Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pretty In Punk

Why Doesn't He Call?

by GhostOfYouMW 0 reviews

[pete's perspective]

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-10 - Updated: 2008-06-10 - 311 words

I glared at his phone, willing it to ring.
I sighed and looked at the time.
Patrick was ten minutes late.
But...Patrick was never late, he was always on time, early even.
I decided to walk towards Patricks house, who knows, I may meet him on the way.

As I reached Patrick's house, Patrick's father, clearly angry, was pulling out of the driveway, then speeding up the road.
I knew what Patrick's father did to Patrick, I had seen the bruises.
I ran across the road, and peered catiously into Patrick's house.
And there he was.
Bruised and battered, Patrick was slumped at the bottom of the stairs, blood slowly trickling from his mouth.
Running over to him, I could see the forming bruises on Patrick's face, his closed eyes fluttering over purpling cheeks.
I knelt, and gently cradled him in my arms.
He moaned slighlty in response.
I pulled him into my lap, resting my back against the wall.
"Trick, baby, open your eyes for me?" I said quietly, stroking his hair. After a few seconds, he cracked open his eyes.
"I couldn't stop him. I couldn't even get away from him.." He croaked, tears starting to slide down his cheeks. I held him to my chest and gently rocked back and forth, murmuring comforting words into his hair. Patrick clung to me like I was his only lifeline.
It was then I decided.
"Trick, pack your bags, you're coming home with me." He nodded and I helped him to his feet.
I wasn't going to leave him here, and even though I knew his father would come after him, I would deal him when the time came.
I didn't care what I had to do.
He wasn't going to hurt my baby anymore.

Yayy, I know where i'm going with this now grins knowingly


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