Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Out Of Control (Frank Iero)

Lesson 2

by deadlikewoah 1 review

Best Friends,Kissing and Bleachers...Kissing?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-16 - Updated: 2008-05-17 - 345 words

"But Frankie! I still don't get it!"
"God girl! Nothing gets into that big skull of yours."
I blush and knock on it."Hallow." He giggles and knocks on it.
"Alright! I'm bored." I say throwing my hands up.
"Shouldn't you be doing-"
"Shh." I cut him off."It's proportions. It can wait." I pull out my cd player and listen to blink-182, I give him one of the pieces and lip to the song. He giggles and pokes my cheek. I grin, trying to hide my smile and lip at the same time. He giggles and pokes my side. DAMN. My weakness. I wiggle and laugh, falling off the bleacher, on to the ground. Frank swears under his breath and jumps of the bleachers.
"Damn. You dipshit." He giggles pulling me up. I laugh and yelp, as my crimson arms reaches for my chest.
"Gd Frank. Could you be any harder?"
"Yeah, but then I would have to have to in bed."
"Eww. Frank. Eww." I give him a embarrassed look and look at my arm. "Blood.Blood. Gallons of the stuff. Eww. Frank. Blood." I look away and feel dizzy. "I'm gonna faint." I lean on Frank and my arm gets pushed.


"Gd. Frank. I have a major headache." I sit up and notice no one's in the room. In fact, it's my room. How did I get here? I look around and looked through my posers. Jeez, Blink,Anti-Flag,The Casualties, I could go on. Anyway, I look at my arm and it's wrapped, you know bandaged, and eww, blood. I always had the weak stomach for blood. It's so gross, and gooey. I climb out of my bed and look at my bag, proportions. God, I hate it. For being in the 11th grade, I still suck at it. Just that. I can do calculus, and such, just that. My cell phone goes off with a text.
You up yet
Good, I gotta go, the teachers getting on to me.xo
I laugh and throw my phone down.
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