Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh, Hello

Oh, Hello

by QuitLollygaggin 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-05-15 - Updated: 2008-05-15 - 1123 words

I sat at lunch by myself, as always. I waited for someone, anyone, to just come and sit by me. But I knew it would never happen. It was pretty sad that I haven’t made any friends yet. I’ve been in this new school for nearly three months now and no one has given me the time of day. I was used to it. I guess I figured this high school would be different. I guess I was completely wrong, as always. I’ve been in five different high schools since freshman year, I’m a junior now. Now I’m here in Belleville New Jersey and hopefully here to stay.

I picked at my half eaten sandwich and scanned the crowd one last time. Someone caught my eye, he was the most beautiful person I’d ever seen and he was heading this way. I quickly pushed my glasses up my nose and covered my comic books with my text books. My foot tapped impatiently on the floor, hoping he’d pick my table to sit at. He took small strides across the cafeteria. I got more and more impatient as I watched him walk. He finally reached my table and stopped. When he stopped, my heart stopped. I’ve never seen this guy before and all I knew is I never want to forget his face.

He set down the very few books he carried before sliding into the seat across from me. I watched him without speaking. His face was so defined. A small lip ring accompanied his perfect pink lip. He pushed his black hair behind his ear and watched me back. If it wasn’t for his grungy apparel, he’d fit perfectly into the popular crowd. I pushed my own hair away from my face. We continued to look at each other. He finally reached out and pulled my comic books from under my text books. My first instinct was to lunge after him and tear them from his tattooed hands. Instead I controlled myself enough let him take them. He flipped through them slowly, nodding approvingly every so often. After what seemed like forever, he placed the comic books back in front of me.

“Sweet.” He said. It was no more then an inaudible whisper but still was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. I waited for him to carry on. He sat perfectly still, arms across his chest and staring straight ahead at me. I mocked him and crossed my arms across my own chest and stared back. I figured two could play this game, whatever this game happened to be. He slowly moved one arm from his chest and extended it towards me. I didn’t move. He waved his hand in front of me like he expected me to shake it. I continued to stare at his small tattooed hand unconsciously. He dropped his hand onto the table. I looked back up at his face, he seemed annoyed. I reached out my own hand to him but he just shook his head.

“I don’t have a disease or anything.” He told me crossing his arms back across his chest. I smiled faintly. He took a deep breath and sat up straight.
“I’m Frank.” He said.
“Mikey.” I replied. My voice was small and cracked. I probably sounded like a complete fool. I sighed and pushed out my chair to leave before I made myself look worst. I’m sure him coming over here was some sick joke. He was probably conned into doing it by someone in the popular crowd. I stood up and gathered my books.
“Where are you going?” Frank asked. “You want me to eat lunch alone?”
He looked upset. I smiled and sat back down. I liked this Frank kid. I don’t know if it was because he’s the only person that has talk to me in the last three months or because he was the most gorgeous boy I have seriously ever seen.

I finally decided to get to know Frank. I pushed my books aside and leaned forward on my elbows.
“You’re new.” I stated. He nodded. I was right. There was no way this beautiful, flawless, boy would ever sit next to me if he wasn’t new.
“So am I.”
“You looked nice.” He told me. I smiled again.

I also haven’t smiled this much since before my family moved all over the place. I was never happy anymore after we moved. I was never happy because I never had friends. I had a few until we started moving all over. My brother, Gerard, is the only person I really have. My mom is never home, she’s another story, and my dad left when me and Gerard were really young. My family was just another broken home cliché. I dreaded going home every night because I knew what was in store; I would walk in to find my mother passed out somewhere, an empty bottle of something (vodka or pills) not far away and a mess to clean. My mom was always lucky enough to make it out of these situations alive. How she does it, I still don’t know.

“Mikey are you okay?” I heard Frank ask. I blinked my eyes a few times and focused back on him. He seemed concerned. Someone actually seemed concerned about me. Once again I smiled. I think this-me and Frank- could be something wonderful.
“I’m fine. Just thinking.” I assured him.
“Well,” He began. “Lunch is going to end soon,” He stopped and fiddled with a loose thread on his sleeve. I sat still as I waited for him to continue.
“And um,” He stopped playing with the loose thread and looked me straight in the eye. “Iwaswonderingifyou’dwanttodosomethingafterschool?” He sputtered.

Another human being, a cute boy at that, just asked me to hang out with them! I stared at Frank in shock. He looked confused as to why I was so shocked. I knew my face gave me away. I pushed my glasses higher up on my nose. I opened my mouth to tell him I’d love to hang out after school, but no words left my mouth. What the hell!? Why won’t my stupid mouth cooperate with my mind? I closed my mouth.
“I uh,” Frank stuttered. “Well you uh don’t have to.” His voice was quiet and assuming. It was almost like he assumed I was going to say no. I didn’t want to say no what so ever. I opened my mouth and let the words flow.
“I would love to do something.” I said cheerfully.
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