Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Life Callings

Chapter 3: The Rest of the Gang/Never piss off Starr

by StarrLilly 0 reviews

Duo reunites with a childhood friend, setting chaos into motion

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Duo, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, Zechs - Published: 2006-02-15 - Updated: 2006-02-15 - 1054 words

See previous Chapters for warnings and disclaimer

Life Callings Chapt.3

"Well, let's get him to his room." Duo says. "At least this way I can patch him up in peace." Starr nods and they both lift Wufei up and carry him into his room. Heero pokes his head into the doorway as they're finishing stitching Wufei up.

"Hn." He comments. "Heard some noise. He all right?" He slightly tilts his head towards the unconscious boy.

"Yeah," Duo replies, "Other than a few cuts and bruises, he should be fine."

"The others should be back soon."

" Where'd they go, anyway?"

"They had band practice, REMEBER?"

"Oh yeah" Duo laughs embarrasedly. "Forgot." Heero just rolls his eyes a little, leaving the room. The two teens left in the room continue to watch and look after the fallen one on the bed for what it seems like hours on end.

On the flip side

"Well, I think we had a good, practice, don't you?" Quatre asks as they head home from practice. Trowa nods.

"Could use a little work on `Ptolemy', though." He comments. Their school band was going to sectionals in a few months, so practices were intense and often. They continue on their way, when disaster strikes.

"Oh!" Quatre gasps. Stumbling a little, he's caught up in strong arms.

"What's wrong Quatre?" Trowa asks worryingly. "There's something wrong with Wufei! We need to hurry home." Quatre starts off in a sprint the last two blocks to their house, Trowa on his heels. Racing up the steps and through the front door, Quatre is suddenly hit with a strangely familiar presence. `Someone else is here. Who is it?' Quatre ponders. Slowly, Quatre edges towards the door to Wufei's room. `It's coming from here. WUFEI!' With a strangled yell, he barrels through the door, Trowa right behind him.

The sight that greets them sends them screeching to a halt. Wufei is lying unconscious on his bed, which isn't the surprising part. The surprising part is the two guardian angels standing protectively in front and beside him; for there's TWO Duos, each with a weapon aimed at their enemies (Trowa and Quatre) weak points. Then, suddenly, one of them gives a whooping call.

"Tro, Q-man!" Duo sighs in relief. "Jeeze, you guys about gave us a heart attack." He rushes towards them, giving each a bear hug. While Duo greets his friends, Starr relaxes from her tense position. Looking down at the ground shyly, she doesn't notice the speculative looks Trowa and Quatre send her. Nor does she pay attention to the strange feeling of recognition coming from Quatre.

"Glad to see you too, Duo" Quatre states, "But what's wrong with Wufei? Is he ok?"1)

"He's just had a little shock to his system."

::LITTLE?:: Starr snorts, ::Try Mondo, Colossal, shockage here.:: Duo turns and glares at her, before catching himself.

::And Whose idea was THAT, huh?::

"Hey, it's not MY fault he can't take a joke!" This last part is said rather defensively out loud by Starr. The three boys start, surprised at hearing her speak. They all turn to look at the figure sitting by the window, arms crossed.

"Who-" Trowa starts, but is silenced by the look on her face. She stands up, forgetting the other two boys for a moment, focusing only on Duo.

"Besides which, the fact that I still look too much like you is starting to bug me all over again!" She steps right up to him, giving him a glare that would make even Heero think twice. She is PISSED. "Which brings to mind a very good question, Shinigami dear," She spits the name out like a bad taste in her mouth. "Have you finally consented to that sex change you so wanted? Cause I'm getting a distinct vibe of girly man in this room, and seeing as I'm the only girl..."She lets that thought trail off.

"Why you little..."Duo's on her like a flash. "At least I make a living. Unlike you, who spends her days wandering the streets whoring herself to the highest bidder!" Duo falls silent, the hatred in his words echoing in his mind and the room, as a tear falls gently down her face.

"That was low..." Starr hauls off and kicks him in the nuts, slamming her knee into his jaw as he falls. "And now so are you!" She then realizes there are other people in this room other than her and Duo and blushes. "I'm sorry for makin' such a mess in your beautiful home, but this idiot, "she gestures to Duo, " forgot what happens when he pisses me off." She smiles beatifically. Trowa and Quatre just stare at her in mild shock and confusion. Just who is this girl anyway, and how does she know their Duo?

"Why'd ya hafta hit me THERE of all places?" Duo groans from his spot on the ground.

"C'mon you big baby," She helps him up. "You still hafta introduce me to your friends." Seeing that he's in too much pain to make any sense, Quatre decides to take matters in his own hands.

"Hello," he says, holding out his hand. "My name is-" His thoughts are suddenly jumbled when their hands clasp. A strange feeling rises in them both, like a raging storm. Startled, They look in each other's eyes. Out of the raging storm of emotion, words form. And then Quatre spoke. "The day has the dawn, " Quatre starts in a voice that seems far away, lost in a memory only he can see.

"And the night, Twilight." Starr finishes in that same odd tone. For an instant, long red hair turns short, silvery violet eyes light with laughter, blond hair lengthens, turquoise eyes glow with warmth. For an instant, the children inside both remerge, and are recognized by both. Then, she gives a burst of laughter, and Quatre joins in. Within that moment, the strange spell that seemed to encase them vanishes.

"Firefly?" Quatre says the nickname hesitantly, not sure if it's true. But Starr is nodding, a huge grin on her face.

"Rabi?" She says. "Is that really you?"

"What the HELL?"


1) He hee! It rhymes! Guess Quatre was a poet, and didn't even know it! cringes at her baaaaaad joke Anyone else sense a Dr. Suess theme????

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