Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Life Isn't Always What It Seems

Please tell me what's Wrong...I Need To Know

by dtng101 2 reviews

Andrea finds out shocking news about Ashely..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-28 - Updated: 2008-05-29 - 423 words

Auther's Note;Hey guys I just found out the greatest news I could actually find out,in my school every year we have a sring show,and my teacher just told us that we're going to dance to HELENA!Isn't that cool,finally I get to dance to something that I actually like.Just wanted you guys to know.So on with the story...

Andrea's Pro
I'm so happy to have my mom back,I've missed her so much."Andrea are yu ready to go"my mom asked
"Yes I'll be down in a sec".I told her while putting on my jacket.I went downstairs and soon my mom and I got in the car,so she could drive me to school.Soon we got there and I was getting my things ready to get out the car."Hope you have a good day at work,love you"I said to my mom while getting out of the car."Love you too"I heard her say,and soon she dissapered in the distance.I walked to the school's entrance and headed towards these beanchs that are close to the gym.I spotted my friend Ashely sitting lonely in the beanch spacing out in space.I walked toward her "Hey ash how are you"I asked her."oo.I guess..I'm okay"she said holding back tears."Kimmy didn't come today to school,she's home sick with the flu,lucky huh"said Ashely."Well I hope she feels better".I told her."Yeah I hope she feels better too."she sighed."Ash what wrong with you"I asked her."ooo nothing...I guess..I just miss Kimberly today..that's all"she said with a tear falling out of her eye."aw come on I know you better,Ashely you never have acted this way,the only time you acted this way was when......your grandma died from cancer."I told her "Omg Ash who has cancer in your family again is your mom okay...what about your sister is she okay"I said panicking."No don't worry thier all okay,it's not them that have cancer."She told me trying to hold back tears "Then who"I asked worried "You know that in my family history almost all my ancertors have had cancer,it's almost like a family curse,well they skipped my sister's aka Jessica's generation.....and passed on to me,Andrea I'm the one who has cancer and with that she burst out crying.

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