Categories > Original > Humor > Crack Series: Room 205


by legacyforgotten 0 reviews

When words are misconceived.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-05-29 - Updated: 2008-05-30 - 240 words - Complete

Van snarled in disgust. “Get your wiener out o' my face!”

Robin smirked as he wiggled it around more. “You know you like it.”

“It smells funny!” Van whined.

Robin growled angrily, “I take offense to that!”

“What a waste!” Fangirl #2 sighed, “Robin should be grabbing my melons, not forcing his hot dog on Van.”

Fangirl # 1 scoffed, “Please! Your melons don't even taste good! Plus they look funny. It's all about my orange juice.”

Fangirl # 3 frowned. “Not really. I'd say guys like my donut holes better.”

“No way!” Fangirls # 1- 2 screeched in unison.

Bernard grinned as he slunk in next to the small group. “I love all of your treats, as long as you relish my hot dog between your buns.”

“Ew! That's gross!” Fangirl # 3 pushed the assaulter away.

“What? All I asked for was some relish and buns,” Bernard said smoothly. Ohhhh yeah.

“Shut it! Or I'll kick you in the nuts!” The fangirl's were practically gnashing their teeth.

“No! Not my precious nuts!” Bernard cried... before another idea came to mind. “Wanna harvest my nuts?”


“How about fondling my grapefruit?”


Bash meandered over. “Looks like you're unloved Bernard.”

Bernard scowled at his Turkish “friend”.

“Hey ladies,” Bash sang. “Can I have a little help peeling my banana?”

“Fine,” Fangirl # 1 finally relented.

Seriously!” Mr. H yelled over the ruckus, “I'm never letting you have a picnic in here if you're going to be so immature about it!”
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