Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Escape From This AfterLife

Arguments Only End Up In Tears.

by MyFamousLastWords 0 reviews

Yey New Chapter Is up! Hope You Like It. EDITED.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-06 - Updated: 2009-07-01 - 1112 words

Bob’s P.O.V
Well eh? Did she just say cool? What crazy-ass says cool? When they get took underground for a day, stays with five random guys and she finds out they are vampires?! Was it just the shock or did she actually mean it? And the guys won’t leave me alone about how ‘oh-so-in-love’ I am with her, I mean, I like her, I just well, I don’t know. Who said she would like me either? They really are dumb-asses.
“Bob dude! Bob snap out of it! Is it the love day dreams again?” Ray started to sing ‘Love is in The Air.’
“Aw come on dude! Knock it off!” I scowl.
“Haha, now lets go out!” ‘Lets go out’ is Rays way of saying ‘to feed’ really. “Okay, okay I’m coming!” And with that we ran up the stone stairs and out into the night.

Grace’s P.O.V
Wow, remember the time I said my life couldn’t get any worse? I was wrong. Deciding not to sit around and mope all day I got up of the kitchen chair and looked around the…kitchen. Humph. I’m not allowed to go through the brown door as Ray threaten me before they left. That’s the way Bob and I came in, I think, so that’s the way out. If I could remember how to get up those steps…
But, Ray told me not to go through the door, does he want to eat me or is it he just wants to keep me safe? Ha! Safe! Safe with a bunch of vampires! Even if they do seem, nice. I’m getting out of here.

Frank’s P.O.V
“So…” Mikey said breaking the awkward silence that has been building up all night since we’ve been out.
“Nice weather, huh?” Oh Mikey. ”Jesus Mikey!” Gerard screamed.
”Gerard calm down, Mikey’s just…commenting the weather.”
Damn Iero you blew it there “Bryar how could you do this?!” Gerard was just waiting to get that off his tongue.
“What do you mean ‘how could you do this?” Oh here we go another one f Bob And Gerard’s arguments.
”I mean her, the vermin you decided to bring down here, to a our place! What if Sonall finds out she’s here!”
Sonall, he’s our king/leader whatever you want to call it. ”Look Way he won’t find out she’s here and you agreed to let her stay here!”

“Guys lets just get back to check on her please!” Finally, some use to Ray’s mouth.

Grace’s P.O.V
Okay, so here I am on the stairs, but I didn’t think about the head stone on top. So I’m fucked.
“Yeah well if you don’t shut up I will…Grace, what are you doing out here? I told you to stay in the room!” I looked up to meet Ray’s face. Shit, they’re back. “Yeah well, I just trying to…”

“Escape?” I mumble a ‘sorry’ while looking at my shoes.
“I told you she was a bad idea Bryar!” Gerard scuffed. “Gerard” Ray warned.
“No Toro! I know what you’re going to say ‘just leave it’. No! Not this time, she’s not stayin’ here!” Mr. Cranky Way huffed.

“You’re the only to say she’s not staying here! I’d rather have her here more than you anyday! Bob shouted. I don’t want him to get involved.

“Grace” Mikey looked at me, “you wanna go back and get outta this?” Thank you, Mikey. “Yeah!” I breathed.

-In the house-
“What happened out there dare I ask?” I asked while sipping my coffee.

“Well Gerard sorta blew off about Bob bringing you here, to be honest, he doesn’t want you here.” He told me while drinking his own coffee.

“No shit” We laughed.

“Uh, Mikey can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Um, of course”

“You guys are uh, vampires, how did yous um, get that way?” I asked, slightly embarrassed.

“Well, it all started when I was eleven, and Gerard was…getting hurt, so he told me to run, so I ran, but I ended up in the graveyard. I just hid behind a headstone. I was frozen with fright, I didn’t know what to do, then I saw Gerard, he was shouting for me. That’s when I saw Bob, Gerard was beaten up and Bob helped, but I think I passed out and I think Gerard must of too, then next thing I know, I’m right here.” Mikey half smiled.

“But you and Gerard weren’t vamps before you came here?” I asked, completely interested.

“No we weren’t, when we came down here we became good friends with Bob, and we hell sure didn’t want to go back to where we were living, we knew he were a vampire, I guess I wasn’t that freaked out, though we didn’t want to leave him, so we let him turn us and you know, I wouldn’t change it for the world now. It does suck sometimes, not being human. But Bob and the rest of the guys are my friends, including Gerard even when he is in one of his moods. Frank and Ray wasn’t there at the time either though. When they came they seemed sort of stand-offish at first but then I got to know them and here we are.”

“Yeah, what am I to do now? What’s gunna happen to me? I don’t want to go back and since Alex is gone everything seems messed up” I began to sob.

“Aww Grace” Mikey said while hugging me, “what happened to him? If you don’t mind telling.”

“He took his own life, he just didn’t want to live anymore, he said he couldn’t. He hanged himself, bloody slits down his arms, I don’t know how to he hurt himself like that, he left a note saying ‘am I good enough now?’ he was, he was always amazing, he left a note for me with our pictures together and memories.” I was crying hysterically.

“Shh Grace, if it makes things any better, Bob likes you” Mikey grinned.

“Oh that makes me feel tonnes better Mikey!” I said sarcastically.

“Hell, we know you two like each other” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Oh with a good game of dares will fix that up” He said with a smile plastered across his face and I soon drifted to sleep in his arms.

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