Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Damaged

My Love For You Will Never Change

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-08 - Updated: 2008-06-09 - 1474 words - Complete

!!!!!Chapter 6!!!!!

A couple days went by and everybody was back in Los Angeles.. Hilary was sitting on her balcony looking at the latest issue of People Magazine. She wanted to see what they had to say about the celebrities. She was skimming through it when she came across something about her. Her mouth dropped as she read the headline, “Hilary Mathers Pregnant? Hilary Mathers, the daughter of rapper Eminem, was spotted out and about in Chicago this week with Joel Madden by her side. Joel wasn't the only thing that caught the paparazzi attention. It appears that Hilary Mathers is pregnant. Hilary showed off her baby bump wearing a white baby doll shirt that hugged her body and said I heart Chicago. The only question that remains? Is Joel Madden the baby's daddy? Time will tell”

Hilary dropped the magazine, “oh god. Can this get any worse?” she asked herself as she stood up and walked back inside

[Later That Day]
Hilary met Joy at Mr. Chows for lunch. She walked in and took a seat in front of her. Joy looked at Hilary and could tell something was bothering her, “hey Hilary. What’s up?” she asked watching her

“Well I just happened to read the People Magazine and I found and article about me being pregnant and...” she said stopping to look at Joy, “they think I'm pregnant with Joel's kid!”

Joy looked at her, “are you serious? Oh my god I hate the media!”

Hilary sighed, “you’re telling me. I feel so bad for having Joel in this situation. It really sucks..” she said looking up at Joy, “I cant even eat or anything because I'm so bothered by it!”

'Hilary don't worry. We will work this stuff out okay? Until then don't worry about it much.” Joy said trying to comfort her.

Hilary just nodded and ate in silence once they got their food. After about fifteen minutes she pushed her plate away and sat there fiddling with hands while Joy ate her food.

Joy sat there watching Hilary. She didn't like the fact that this whole situation was bugging Hilary. She knew that it would have bugged her too but it wasn't good for her to be upset since she’s pregnant. She’s putting stress on the baby. She’s gonna have to go talk to Joel to figure this stuff out, “come on Hilary. Lets go home.” she said smiling

Hilary stood up sighing and walked out of the restaurant with Joy behind her

[At Benji & Joel Madden's]
After Joy dropped Hilary off she headed straight to Benji and Joel's house to talk to them. Well mainly she needed to talk to Joel. She reached their house and knocked on the door and stood there waiting. Soon she heard footsteps walking towards the door and it finally opened. She smiled, “hey Benji!”

“Hey Joy how are you?” Benji asked letting her in

She smiled kissing him on the lips, “I’m good. Is Joel here? I need to talk to him.” she said walking into the living room

Benji followed her into the living room, “Yeah he's down in the recording studio. I'll get him up here.” he said before disappearing

Joy sat down on the couch and waited for the boys to return. About ten minutes later Benji came back with Joel behind him.

Joel walked up to her, “hey what’s up? Benji said you needed to talk to me.”

“Joel sit down.” Joy said looking up at him.

Joel sat down and turned and faced her, “okay what’s up?” he asked watching her

“Joel have you head any magazines lately?” she asked watching him

Joel shook his head, “no I haven't. I've been busy writing music.”

Joy sighed and opened up People Magazine and threw it on his lap for him to read. Joel picked it up and started reading it, “Hilary Mathers Pregnant? Hilary Mathers, the daughter of rapper Eminem, was spotted out and about in Chicago this week with Joel Madden by her side. Joel wasn't the only thing that caught the paparazzi attention. It appears that Hilary Mathers is pregnant. Hilary showed off her baby bump wearing a white baby doll shirt that hugged her body and said I heart Chicago. The only question that remains? Is Joel Madden the baby's daddy? Time will tell” Joel closed it and looked up at Joy

Before Joel could say anything Joy continued,” Hilary read this and she’s very upset about the whole situation. She feels really bad for dragging you into it and she’s just going crazy.”

“Wow we do have a situation on hand....” Joel said putting the magazine on the table, “I know she doesn't want to drag me into it but I'm here for her and I'm going to be here for her and she just doesn't understand that. I don't care if the media thinks this but I can understand why she doesn't want them to think that. The only way she can get rid of this bullshit is if she goes to the press and clears it up...” he said looking at his brother and Joy

Joy nodded, “I know Joel but she just wont listen to me. You're going to have to go talk to her before she loses her mind.”

Joel stood up, “I’m gonna go talk to her. I'll be back in a little bit.” he said before walking out of the house.

[At Hilary's House]
Joel arrived at Hilary's house and made his way up to Hilary's room. He opened the door peeking in seeing Hilary lying in bed. It looked like she was sleeping but he wasn't for sure since the TV was on and her back was to him. He quietly made his way over to her bed and sat down next to her. She had her eyes closed, “Hilary? Are you awake?” he said softly running his hand along her cheek

Hilary opened her eyes and rubbed them looking up at Joel, “hey Joel. What’s up?” she asked softly

Joel laid down next to her, “I came to talk to you. Joy came over and informed me that you are upset and I wanted to come and talk to you about it.”

“There’s really nothing to talk about. I'm just upset that’s about it...” she said looking at him

Joel sighed looking down at her, “Hilary I know you are upset and we need to work this out. I know you are upset about the media thinking the baby is mine but the only way you can clear this up is to talk to the press.”

Hilary sat up looking at Joel, “Joel it isn't that easy. All it’s going to do is make me look like a whore. People will be like oh my god there’s Hilary Mathers she’s with Joel Madden and she’s pregnant with some other guys baby!” she paused as tears filled her eyes, “its not that easy...” she said looking down

Joel pulled her into a hug, “I know they are going to think that Hilary but who cares what they think. They don't know you. They don't know what the fuck you've gone through throughout your childhood and teenage years. They don't fucking know who you are. All they know you as is Eminem's daughter.”

“I know but I don't want everybody thinking I'm a whore and stuff and not to mention they are going to think bad things about you and I don't want that. That’s why I never wanted to get involved with you because I was pregnant and I didn't want you to have to go through this drama ....” Hilary said looking at Joel as tears welled up in her eyes once again

Joel grabbed her hands, “Hilary look. I don't care what others think of me okay? All I care about is living my life and being around the ones I love. You know how much I love and support you and nothing is going to change that.” he said looking at her

“Joel I love you too but I just don't know what to do.... I'm so fucking confused right now.” she said fiddling with her hands

Joel smiled and kissed her on the lips, “do you want to go to the press and tell them? Or do you just want to sit and wait it out?”

“I should probably go to the press.... I don't want things to get worse...” Hilary said smiling some

Joel laughed some, “good thinking. If you need me to go with you I will.”

Hilary smiled pushing him away, “you rock! I love you so much. Thanks so much.”

“No problem” he said hugging her, “I’m glad I could help!”
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