Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Half Way Around The World

Trust And A Tantrum

by fob2adelaide 2 reviews

Emily tells the truth and Sarah fumes...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-05-21 - Updated: 2008-05-21 - 894 words - Complete

A/N: C'mon now, reviews mean that the story shall continue here in Ficwad land! So review please :-)

Emily didn’t have a particularly good sleep that night after Sarah had snuck out of the house. She lay in bed and stared at the ceiling while worrying about what was going on with her friend. Emily just didn’t understand where Sarah’s sudden rebellious streak had come from. It had been obvious from the day that they had started writing to each other that Sarah was daring, but this amount of rebellion going on right now was just not like her. Since when had Sarah decided to completely disobey her parents and not have one thought for Emily? One thing was certain, Emily was getting very frustrated about what Sarah was doing. But what could she do about it? That was the last question Emily pondered before she finally fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.

Soon morning came and Emily awoke hoping to find Sarah lying in the opposite bed from her. But like the morning before, the bed was once untidy and also Sarah-free. Emily sighed and got up out of her bed trying to figure out how to break the news to Greg and Liz that Sarah had snuck out during the night. Should she just tell them plainly what had happened or work into it slowly? Whatever way she chose to do it, Emily just knew that telling the truth was the best thing she could do in the situation. She hoped that in doing so, Greg and Liz saw that they could trust her again. Emily had therefore been definite in what she had said the night before to Sarah, that she was definitely not going to lie to Sarah’s parents, there wasn’t a chance in hell that she would do that now. Lying was not going to be the right option. After taking a deep breath, Emily made her way into the Clayton’s kitchen to see Liz making breakfast and Greg reading the paper (his usual morning tradition.)
“Hi sweetie,” Liz said.
“Uh hello,” Emily said knowing that she sounded awkward, to say the least.
Greg seemed to sense this awkwardness and much to Emily’s shock said, “She’s gone hasn’t she?”
Emily nodded, “I couldn’t stop her, I’m sorry.”
Liz walked over to her and gave her one of her ‘choking’ hugs, “Thankyou for telling us the truth,” she whispered to Emily.
Greg agreed with her and then asked both Liz and Emily, “What can we do? Should I go over to his house?”
“No, don’t do that,” Emily said quickly, “Don’t embarrass her.”
“I hate to say it darling,” Liz said putting her arm around Emily, “But I think Sarah needs just that…having her dad come over might teach her a lesson, not to disobey us again.”
Silently Emily agreed. They were probably right, Sarah needed something to get her in line and a visit from Greg might just do the trick. Greg got up from the table and grabbed his keys. Then he said goodbye to Liz and Emily before heading out the front door and on his way to Pete’s.
“Emily,” Liz said once Greg had gone, “I’m proud of you for telling the truth and Greg told me that you asked for a grounding so I think you don’t need any more punishment. If you’d like to go out tonight you can.”
Emily smiled and for a change gave Liz a hug. She was happy that she had told the truth and for that she knew she deserved to go out tonight.

About an hour later, Emily was playing Guitar Hero on Playstation when Greg and Sarah got home. Emily paused the game and looked around at Sarah. She was not looking very happy and when their eyes met, Emily instantly knew that Sarah was mad at her for telling the truth. But what had she told her? If she was going to sneak out then she was going to tell Greg and Liz. Sarah went storming into their bedroom and slammed the door. This Emily found to be very childish. Greg came and sat next Emily and then Liz came into the room looking puzzled.
“What was that?” Liz asked not having seen Sarah bang the door in anger.
“Sarah slammed the door,” Greg answered, “She’s fuming…and let me tell you she wasn’t compliant in coming back home. Pete was the one who had to convince her to come. He actually understood you know?”
“I don’t blame Pete,” Liz said sitting down beside Greg, “He seems like a nice boy and I think that he is good for Sarah. But she just needs to remember we’re her parents and that she should listen to us.”
“Yeah, Pete is nice,” Emily said, “Well I better go and face Sarah, this isn’t going to be pretty.”
And that’s what Emily did; she went to talk to Sarah. But she didn’t get far though because Sarah decided to ignore her and so Emily didn’t bother with her and instead went and rang Patrick to tell him the good news, that she could come over to his house tonight.
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