Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Adventure's in Time

Adventure's in Time

by Dark_Knight_Aegus 1 review

Harry finds out he's not a Potter but a Gaunt and is captured by Death Eaters. Thrown back in time to the 70s by a ritual what as Silas Ezekiel Gaunt deals with being forced to Hogwart's and his ne...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bellatrix,Harry,Narcissa - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008-05-16 - Updated: 2008-05-16 - 3638 words

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything to do with it.

Different Magical and Non-magical languages”



Sixteen year old Harry Potter was not happy, oh no, he had just been sent back in time. Luckily for him he had been carrying a shit load of money and almost all of his personal effects on him. He had been strolling down Knockturn Alley when he had been hit with a spell from behind. He was pretty sure it was that bastard Lucius Malfoy. If he had been able to he would have used one of the new dark curses he learned from Voldemort's mind.

He later woke up chained to a floor in the middle of ritual circle. He didn't really remember much of the ritual itself but when he woke up he was in the year 1975 and was in an abandoned wearhouse. The ritual was supposed to make sure that he was no longer a threat to their Lord. Well it definitely worked in a way, now he wasn't sure what to do.

Luckily for him he wasn't as helpless as he used to be. He had been absorbing information out of Tom's head for almost two years. After which he performed many dark rituals. He used them to increase his speed,strength, mental comprehension, reading speed, faster magical recovery, eyesight, and so that he would only need the minimum of four hours of sleep a night. He even performed rituals to gain the powers of several dark creatures including fangs and wings of avampire and the effects of a dementor. These had come at a price, unimaginable pain and a slight hunger for blood at times.

He had spent the summer months absorbing books on battle magic, dark rituals, necromancy, runes, parsel-magic, and so-called light and dark magic from the Black and Potter Family libraries. He even study technomancy and made his two favorite handguns, an assortment of other weapons, and a wide selection of electronics that would work in high magical areas. He even made some lenses that could fit on his eyes that read power levels, health statics, infrared, x-ray vision, and color changing. He didn't really know what he was going to do at the moment so he decided to visit Knockturnalley.

He had found out another betrayal by Dumbeldore after his death; he found out that James and Lily Potter weren't his real parents Tom Riddle and an unknown witch were. He underwent a ritual that erased the magic Dumbeldore had performed to make him to look like a Potter. The Potters had never knew that Harry wasn't really their child who had died of complications. Dumbledore had shown up and performed some memory charms on the staff and the Potters before leaving Harry with them.

His hair now laid flat, was shoulder length and his eyes had darkened to the Slytherin forest green. He had grown taller as well standing at six foot,two inches with broad shoulders and a lean cut body. He had to admit he looked really good and could cut an impressive sight.


Harry ended up buying himself a new trunk and some more obscure potions ingredients. Next he made his way to a shop that sold illegal or rare animals, he figured he could do with a new familiar. He walked into the shop and looked around, it appeared to be a regular pet shop but he knew better. Harry walked up to the owner who had just finished helping a old lady buy food for her cat.

“May I help you, /sir/?” The owner asked with a sneer.

“Yes I would like to see some of your rarer merchandise and be quick about it, I don't have all day. I assure I will pay very well if the merchandise is of satisfaction.” Harry told the man with aglare.

The shop owner seemed to shrink back but then held himself high, “Very well sir follow me.”

He led Harry down the stairs in the back hid behind a rotating wall. Harry ducked a second before a blade swooshed over his head. He grabbed the man ahead of him and slammed into the wall.

“Don't fuck with me old man. You just made a huge fucking mistake.” Harry said a moment before pulling out one of his guns and firing abullet into his left knee . The shopkeeper fell to the floor clutching his leg, tears of pain running down his face.

“I was going to give you some very good business today but now...” Harry trailed off while shaking his head and placing the man in abody-bind and snapping his wand. He looked around the shop and pulled out his trunk. He took his time packing everything in the store inside while the owner looked on in horror. He found a hidden floor compartment that contained different eggs, including phoenix, runespore's , dragon, and a basilisk. Harry cast some suspended animation fields over the eggs so they wouldn't hatch. Once he was finished he casts some wards around the building and walked back towards the owner.

“I don't appreciate someone trying to kill me, you're lucky you caught me on a good day.”

“Are you a-a Dea-Death Eat-er?” The shop owner asked.

Harry let out a dark chuckle before allowing his “dementor” aura to flare and replied, “Don't insult me old man, I'm not some pansy ass death eater. I'm something much /much/worse.”

With that he turned around and walked up to the counter laying what appeared to be a briefcase on the counter. He opened it and pressed a few buttons. Taking one last look at the shop owner Harry walked out the front door. He made his way towards Diagon Alley when an explosion rocked the area he was in. He had been expecting it but as others hadn't a lot of them were sent to the ground.

Harry just gave them a look of contempt then continued on towards Diagon Alley. He walked straight to Gringott's. He walked up to the nearest free teller. The goblin looked up from his books with a sneer on his face.

“How may I help you sir?” The goblin asked.

“I need open a new high security account.” Harry replied.

“Yes, sir.” The goblin said straightening up when he found out he was an important customer. He stepped down from his seat and snapped his fingers causing another goblin to take his place. “If you'll follow me sir I will lead you to the Account managing offices.”

Harry just nodded his head and followed the goblin. They walked for ten minutes before coming to a stop. The goblin ran a nail down the side of the wall. There was scraping sound as the stone split to show another hallway filled with office doors. The goblin motioned for him to follow and started down the hallway. They stopped at a door with the name Gragnork on it. The goblin knocked and waited. A gruff “enter” could be heard from within.

The goblin opened the door and stepped in followed quickly by Harry. Harry looked around the office as the Goblin bowed. It was a nicely furnished office, with asmall fireplace off to the side. A gray haired goblin sat behind the desk.

“What is it?” Gragnork as asked.

“I have a client here who needs to open a high security vault sir.” The goblin said.

“Fine you are dismissed.” Gragnork said waiting for the goblin to leave before addressing Harry, “We will talk about options for your vault after I take a sample of your blood for testing.”

Harry placed his hand out slightly nervous on the inside, outwardly showing nothing. What if his name showed up as Harry Potter? Gragnork stuck Harry's finger with a pin and allowed a few drops to fall on a paper. He murmured in gobbledygook while waving his hand over the page.

“Silas Ezekiel Gaunt. What size of deposit are you making?” Gragnork asked. Looks like fate has taken care of that.Silas thought. (A/N: Harry shall now go by Silas)

“I need to place a sum of ten million galleons, 2,000 sickles and 42 knuts in my new vault. I also have several animals and eggs that need to be placed in the vault, along with some jewelry and fine gems estimated at the worth of two million galleons. I would like the vault to have to take the key, recognize blood, and magical signatures to gain entry. I would like the vault to be separated into five rooms off of the main room. I want each of the doors to only open after scanning for magical signatures.” Silas said. “I want the main room for my gold and jewels, I want one of each of the other rooms for books, weapons, potion ingredients, jewelry, and Animals. I have them all in this trunk.”

“Of course sir. I will need you to sign this paper so we can have it set up. You can also sign this form to file for emancipation. Also I can include a free money bag which can be used to withdraw both muggle and magical currency.” Gragnork said. “I have some other papers I need you to sign since you have access to two of the founder's vaults. Both Salazar Slytherin's and Rowena Ravenclaw's.”

Harry signed all of the papers before receiving three keys and slip of paper to receive amoney bag on the way out.

“If it would please you Mr. Gaunt you can visit the Ravenclaw and Slytherin family vaults. You will not be able to remove any money from them until you reach seventeen but you can remove other items from them.” Gragnork said before continuing, “You may also want to pick up your two heir rings.”

“I would also appreciateit if you would send a request to take my OWL's as well when you send the papers for my emancipation in.” Silas said handing Gragnork two hundred galleons.

“Of course Mr. Gaunt, it will be taken care of.” Gragnork replied as he pocketed the money.

He pressed another button on the side of the desk and a bigger than the last sized goblin came walking in.

“Sir?” He asked.

“Miletooth take Mr. Gaunt to the Ravenclaw and Slytherin family vaults.” Gragnork said.

“Yes sir.” Miletooth replied with a bow. “Please follow me sir.”

Silas stood before bowing slightly to Gragnork. “May your gold always flow and we make great profits together.

The cart ride down to the Slytherin vaults was a long one. Silas just sat back and enjoyed the ride, his face impassive. Harry stepped up to the vault doors. They were made of solid gold, in the center was acarving of a basilisk with it's mouth open and two emeralds for eyes, while it's tail was curled around the Slytherin family crest. Above the Basilisk was the carved the words 'SLYTHERIN FAMILY VAULT'.

I Ssilass Ezekiel Gaunt requesst entrance to my family vault.”Silas said causing the young goblin beside his to shiver a little and the basilisk to animate.

Come forth and sspill your blood on the doorss sspeaker.” The large basilisk hissed out.

Harry pulled out a dagger without hesitation and slit his palm before smearing on the basilisk's fangs. The two emeralds glowed for a few seconds before returning to normal.

Enter your vault masster.” The basilisk hissed before the doors opened.

The vault was sectioned off into different rooms. The room as you stepped through the door was filled with trunks of galleons,sickles, and knuts. Off to the side were also trunks full of jewels. The doors to the other vault rooms were individually labeled: Weapon's and Armor, Family Jewels, Library, Potion's, and familiars. He needed the heir ring to be able to enter any of these rooms and in the middle of the main vault was apedestal with a cushion on it.

Silas walked towards the pedestal before placing his hands on it. A surge of magic went through him before there was a bright flash. After the light settled Silas looked down at the Slytherin heir ring. It wasn't as large as the Lordship ring(which Harry knew to be a Horcrux), and was made of silver instead of platinum. There was an emerald green stone in the middle with two snakes curled around the outside. The sides had the Slytherin family crest on it. Harry picked it up before slipping it on his left first finger. Another surge of magic went through him as the ring recognized it's master. He almost shuddered to think what would happen if it didn't accept him. The Slytherin family wasn't really known for being softies and were known for their capabilities with the Dark Arts and Potions.

Silas felt a slight pull on his magic and walked towards the weapons room where it was coming from. As he laid his hand on the door it flashed brightly before melting away. He stepped towards the table on the end and he felt the pull strengthen. He closed his eyes and reached out.

His hand touched cool metal. Opening his eyes he saw a pair of wicked looking daggers. They were obvious of Elven make and the blades were made of mithril and shined with a light of their own. Runes for sharpness, self-cleaning, unbreakable and bonding were etched into the blade. The blades themselves were twelve inches long and the tip curved slightly upwards while the handle curved downwards.

The handle was made of what looked to be polished black ivory with a snake curled up on either side made of mithril as well. Harry sliced his finger and allowed blood to drop on the blades. He felt the bonding take and would be able to call them to him at any time. He slid them them into the specially modified holster on the back of his robe. They had acushioning charm on them so they didn't poke him in the back. He also grabbed a pair of basilisk hide boots, cloak, vest, and gloves.

Silas walked in the library next and picked his way through the books taking down those that interested him. He found a note that said there were blank books towards the bottom so anyone wanting to take the books could make acopy of the originals.

Silas took out his wand and whispered /“Copy”/over the books, watching as they were copied into the blanks beside them. Silas shrank the books afterwards and walked to the last room he wanted to check out, the familiars. Touching the door he watched it dissolve like the others had before. He walked around the room stretching out his magic before feeling a pull. He walked over to the shelf and found a medium sized black, silver, and gold egg. He pushed his hand through the suspended animation field and picked up the egg before sliding it into his pocket. He walked towards the goblin escorting him.

“I am finished here and would like to go to the Ravenclaw vault.” Silas said.

“Of course sir.” The goblin quickly replied.

They climbed back into the cart and went further down, taking another five minutes to arrive at the Ravenclaw vault. The doors to the vault were golden as well but instead of an animal under the 'Ravenclaw Family Vault' there was a large blue gem. Silas walked up to the door and placed his palm against the surprisingly warm gem.

“I Silas Ezekiel Gaunt request entrance to my family vault.” Silas said.

The gem began to glow and grew warmer before a gentle voice spoke, “Enter Silas Ezekiel Gaunt.”

Harry immediately went to the library section of the vault. He knew that there had to be some amazing books in there. He slowly and carefully made a copy of each book before shrinking and placing them in his trunk. He felt a pull towards the “family jewelry” room.

Inside he walked towards the back following another pull again. He reached out and picked up an amulet. It was round shaped with a silver stone in the middle with a silver star embedded in it. The paper beside it said that it would provide the person who wore it protection from lower to mid-range curses including the Dark Arts. The stone was actually a healing stone created by Rowena Ravenclaw. It would be able to heal minor wounds and assist with others.

He walked to the pedestal in the middle and called the Ravenclaw heir ring to him. It was made of gold and had the Ravenclaw family crest on the sides with a blue diamond for the stone. He slid on his finger and he willed it to disappear.

Silas rode the cart to his new vault and organized it the way he wanted it. He was finally able to make it back to the surface and got his money bag. It was black with the Gringott's seal embroidered in silver.

Silas walked down Diagon Alley his robes flowing across the ground and an aura of power around him. His visit to Gringott's had taken up a lot of his time and he was annoyed.

He made his way towards the wizarding hotel in Morgana Alley, an off-shoot of Diagon Alley. The wizarding motel, DreamScape, wasn't around anymore when Silas was in the future. It had been shut down after a Death Eater raid. Even the front of the hotel was magnificent looking. It was made out of polished white marble and had a fountain, charmed to light up in different colors. The lobby inside was no less extravagant. The entire building was white marble with red satin carpets flowing around. In the middle of the lobby was an even larger fountain in it. The water shooting out was charmed to look like different kinds of magical creatures. Behind the hotel was a huge garden and lake.

Silas walked up to towards the front desk to see a blond haired, big chested girl sitting behind it reading a Witch Weekly magazine. He stood in front of the counter for about thirty seconds before sneering and ringing the bell. The girl was probably working there because someone owed someone else a favor or she was being used for her /skills/. The girl jumped and dropped her magazine in the process. He could see a hungry look in her eyes as she took in his body. When she looked up at his face he smirked at her causing her to blush lightly.

“How can I help you sir?” She asked.

“I would like to rent one of your suites for the rest of the summer.” Silas said.

“Of course sir. What's your name?” She asked.

“Gaunt.” Silas replied.

The girl looked up in surprise but quickly filled out a rental form.

“That'll be 800 galleons sir.” She replied.

Silas quickly signed the form and paid the money. The girl slid him a gold key.

“To engage or disengage the lock just tap it with your wand when you insert the key. The door will automatically set itself to your magical signature while you are staying with us.” The girl said. “Is there anything else I can get for you sir?”

“Yes I would like a misuse to come to my room later and have dinner delivered.” Silas replied.

“Of course sir. Thank you for choosing our hotel.” The girl said.

Silas nodded and walked over to the lift. He could feel her eyes on his backside the whole way but he didn't look back. Once in the life he pressed the button for the fifth floor.

Silas woke up the next day to an owl tapping at his window. He waved his hand causing it to pop open. A brown tawny owl soured in through the window. He took two separate letters off it's leg and stroked it's breast feathers for awhile. The owl, who seemed to enjoy the attention, hooted once then flew over to perch on the table. Silas looked down at the letters in his hand and noticed the ministry seal on both of them. Breaking the seal on one of envelopes he pulled out the letter within.

Dear Mr. Gaunt,

We have received your request for testing for your O.W.L.'s and below you will find a list of testing dates. To choose the dates you must tap the date with your wand. To choose your subjects you will need to do the same process. Expect a return owl with your schedule in twenty four hours.


Griselda Marchbanks


June 10/th/

June 17/th/

June 24/th/

July 22/nd/

Silas thought about it before tapping June 10thwith his wand. He had a few days before the test. Next he took a look at the subjects before tapping the ones he wanted:

Defense Against the Dark Arts







Ancient Runes

Care of Magical Creature's

Muggle Studies


Sealing the letter he attached to the owls leg. He turned to the other letter and opened it up.

Dear Mr. Gaunt,

We have received your application for legal emancipation. In order for you to be emancipated you have to have taken your OWL's and proven that you are able to take care of yourself. We have been notified that you have signed up for testing for your OWL's. Once you receive your results we will be able to give you a definitive answer considering your emancipation.


Edward Green

Head of Legal Affairs

Ministry of Magic


A/N: In case some of you didn't catch on about the part in the was a muggle bomb. This will definitely be a Harry/Bella but Narcissa might join in. Next update should be in a few days or next week sometime.
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