Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Savior of the Damned

On a Mission

by crystalcrash 10 reviews

Frank is on a mission, but someone will get in his way. Thanks for the rates and reviews!! xD

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-06-03 - Updated: 2008-06-03 - 2448 words


The pit of my stomach was boiling with anger. There was nothing I wanted to do more in the world than find that motherfucker called Gerard and give him what he deserved. Because of him, I was in a place I didn't recognize, talking to a man I didn't know, without a clue as to who I was or anything about my life. About my past life, anyways. I was ready to start my new life, and what better way to do so than with my powers back?

"Where can Ifind him?" I snarled.

Mauritius let out a short laugh and gave me a pat on the back. "I'm glad you're showing such enthusiasm to achieve your revenge and claim what is rightfully yours, my boy, but for you to go into their world looking for him would be suicide."

I looked at him impatiently, waiting for an answer of what I could do.

Placing an arm around me as we turned and looked into the glass room where the two men began walking menacingly towards the girl with long wild red hair, he continued,"What you have to do now is go after the Stone of Life."

I glanced up at him questiongly, and then concentrated back on the girl. Her hair, I saw, wasn't entirely red. Most of it was an orangey red, but it also had bright red, yellow and black highlights. The colors and the fact that it was pretty puffy gave her a crazy aspect. I decided I liked it.

"The Stone of Life has a secret location, only known by a few people. You are one of them."

"But I don't have any memories-"

"I know, Iknow. You won't be able to locate it by memory, but that's not how you ever do. You do so on instinct. The Stone seems to... call to you. Hopefully, it will continue to recognize you and lead the way to it."

The girl effortlessly picked up one of the guys and threw him into the other with ascream, making them both fall to the ground.

"What is it?"

"The Stone of Life is very powerful... although its exact powers are unknown. It represents life. With it, you could wipe out the entire Underworld, which is where the power-holders are. Why risk your life trying to kill one of them, when you could destroy them all in an instant?"

I looked up at him; he was smiling. I asked, "Why hasn't anyone gone after the Stone before?"

"Only one person can touch it, Scorpio; the one they call "The Chosen One" is the only person on earth that can touch it. You are that person, my boy; you are the Chosen One."

I stared at him, studying his face. He seemed pleased, but I wasn't exactly sure about what. The fact that I was supposedly "The Chosen One" didn't affect me in the slightest, mostly because I didn't understand what it meant, but I didn't really care either. I only had one thing in mind at the moment: ripping Gerard's skin off his face. If the Stone would kill them all, then what I had to do was find it and use it. Then everything would be back in its rightful place.

"How can I use it?"

Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head with his smile still in place, he said, "Ahh, that's something that only you know. You'll know how to use it when the time comes."

I clenched my jaw while furrowing my brow. The rage I felt inside me grew with every passing second. "I want to go after it now," I stated.

With another laugh and a pat, he exclaimed, "Very well, then! But first, how about we get you a bite to eat and something to cover you with, ey? I'm sure we can find ashirt for you."

I hastily nodded in agreement. Food and a shirt, and then, revenge will be mine.

I walked down astraight staircase that would supposedly lead me to one of the battlefields, or so Mauritius had told me. I had to be quick, he had said, for a siren would go off once I set foot in the battlefield, and one of the power-holders would surely appear ready to defend their territory. It didn't worry me too much; Iwas prepared to take care of anyone that got in my way.

Reaching the last step, I stopped, taking in my surroundings. To me, it just seemed like an over-sized cave. Was it really the ground of bloody battles and bone shattering fights? I looked straight ahead. That was my destination. I couldn't see the other point from where I was, but according to Mauritius, who seemed to know so much and so little at the same time, there would be another staircase at the other end that would lead up into the Underworld. That was where I had to go.

Taking a deep breath and clenching my fists, I jumped off the last step and began running as fast as I could through the cave. I sprinted past bloodstained stones that varied in shape in size but all of them large. I could've been discreet and run along the wall, but I decided right down the middle would be shorter. I didn't care about running into anyone along the way, anyways.

As I continued to run I looked around the low ceiling. No sign of sirens or any type of alarms were visible, but maybe they only sounded in the Underworld itself. As Icontinued forward, never getting the least bit tired in spite of my speed, Isaw a wide spiral staircase. Just what I was looking for. Just then, a man appeared at the bottom of the staircase. Where did he come from? He must be apower-holder. I saw the tall blond man looking around him cautiously; he knew someone was coming. He was a bit on the chubby side but judging from his innocent face, he seemed pretty harmless. I doubted this was the person I was looking for; a strong person, capable of organizing all his people, or what's the same, the leader.

Just the same Ihad to make sure. I slowed my pace to a walk and continued towards him. Inarrowed my eyes in concentration, ready to expect anything from the no good scum. To my amazement, as the man saw me near him, he grinned.

He opened his arms in pleasant surprise. "Frank! You're back! YEAAAH!" He took a few steps towards me but then stopped, seeing the look on my face.

"Who are you?"I asked cautiously, not letting my guard down in any moment.

He dropped his arms along with his smile. "It's me, man - Bob. Don't you remember me?"

Without another word I walked up to him. He seemed to be expecting a happier response because he stood in his place, his smile back in place, until I picked him up and threw him against the wall. He hit the hard rock with a yelp of surprise and then fell silent. He was out cold. He'd wake up in an hour or so with a bad headache. He wasn't who I was looking for. Or what I was looking for.

With a last glance around the cave, I jogged up the staircase. My black and white All Stars slapped against the stone stairs. I shot a look down, asking myself where I had gotten them. My bangs flapped against my face as I continued upwards. Having reached the top of the stairs I stopped and crouched in a corner, wondering when the Stone was going to wake up and lead me to it. Still crouching, Iwalked down the lane in the only direction I could go. I pressed myself against the wall in a shadow as I heard people running ahead.

"Gerard!"called a black haired girl, who was about to run towards a bigger lane I could see in the distance. I flinched at the sound of the name as my eyes narrowed waiting for the person to appear.

"I'm right behind you, Aileen! Let's go!" yelled a man with longish black hair that made ahuge contrast with his pale skin. For some reason I noticed he had extremely dark under eye circles. So this is the man, I thought, the bastard that stole my powers and left me to rot. At the site of him I snarled and took a step into the light to go after him, but I quickly regained control of myself and fell back into the shadow where I couldn't be seen. My heart quickened its pace when the so called Gerard stopped in his tracks and looked back, towards the area where I was hidden. I could see a trace of suspicion on his face as he narrowed his eyes. To my relief, he shook his head and continued after the girl. Isupposed they were busy fighting elsewhere. I'd deal with him and the rest of his kind later.

In that moment, I felt it. A feeling I couldn't describe. A force begging me to come. And Iobeyed. I turned left onto the lane Gerard and the girl had come running out of. At the end of it I saw an enormous tent. Without a second thought, I began to sprint towards it, knowing that every second was crucial. I continued forward as silently as I could to be able to catch any others that might be dwelling around there off guard. I jogged through the door of the enormous tent and stopped suddenly. I looked around in momentary shock at the colossal size of the stone building that was hidden under the tent. Remembering my mission, Iregained concentration and carried on into the building in a sort of tip-toeing jog. I found no one else along the way, which I thought to be odd, as I went along the seemingly endless hallways, always knowing which way to turn.

After what seemed like ages, I ran down a long hallway knowing I was so very close. At the end I saw a huge doorway formed like an arch. My eyes widened slightly as Iknew what was at the other side of the doorway. I ran through it with the impatience of a child opening a present on Christmas day, and then stopped in my tracks. The contrast between the hallway I had just stepped out of and the enormous room was brutal. I gazed around the smooth white walls and the dark ceiling that was probably just as white. The large pillars that ran down the long room seemed to be holding the enormous ceiling in place. The lane between the white pillars seemed to beckon me to continue onward - and so I did.

As I continued to walk, I saw a few sheets of paper scattered across the floor. Frowning, Istopped and picked the first one up. It was a drawing. It was a drawing, I realized confused. I was hiding behind a tombstone - but why? Only my eyes and hair was visible, but it was obvious it was me. Who had drawn it? I picked up the second sheet a few feet away in a hurry, frowning at it. It was adrawing of me again, but this time I was sitting at some sort of large table with a look of total happiness on my face. The details were so well drawn it could have been a picture. A feeling of uneasiness grew inside me. I took quick strides over to the last sheet and hastily picked it up. That one wasn't like the others. That one... was dark. I recognized the person in the drawing at once: Gerard. He was kneeling on the floor with his hands in the air and his head back, as if screaming to the sky. Black spirals and lines were drawn across the sky above him, giving a creepy feel to it. The odd part was the look on Gerard's face; he was in total agony. His suffering was so well drawn that Icould almost hear him screaming. In front of him was a body. Someone had apparently died. There was blood surrounding them both and the chest of the person on the floor was ripped open; the blood was splattered against them both, tangling the bangs of the man on the floor, who looked just like - me. My mouth was open in confusion as I shook my head, trying to understand what was shown on the paper. What did it mean? Why was the man that had ripped my powers away from me and left me to die... upset? With a frustrated grunt, I threw the papers to a side and continued onward, decided not to fall for the misleading traps.

Walking cautiously as if my very step would shatter the elegance of the room around me, I continued to a small red light in the distance. As I neared it, I saw the light proceeded from a small object resting on a plush red cushion on the floor. Crouching next to it, I examined it in awe. A tiny flame seemed to be trapped inside a clear red stone. I watched as the flame flickered, as if tickled by some invisible wind.

That was it?That tiny stone was the Stone of Life, the object that contained immense power, and could wipe out whomever I chose? I stretched out my hand slowly towards it. The flame inside began to glow an angry red as I neared it. My hand stopped in midair as I heard a voice cry out.


Turning my head towards the intruder, I saw him: Gerard.

His expression changed as he saw my face for some reason. I grinned, pleased that he had found me, saving me the trouble.

"Frank," he whispered, apparently confusing me with someone else.

I stood up with my head slightly back in a mocking stance. "Gerard. I was hoping you would come."

I'm so sorry for the late update, but I've been really busy update. I'm also sorry to cut this off here, but otherwise it would've been way too long. I'll get the next chapter up soon, I promise! No lyrics this time... next chapter will make up for that with an overflow of lyrics! haha

So, not much happens except for the fact Frank find the Stone, and Gerard follows him. Thank goodness for his invisibility! ;)

Rate and review, please. I'll be looking forward to reading them!

< 33333

P.S. Check out the first part of my twoshot: Cold Machines. It'll make you sad. Yay.
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