Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Me a Shot to Remember

As The Coffee Brewed

by rockchick493 2 reviews

Gerard wakes up confused. They have breakfast.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-05-28 - Updated: 2008-05-28 - 1416 words

Chapter Four - Frank's P.O.V

I held him in my arms, his limp unconscious body heavy. Mikey had gone to get help and he'd be back as fast as he could. At least that's what he'd said.
I tried to control myself, tried to stop crying, but I couldn't. I couldn't believe I had hurt him, my Gerard. I hated myself for hurting him. I don't deserve him; he's too good for me.
I had to get up, get Gerard on to the couch. Do something - anything - rather than just sit here watching him fade away.
It took all my strength, but I finally got Gerard on to the couch. His head rested on one of the pillows, his legs dangled over the side. He looked so helpless lying there that I felt the tears prickling my eyes.

Bob's P.O.V

We got Gerard bandaged up and into the bus. We put him in his bunk and he lay there, mumbling in his sleep.
Mikey, Ray and I grabbed a couple of beers and headed into the back. Frank stayed with Gerard.

Gerard's P.O.V

I guess I'm dreaming, because all I can hear are Frank's quiet sobs. I've never heard him cry so this must obviously be a dream. All I see is darkness... filling every space, swallowing everything up.
All of a sudden, a stabbing pain ripped through my head. No, no this can't be good. I don't want to wake up! I'd rather be numb and stare at nothing than feel this pain! Please, I want to sleep!
As much as I begged and pleaded, the pain got worse and worse as I slowly returned to consciousness. I felt someone else's presence in the bunk with me. Slowly, I turned and saw Frank's hazel eyes staring back at me. He blinked twice.
"What happened? Last thing I remember is packing my bag..." I asked.
"Just rest for now Gerard. I'll explain everything in the morning."
"Okay," I mumbled and my eyes fluttered closed... the last thing I heard was Frankie saying he loved me, before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Frank's P.O.V
I would never forgive myself. I had hurt the only person I'd ever really loved.
I lay there, next to Gerard, breathing in his scent. At about 2am, I was still awake and I heard Gerard mumble something. Then he turned to face me. I looked into his beautiful face.
"What happened? Last thing I remember is packing my bag..." worry creased his beautiful features.
"Just rest for now Gerard. I'll explain everything in the morning," I whispered, not wanting to wake the others.
"Okay," he mumbled, closing his eyes again.
"I love you," I whispered. I don't know if he heard me but he slept peacefully for the rest of the night, as I watched him.
I, on the other hand, lay awake. Not even the sound of his deep breathing could calm me tonight; stop my thoughts long enough for me to fall asleep. Four o'clock came and went, as did every other bloody hour on the clock, and at about seven, I heard Mikey get up. He was always first up. I decided to get some coffee, so I got up quietly so as not to wake Gerard up.
As the coffee brewed I inhaled the rich aroma of the blend, instantly feeling better.
"Frank!" Gerard whimpered from the bunk.
"Shh, I'm coming."
"Frank, my head feels funny."
"Shh, Gerard, you'll wake everyone up."
I poured the coffee into two mugs and took them to Gerard's bunk. I found Gerard attempting to sit up in bed but he banged his head and fell down again. I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing. It was a damn hilarious thing to see first thing in the morning.
"Shut up Frank, it's not funny. That really hurt!" Gerard whined as I handed him his coffee.
"Aww, I'm sorry sweetie."
"You better be," he grumbled, as he took a sip of his coffee. "Mmm, that's good coffee..."
"Yeah it's that blend I got from Starbucks; I knew it was your favourite."
"Aww thanks Frankie. You're the best!" he smiled widely before taking another sip.
"So... do you remember anything that happened last night?" I asked cautiously.
"Well, I remember everything up to us going and starting to pack up my stuff... and then I remember pain," he told me.
"Okay, well let me fill you in. The pain you have in your head, well I threw a shoe at you accidentally and you didn't see it til it was too late and then it hit you on your forehead. You presently have a long gash going across your forehead and there was a lot of blood. Mikey was scared it wouldn't stop bleeding but he didn't want to take you to the hospital 'cause he knows how scared of needles you are."
That's what he said. Oh. I was up all night worried about him and feeling guilty for hurting him and all he has to say about it is, "Oh."
"Is that all you have to say?"
"Uh, yeah. I'm just trying to take everything in Frankie."
"Okay. Talk to me when you're ready," I said and walked to the front of the bus to talk to the driver. He was a nice man. Marcus I think his name was.
"Hey, Marcus."
"Good morning Mr Iero," he said politely.
"Please, call me Frank."
"Sure thing... Frank," he said, trying it out.
"So, did you see any good diners on the way in?"
"Well there is one down the road. I went for some breakfast earlier. It has quite excellent pancakes!" he told me enthusiastically.
"That's great! I think that will cheer Mikey up a hell of a lot! Thanks Marcus!"
"No problem Mr Ie... I mean Frank," he said smiling.
"See ya later!" I said and walked down the bus to the bunk area, only to find that Gerard had disappeared from his bunk and Ray was only just getting up. Bob was still sleeping and being the good friend that I am, I decided that he needed a wake-up call.
"BOB!! PANCAKES!!!" I shouted loudly, jumping on him.
"Wha..?" he looks so cute when he's confused!
Seeing me on top of him though, he woke up - FAST!
"I'M GONNA GET YOU FRANK! JUST YOU WAIT!" he shouted as I jumped up from the bunk, narrowly missed the top of the bunk, and ran out the door of the bus, yelling bye to Marcus as I ran by.
I stopped at the first bench I found while still in the car park. I sat and pulled out my phone, calling Mikey.
"Hey," he answered.
"Hey, are you guys coming any time soon? And how mad is Bob? And is Gee okay?" I asked.
"Well, if you'd stayed you would've found out but since I feel nice today, I'll give you a warning. Look behind you."
The second the words left his mouth I turned around to see Bob running at me. Oh f*ck! I'm sooo dead! I got up and ran.
Panting, I reached the diner that Marcus had pointed out to me earlier and sat at the counter. I ordered a plate of pancakes and a cup of coffee. Soon after I placed my order the rest of the guys came charging in. Bob was at the front and actually looked calmer than before. Ray followed close behind; his 'fro bigger than it was when he woke up - if that's even possible. Gerard and Mikey came in last. Gerard was holding on to Mikey as he walked. I felt a guilty pang as I watched Mikey help Gerard into one of the booths at the back, and suddenly I wasn't so hungry anymore.
I went over and sat by Gerard. When my pancakes came, I pushed them away, feeling sick to my stomach.
"Aren't you gonna eat those?" Bob asked.
"Nah, I've lost my appetite," I replied honestly.
"Can I have them? I think I deserve them as you so rudely woke me up from the best dream I've had in ages."
"Uh, yeah. Sure, why not?"
The others ordered and the waitress brought them their food after a short wait. We were the only customers. I sat drinking my coffee and watched while everyone else ate their breakfast and chatted happily about tonight's show.
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