Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Life Callings

Chapter 4: Childhood Shinanigans/Stories Told

by StarrLilly 0 reviews

Duo reunites with a childhood friend, setting chaos into motion

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Duo, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, Zechs - Published: 2006-02-15 - Updated: 2006-02-15 - 1274 words

See previous chapters for disclaimer and warnings

Chapter 4

Wufei sits up slowly, staring at them in astonishment.

"Hey, " Starr says jokingly "He lives!!!"

"Get that THING away from me!" He points at Starr. His yelling brings Heero to the door, and he slips in unnoticed.

"I'm hurt Wuffie," Starr says in an injured tone. "Really, I am." She pouts.

"DON'T. CALL. ME. THAT!!!" Wufei states through clenched teeth.

"I mean, ya give a guy a hot, sexy welcome home kiss," She winks at Wufei who turns slightly pink.

"And what a kiss that was!" Duo exclaims. "You guys shoulda seen it. They coulda melted GUNDANIUM." The others stare at Wufei, who's blushing.

"And all I get is insults." She pouts. "That's the last time I try to be NICE."

"Well," Duo says, "I did warn you about him." She just glares at him.

"There's Two Maxwell's?!" Wufei exclaims, finally noticing Duo.

"O'course not silly!" Starr says. "I have no last name. Like I said `fore I'm just Starr." She bows slightly.

"So that's what your name is." Quatre says. " I'm glad that you remember."

"Actually," Starr says, embarrassed, "I remembered a few days after I woke up, but I kinda liked Firefly so I kept it. It made me feel special, like I belonged there. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not."

"Now I recognize that funny accent you had! Quatre's got the same one." Duo exclaims. "But...HOW?" They start to explain, but get interrupted.

"Hold up!" Trowa says. " Let me get this straight. You," he gestures to Quatre and Duo, " both have met this girl before?" They all nod. "What I wanna know is: how the HELL did that happen?"

"That's easy." Starr says calmly. " I've known Duo for like, ever," Duo nods at this, "And I met Rabi here when we were nine." She ruffles Quatre's hair playfully. "Before you can ask how," Starr says quickly as Trowa opens his mouth." Duo, remember that summer we got separated?" He nods.

"Yeah, that was when I began to live at Maxwell Church. You were gone for AGES! I thought you'd died on me, y'know!" He scolds. "And you never did tell me where you were all that time or how you got so tan."

"Well, remember that day when the 34th gang was after us?"

"Yeah. We ran for like, hours on end. Then we hit the dead end. You shoved me in a trashcan!" He says accusingly.

"I said I was sorry!" Starr retorts. "Besides it was a safe place ta hide."

"All I heard was some banging noises, you screamin' insults at `em, then the pounding sound of running feet." Duo says. "When I finally got enough courage to get out, you were gone.1) That was the last I saw of ya." He sniffs at the memory.

"The bangin' was when my aim with my slingshot were off. I was tryin to lure them away from ya, cause I knew they was evil. To say it worked would be a major understatement. I barely kept ahead of those guys, till I came ta the bridge." She grins evilly at that memory.

"Not Mason's Bridge?!" Duo exclaims.

"Yep. That's it."


"ANYWAYS," she starts pointedly, " since the end of the bridge was blocked off, the only way out was up, so..."

"You didn't."

"I grabbed the nearest beam and hoisted myself up. I reached the top just as the guys finally caught up with me. I figured I'd tease `em a bit, so I started insulting them. I guess I went a bit too far with my granny crack, cause next thing I know, these guys are climbing up after me. I figured I could take `em, so I let `em climb. I guess their added weight was too much for the poor bridge," she shrugs. " Cause it suddenly started ta fall apart! `Oh shit' I thought. Not really tryin ta panic, I ran across the topwire to try and reach the ground. That's when things got messy. The bridge totally collapsed! I grabbed on ta my wire for dear life, hopin ta swing to safety. I swung all right. Right through the window of an abandoned building."

"So that was YOU who demolished the bridge. Not some arsonist." Duo exclaims.

"It was an accident." She shrugs. "But on ta my story. That old building wasn't abandoned at all. It seems that I fell right in the middle of a correspondence of Wolfe Industries and Stanton Creeg, Inc."

"So that's why Briar..." Duo starts.

"Yeah." She interjects. "But anyways, one minute I'm in a room full of men, then the next thing I know, I'm in a bed with Rabi starin at me." She looks over at Quatre. "Your turn." The other three boys just stare at her and Duo.

"Where do I start?" Quatre asks.

"Start with how you met me."

"Ok." He clears his throat. "I was on my way to my sister Lalia's wedding, when I happened to look out my window and see a body laying in the sand."

"ME!" Starr announces.

"We know." They chorus. She pouts.

"I immediately made Rashid stop, and retrieve the body. It looked like a young boy, for he had short hair. It turned out that he was still alive, so we rushed to Lalia's home so we could get him to a doctor. It was only after we cleaned him up that we found out he was a she. She was out cold, and had suffered minor heatstroke and malnutrition. She came out of it in a week, and was rather confused."

"Yeah. I didn't know who or where I was."

"Since she apparently had no name, I named her Firefly for her hair."

"In a likewise fashion, I dubbed him Rabi."

"We soon came to be great friends. She taught me knife fighting."

"And he taught me how to make music." Both are telling the story now... inserting things that the other forgot. "He also taught me his language."

"She taught me stories of her people." They both grin at each other. "She came to live in my house."

"We even shared a room!"

"It was the best summer I ever had."

"But I soon remembered my home and got homesick, so I set off."

"And I never saw her again. Until now."

"Though we did learn that poem, so we'd always know each other."

"THE END!" they say together, laughing. The spell broken, the others try and digest the info they received. The telling of tales had taken longer then they thought for it was night outside.

"Dude, what time is it?" Duo asks.

"11:52." Heero states. "We need sleep. School starts tomorrow." He turns to leave.

"Waitaminute!" Duo exclaims. "I got a great idea!" he turns to Starr. "You wanna go to school with us?"

"That's a great idea Duo!" Quatre agrees.

"Ok, but how can I enroll? I barely have enough to eat, let alone go to school."

"You can live here! Heero can take care of the rest, right?" Duo asks looking pleadingly at him.

"Yeah, ok." He says. Duo cheers. " Now let's sleep!"

"Firefly, you can have the guest room," Quatre says as they all head to bed. "It's the fourth door on the right."

"Thank you guys!" Starr squeals, hugging all of them, even Heero. They all head to their own rooms for the night.

The last sound you hear is a loud "GOODNIGHT ALL!" from Starr, then you're off in the world of dreamation.


1)This is a duo OOC moment. (I think...)
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