Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Avid Amor & Everything in Between

Avid Amor & Everything in Between

by UmbrellaPANSY 1 review

Ophelia finds herself falling into the wrong places. Including the arms of a certain someone.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-06 - Updated: 2008-05-07 - 1025 words

Chapter one:

I've always been a procrastinator, especially when it had to do with my future. That’s exactly why I've ended up at art school. They say college is a time to find yourself, so I thought why not find myself somewhere expressive.

I slowly pulled my sunglasses away from my eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the florescent lighting of the building. It was the first day back from summer break, there were giddy girls embracing each other in hugs and others comparing their exotic tans while guys gave each other high fives and exchanged foreign hook up stories.

But of course me being the unsocial person I did not participate in these exchanges with any of them. There were a select few I associated myself with and one of them were heading right towards me. This person in particular was Jeremiah Stoughton.

He was wearing a short sleeved v-neck shirt that showed a bit of his farmers tan and tight grey jeans. His Dolce & Gabana sunglasses were still plastered to his face and a big smile began to grow as he got closer. Before embracing me he combed his fingers through his auburn hair and smiled big again; all about appearances.

Jeremiah dropped his bags then wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, reluctantly I responded with a hug. With that same obnoxious smile on his face he stood in front of me with both hands on my shoulders. "Ophelia you look so different, I missed you."

Obviously he didn't miss me enough to call or send a postcard all summer. I nodded and smiled. "I miss you too, we didn't talk all summer. How was Amsterdam?" Of course that was a dumb question to ask your boyfriend. I knew whatever the response was it would be a lie.

He laughed a bit, it was like he knew something that I didn't. "It wasn't too fun, you weren't there. But enough about me, how was your summer?"

"Oh it was absolutely boring, just as I expected it to be."

He stopped smiling. "Oh, sorry to hear that. I have something that will make you feel a lot better, but you will have to wait until later tonight."

I pretended to be overly excited, like I always did. In the beginning I didn't have to fake it because I was genuinely surprised, but the surprises always ended up being practical. A new pair of shoes, a high tech planner, or my favorite a spice rack.

After taking a mouthful of kisses from Jeremiah I made my way to my first class. It was situated in the very back of the building near the school garden, so I knew I was going to be late. When I walked in I could feel the class's eyes fall on me, the professor was someone new, someone I did not recognize.
"Nice of you to grace us with your presence Ohpia." He looked about my age and wore a bleach spotted peace shirt while his blonde hair was tucked underneath a beanie. I laughed. "My name is Ophelia and I'm sorry about my lateness. It won't happen again professor." His blue eyes lingered on me, he looked away then pointed towards a seat. Which was right in front of his desk, my face started to heat up. When I looked up he was laughing. "Call me Jacob."

The professor…Jacob pulled me aside to explain a lesson he made up for his "accelerated" students. I couldn't see why he chose me out of all people, but he did. The assignment was to go out into the city and find something that was familiar to us and sketch it. It sounded it simple and I didn't have to sit in the room with him so I agreed to it.

I made my way into my favorite pizzeria, a few pieces of paper had slipped from my sketchbook. When I went to pick them up someone ran right into me, knocking everything from my bag and me in the process. When I looked up a tall man was hovering over me, he was in a white button-up and grey jeans with all black sneakers. I couldn’t exactly make out his face because while bending over me tousles of his hair were hiding it. He looked absolutely horrified. "Are you okay? I'm really clumsy today, I am really sorry." He put out his hand for me to grab on to, I took it and heaved my self up. There was no sense in me having a conversation while on the floor.

"The question is, are you okay? I'm fine." He stepped closer, I could finally see his face and it was beautiful. His skin was a milky white, eyes a light hazel, and his hair looked like he had just gotten out of bed. "At least let me buy you a-"

I smiled. "How about a canoli? They are my favorite." He quickly pulled out his wallet and he even told the owner it had to be a fresh one. As he stood at the counter I realized what I wanted to draw. Him. I know he was familiar to me somehow, I just couldn't put my finger on it. "I know one more thing you could do." He looked a little frightened, it made me laugh. "I'm not going to hurt you, can I sketch you? It's for my art class." He didn't hesitate. "No problem."

We sat down in chairs outside the pizzeria. "Before I start, what's your name?" I was hoping he would turn out to be someone I knew…he just seemed so familiar. He started to smile widely, it was followed by a hysterical laugh. "Gerard Way at your service, and you name?" Oh. It was someone I knew, but not someone I thought I would ever come in contact with. It took me a good while before it registered that he asked for my name. "Ophelia…Ophelia Wes."

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