Categories > Anime/Manga > Vampire Knight > The Darkest Room

Broken Mirror

by kisara_chan 0 reviews

The headmaster interviews the newest student

Category: Vampire Knight - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Sci-fi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-05-06 - Updated: 2008-05-06 - 182 words

New students were rare at Cross Academy, on the rare chance that one appeared they got a special kind of treatment. Headmaster Cross had recently received news of a student transferring from an academy in the Black Forest.

After having a cup of soup together and discussing their expectations of the school career, discussion moved to the layout of the school and how she could expect to settle in.

“Normally I would give you the benefit of my cute daughter’s company around the school, but unfortunately she is ill at the moment,” he said, taking a lengthy sip of soup and peering at her over the rim. The way she cheerily sipped her own soup reminded him of someone he thought he had forgotten.

“That’s a shame, headmaster,” she said. “I did so want to meet her.”

Grinning and jumping to his feet, he slammed his cup onto the desk - the contents sloshing round and over the side.

“Then not to worry!” he said. “For my son shall help you settle in! Come, I shall take you to him!”
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