Categories > Original > Poetry > The little book of poems online


by Lyanvis 0 reviews

Amaya Has a nightmare. Drabble, One hundred words, request by Onyxrock. [yes, I will get around to posting more requests/challenges soon.]

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-05-13 - Updated: 2008-05-13 - 100 words

The raven haired girl could not speak, could not see through the vortex of blackness which gripped her heart. The pressure increased, beat by beat with her heart, becoming unbearable. She was vaguely aware of a presence, and the comfort it brought before the blackness threatened to consume her further. She heard her name, Amaya, and a warm pressure around her. There was a voice telling her she was fine, to awaken. He stroked her. Dead asleep, she had climbed into Itachi's arms, and that is where she awoke.

His name was the first thing she said upon awakening.

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