you… and destroy the house.” He looked around, “I have to do this. For Hilary, for my family and friends.” He pushed the gate open
In a shed
He grabbed a thing of gasoline, “If this don’t destroy the house it will kill me with you in me and so that means you cant come back.” He smiled, “I’m so superstitious… but I know if a spirit is trapped in a body and the body dies the spirit will die with it!” He walked in the house, “Here we go again…” He smiled and started dumping the gas around the house
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