Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > One Kiss Is All It Takes

Stressy Frankie

by SleepwalkingPastHope 0 reviews

Basically, Mikey Way meets this girl at a gig, and they fall in love, very sweet so ive been told :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-12 - Updated: 2008-06-12 - 667 words

Franks POV

1…2…..3……11…………….32… “Dude c’mon that’s cheating!!!” was all I could hear from standing in the kitchen doorway, obviously Gerard and Mikey had had too much to drink again, judging from the vast amounts of beer bottles strewn across the apartment. I had to deal with this a lot, but it was funny to imagine them playing hide and seek when they were like seven, taking around five seconds to find each other. I followed the noise of Mikey laughing hysterically, possibly from his usual pathetic hiding place, but no, as I walked into the lounge, I was shocked to see Gerard lying face down on the floor, collapsed, and Mikey standing there laughing at him.
“Dude…he kinda fell” was all I could make out from Mikey between hysterical fits of laughter.
“Oh God… two drunk dudes, and me, where the hell is Ray and Bob??” I asked the now curled up on the floor Mikey.
“They went laughs to get laughs more BEER!!!!” was the shout of I reply I gained. His pupils were freaky, they kept on zooming in and out, giving him a kind of drugged up look, that’s when you should just back away I think, when they look like they want to kill you with a spoon.
I heard a knock at the apartment door, and went to see who it was. To my disappointment it was Bob and Ray back with more beer, a blur ran past me and took four beers out of Ray’s hand, it was Gerard, up again and back to the normal drunk self.
“Dude, what did you do to them??” laughed Ray as he watched Mikey and Gerard play fight on the sofa.
“We’ve got a gig tonight, they cant play like that!!” I said, now rather pissed off at the fact I had been blamed for the delusional scene in the lounge.
“Lighten up! They’ll be fine.” Said Bob, and I guess I believed him, after all, he was the one who had to put up with us all the most when we were completely drunk, lying on the sofa telling each other we loved each other. I believed him and went about making myself a snack, a special sandwich taught to me by a friend back home, it was basically two halves of a pizza, with bacon, beans and fries inside it, kinda a sandwich I guess you could call it, well my mom saw it as a heart attack waiting to happen, but I swear it is the greatest thing you could ever have. I guess I just have to have a little faith in the fact that Mikey and Gerard would sober up before the gig, or we’d be doomed.

Gerard’s POV

Yeah, well maybe Mikey and me had had too much to drink, so what? Wasn’t like we were gonna go round killing people with spoons. I swear it was so hilarious, it all went blurry for a bit, and me and Mikey played hide and seek, it was funny, well everything was at the time, well everything except Frank. I don’t get what his problem is, I think I collapsed for a while, and when I woke up, I went and got some more beer, and the look on his face, it was just utter disgust. Its not like he’s ever got drunk before, I remember the time when he got drunk and we went to some kiddies playpark, and he was going crazy on the roundabout, just spinning round and laughing like he was insane, it was fucking funny. But then he threw up on Ray, that was just sick, literally. Me and Mikey were just messing around and Frank gets all stressy, he’s really starting to annoy me now, its not like we really need him, I bet there’s millions of people out there as good as him, may as well get rid of him…………
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