Categories > Anime/Manga > Digimon > Digimon: Battle to Save the Dimensional Plane

The Revelation of BlackGatomon

by GuGoomba 3 reviews

As Ken is forced to bring back to life not only one of the most powerful digimon to exist, but also a part of his past, BlackGatomon reveals her own dark history that led her down the path of darkn...

Category: Digimon - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover - Characters: Ken, Other - Published: 2006-02-20 - Updated: 2006-02-20 - 4394 words

The Revelation of BlackGatomon

"But you don't understand," said Ken as he piloted a Mekanorimon into the Dark Whirlpool where the form of Devimon still existed. "Kimeramon is an uncontrollable monster. He'll destroy you and everyone else." Ken was still trying to convince Daemon that Kimeramon was too powerful a beast to be controlled forever. He had thought he could control Kimeramon's awesome power, but he had been gravely mistaken, and it had cost him Wormmon's life.

"I am not interested in your opinions, just your cooperation. Remember that I have Wormmon and I will delete him in a heart beat," said Daemon's voice over the Mekanorimon's comm unit. Ken sighed as he lowered the Mekanorimon further into the darkness. Then it appeared. The digital remains of Devimon, one of the most evil digimon ever to exist. Ken couldn't help but cringe as he activated the digital particle retriever as Devimon's form was taken into the machine digimon.


"So what are we supposed to do? If they plan on bring back Kimeramon, then we are in major trouble," said Davis.

"We needed this like a hole in the head," said Tai. After Takato had told them he thought it was Kimeramon they were wanting to bring back, everyone had gathered at Tai's house, both new and old Digidestined and the Tamers. Elecmon had gone back to Primary Village and told TK and Patamon what was going on. The second TK heard the name Kimeramon, he had gone pale as a sheet and looked like he was going to faint. But he gathered himself and went back to the Real World to join the others in their brainstorming ideas.

"Tell me about it," said TK. "The last time we fought Kimeramon, he was strong enough to withstand the combined power of all our digimon and not even have a scratch on him. It took the power of Magnamon to destroy him."

"Not to mention that his Heat Viper attack could still cause a lot of harm to the digimon without them even being hit," said Cody. Armadillomon stood up on his hind legs.

"Don't you worry Cody. We're a lot stronger than last time," said Armadillomon.

"And you have us to help you out as well," said Renamon from her place out on the balcony's ledge.

"And don't forget us," said Agumon.

"There's just something that bothers me," said Kari. Everyone turned towards her. "I have always been able to sense aura's around people. You know, be able to tell if they are good or bad with some kind of sixth sense."

"Yeah, plus you've got the power of light in you," said Gatomon. "But what's your point?"

"I just have this strange feeling that BlackGatomon may not be evil, just confused," said Kari.

"I don't know about that," said Veemon. "I mean, she did attack us and everything."

"Yeah, but so did Ken when he was the Digimon Emperor," said Matt.

"I think what Kari means is that BlackGatomon may just be fighting because she can see no other alternative to her life," said Joe.

"That's a good way to put it Joe," said Gomamon.

"And what about Impmon? You said that he was one your side last you knew, right?" asked Sora.

"At least that's what we thought," said Henry.

"Still, we have to do something, regardless of what we think about BlackGatomon and Impmon. Ken's still being held prisoner, as is Wormmon. We have to save them," said Davis.

"You're right, Davis. But how do we do that? We have no clue where they are," said Yolie.

"I have an idea about where they might be," said Tentomon. Everyone looked over at the insect digimon. "I've heard legends that told of a sub level to the Digital World. A Digital Underworld, if you would. That might be where they took Ken and why Genni couldn't find them." True, Genni and his friends had searched a good portion of the Digital World for the new threat, but had come up empty.

"Prodigious. But where is this place?" asked Izzy.

"It can be reached by crossing the great Wall of Fire that Apocalymon had to cross in order to come into the Digital World," said Tentomon.

"You mean we have to cross that!?" asked Takato in a surprised voice.

"Genni told me that the power of the digivices can block the flames long enough to trek into the Digital Underworld," said Tentomon.

"If we're done discussing this, then I say it's time to rescue Ken and Wormmon. Digi Port open!" said Davis. With that, he and Veemon were pulled into the computer in Tai's room. Everyone else held up their digivices and were drawn into the computer along with their digimon.


Boy. Who would have thought I'd be doing something like this. Especially after all the things that I've done in the past, thought Impmon as he sat in his room. It was a giant suite that was big enough to hold Machinedramon. He had placed Ken's digivice on the top of a nearby table. He sighed as he leaped onto the bed and laid back. Ai...Mako...I'll be back soon. I just wish I didn't have to do this. But I do...

"What are you thinking about?" asked a voice out of nowhere. Impmon sat up and looked back and forth around the room quickly, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Cut out the stealth stunts. If you want to talk to me, then come out," said Impmon. BlackGatomon leaped down off the ceiling fan and landed gracefully on the bed.

"What's got your tail in a bind?" asked BlackGatomon. Impmon's ears drooped slightly as he sat back down.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about some old friends, that's all," said Impmon. BlackGatomon sat down next to him.

"Really? And who might these friends be?" she asked innocently. Impmon looked up at BlackGatomon. He suddenly felt kind of funny. For some reason, he felt some kind of connection with the black feline digimon.

"'s my tamers," said Impmon. BlackGatomon's eyes seemed to widen as she heard this. "I miss them. Ai and Mako. My two best friends."

"Are you nuts? You mean you actually have feelings for humans?" asked BlackGatomon. Impmon had set up the image that he hated humans, so this came as a complete surprise.

"I do," said Impmon, looking up at BlackGatomon. "And I'll bet that you've had a tamer too." BlackGatomon's ears drooped as Impmon said this.

"I did have a tamer. A very bad one," said BlackGatomon as she looked up at the ceiling.


A small Salamon cried out as a dog chased her down an alley way. The dog was chasing her after her tamer had ordered her to use her Puppy Howling attack on it, just to see what would happen. Now the dog was hot on her heels.

What did I do to deserve this? thought the Salamon as she leapt over an old cardboard box. The dog just crashed through it, gaining on her. Salamon looked up ahead to see her tamer standing there, watching. He had the power to modify Salamon and make her strong enough to chase off the dog, but he didn't.

"Come on Salamon. You'll never be a strong digimon if you can't even outrun a dog," said the boy. Salamon panted as she ran faster, trying to reach the safety of her tamer. But just before she exited the alley, she felt a sharp pain shoot through her back leg. Salamon let out a cry of pain as the dog bit down even harder, cutting into the flesh. Salamon turned her head around and, despite the intense pain, fired a Puppy Howling attack at the dog. The high pitched noise caused the dog to howl in pain as his ears felt like they were going to explode. The dog let go of Salamon and ran off, leaving the wounded digimon behind.

I did it...I beat the dog..., thought Salamon as she limped back over to her tamer. She looked up, trying to hide the pain she felt from her face. The boy looked down at Salamon.

"You're worthless. You couldn't even outrun a dog," said the boy as he gave the Salamon a swift kick, knocking her back into the alley. Salamon slowly got to her feet and looked over at the boy. "You are a poor excuse for a digimon. I could never be a tamer to a weak digimon like you." With that, the boy started walking away. Salamon tried to hold back tears, but couldn't. She started to cry as the boy walked off, leaving her behind. A month past. Salamon had come to learn to live on the streets, avoiding dogs and finding food wherever she could find it. Then she saw him. The boy who had once been her tamer, walking along the sidewalk with his mom. Salamon followed them as they went into a pet store. She hid behind a trash can as she listened to the boy talk with his mom.

"I want that puppy mom! It looks really cool!" said the boy. Salamon watched as the boy was handed a puppy by the store clerk. As they walked out, she suddenly felt a surge of rage shoot through her system. This boy who had been her tamer was willing to choose an ordinary dog over her. She ran out of the pet store and after the boy. When they were only a block from their home, Salamon leapt out in front of the boy and his mom.

"Hello, Billy," said Salamon, her eyes narrowed. Billy's eyes suddenly widened as he saw his former digimon. Salamon lowered her head and looked him in the eye. "How have you been?"

"J...just fine," said Billy. At this point, his mom had fainted, with the puppy standing over her, sniffing her. "How about you?" Salamon smirked as she walked towards him.

"Fine, no thanks to you!" she cried as she walked around Billy. "I had to learn to live on my own, without anyone else. Do you know how hard it is to live on your own with no one to comfort you, protect you, feed you?" Billy shook his head. "Well...It's awful!" she cried. Billy just took a step back as Salamon walked back to the spot where she had leapt out to.

"You caused me a lot of pain and suffering," said Salamon as she smiled evilly. "Now it's my turn." Suddenly, Salamon was enveloped in yellow light. "Salamon, digivolve to...BlackGatomon!" she cried as she changed into a black cat with long ears, purple gloves on her front paws, and a long striped tail.

"" stuttered Billy.

"Digivolved?" said BlackGatomon, finishing Billy's statement. "Yes. I have had to grow stronger in order to survive this world, and thanks to that, I've become strong enough to digivolve. I just needed the rage that was inside of me that remained from you to help me out." Just then, BlackGatomon leaped forward and slashed Billy across his left leg with her claws, cutting a deep gash in his leg. She landed behind him, Billy crying out in pain as he fell to the ground. "You are a poor excuse for a human. I could never be friends with any of your kind. All humans are monsters!" she shouted as she bounded off.


"That's when I started to hate all humans, and when I digivolved into this form," she said, gesturing to herself.

"That's terrible," said Impmon. "But you know, not all humans are like that." BlackGatomon huffed at Impmon's statement.

"Yeah right. All humans that I've met have tried to hurt me," she said, trying to fight back tears. Impmon moved over next to her and embraced her in a hug.

"It's okay," said Impmon as BlackGatomon cried into his shoulder. "Some humans just don't know how to be good. Others just don't understand us digimon. They think we're some kind of monsters or pets when we're really just like they are."

"I just can't stand it anymore," cried BlackGatomon. "I've been treated like dirt ever since I came to the Real World. Daemon was the first one to treat me with respect." Impmon pulled BlackGatomon to where she was looking up at him.

"I have respect for you. I know how you feel. I used to think humans were nothing but a nuisance. But I was wrong," said Impmon. BlackGatomon shook her head as she looked away from Impmon.

"But how can I be sure you're not lying to me?" asked BlackGatomon.

"How about if I introduce you to Ai and Mako? I'm sure they'll love you. After all, they found a place in their hearts for a little trouble maker like me," said Impmon. BlackGatomon sniffed as she looked up into Impmon's eyes. It was then she felt a feeling she hadn't felt in years. She felt that she could trust this digimon. And there was something else there. She could sense that Impmon cared for her. Suddenly, he feelings of hatred just seemed to melt away. For the first time since she could remember, she felt at peace.

"Okay," said BlackGatomon as she looked down at the bed. "I'll meet your tamers. But first, we have to get out of here." Impmon smiled. Suddenly, BlackGatomon's ears straightened up as she heard something. "Daemon's calling us. What should we do?" Impmon looked down and closed his eyes.

"Well, he'll delete us the second he finds out we're against him. But I've got an idea," he said as he grabbed Ken's digivice off the table and put it under his bandanna. Then the two digimon ran out of the room.


"There. He is complete," said Daemon as he looked at the towering form of Kimeramon, who stood just outside the palace.

Digimon Analyzer (Ken's Voice)

Kimeramon is one of the most powerful digimon in the Digital World. Created from the head of Kabuterimon, the wings of Airdramon and Angemon, the tail of Monochromon, the legs of Garurumon, the arms of Kuwagamon, SkullGreymon, and Devimon, the body of Greymon, and the hair of MetalGreymon, Kimeramon is truly a terrifying sight. His Heat Viper attack can melt his enemies into oblivion.

Kimeramon let out a roar as he looked down at Daemon, Ken, and Wormmon. "Stand down, Kimeramon." Kimeramon lowered himself down next to Daemon.

"This is exactly how it started," said Ken. "He'll obey you for a short time, then he'll turn on you." Daemon looked over at Ken.

"No, he won't. Unlike you, I have the power to control him," said Daemon. Just then, BlackGatomon and Impmon walked out to join them.

"You called, oh Great One?" asked BlackGatomon, bowing deeply to Daemon. She realized that as she did this, it felt completely repulsive.

"Yes. Give me your tail ring," said Daemon. BlackGatomon slipped the black tail ring off her tail and gave it to Daemon. Daemon then held up the ring towards Kimeramon.

"What's he doing?" asked Impmon to BlackGatomon in a whisper.

"I have no clue," she answered. Just then, Daemon started chanting something in a weird language as the ring lifted out of his hand and floated up next to Kimeramon's head. Suddenly, the ring exploded into digital data and flowed into Kimeramon's body. Ken gasped as he saw what was happening.

"You can't!" he cried.

"Oh, but I have already done it," said Daemon as he turned back towards Ken and Wormmon. "Now Kimeramon has the ability to absorb children's pure energy. He may not be able to stop digivolution anymore, but he doesn't need to." As Daemon told him this, Ken saw Impmon show him his digivice from under his bandanna and he gave the slightest of nods.

"So I suppose you're going to send Kimeramon to Japan, aren't you?" said Ken.

"Oh, on the contrary," said Daemon. "I'm sending Kimeramon to America." Ken gasped. This was bad news. Only the Digidestined from his area in Japan knew about this. If Daemon sent Kimeramon to America, then he would take them by surprise. Daemon walked over to a small TV sitting out in the open. Kimeramon walked over next to him as Daemon chanted to the computer. Suddenly, Kimeramon was drawn into the computer and was gone, whisked away to America.

"You'll never get away with this Daemon!" shouted Ken.

"Oh, but I already have," said Daemon, laughing evilly.

"Not quite! Night of Fire!" cried Impmon. Daemon turned around to see Impmon summon a fireball from the ground, the fireball sailing towards him. Daemon held up his hand and blocked the blast.

"I should have known you'd betray me," said Daemon as he hand burned with red fire.

"Lightning Paw!" cried BlackGatomon as she punched Daemon in the back of the head, knocking him forward and off balance. Impmon took this chance to throw Ken's digivice to him. Ken caught it and Wormmon became enveloped in yellow light.

"Wormmon, digivolve to...Stingmon!" cried Wormmon as he grew into a giant humanoid insect.

"You dare to betray me too, BlackGatomon?" asked Daemon as he turned around to face BlackGatomon.

"Yes. I see now that following you is not the way to go. Impmon has shown me the error of my ways," said BlackGatomon.

"You're foolishness will be your downfall," said Daemon as he raised his glowing hand.

"Spiking Strike!" cried Stingmon as he dove at Daemon with his energy blade extended. Daemon dodged to the left, just missing the attack.

"Evil Inferno!" cried Daemon, firing a blast of fire at Stingmon, nailing him in the back.

"Stingmon!" cried Ken as Stingmon crashed into the ground.

"That was easy enough. Now who's next?" asked Daemon as he turned back towards the other two digimon.

"I'm next!" cried Impmon as his body became engulfed in white light. When the light died down, Beelzemon stood in Impmon's place, a huge blaster attached to his right arm and a pair of purple wings on his back. "Now this is a fair fight."

"Impressive. But you are still no match for me. Evil Inferno!" cried Daemon, firing a blast of fire at Beelzemon.

"You think that scares me? Corona Blaster!" cried Beelzemon, firing his arm blaster. Both attacks met dead center of the two, stopping each other. Meanwhile, BlackGatomon and Ken was helping Stingmon to his feet.

"Are you all right Stingmon?" asked Ken.

"A little shaken, but okay," said Stingmon as he flew forward. He extended his energy blade again, aiming for Daemon's back. "Spiking Strike!" he cried, slamming the blade into Daemon's back. But the blade bounced off harmlessly as Daemon turned around and grabbed Stingmon by the arm and tossed him over his shoulder at Beelzemon.

"Some days it just don't pay to get out of bed," sighed Beelzemon just as Stingmon slammed into him, knocking both of the digimon to the ground. Daemon laughed as he walked up to the fallen digimon. He then whipped around and grabbed BlackGatomon as she tried to deliver a kick to his back side, and then threw her into the other two digimon.

"You are all fools. Can't you see that I've won? There is no way you will ever stop me!" laughed Daemon as he held his hands above his head, a giant ball of fire growing in between them.

"That's what you think!" cried a voice behind Daemon. Daemon turned around only to be hit with a Pyro Blaster attack, sending him flying over the downed digimon and slamming to the ground behind them. Beelzemon grabbed BlackGatomon and took to the air, Stingmon right behind him. They looked down to see all their friends, their digimon standing by in their Champion forms.

"Looks like Daemon's become pretty unpopular with the locals," said Beelzemon as they returned to their friends.

"Back off Beelzemon!" said Growlmon, stepping in the way of Beelzemon and BlackGatomon.

"Hey! I'm on your side pineapple head!" cried Beelzemon.

"He's right," said Stingmon. "He and BlackGatomon stood up to Daemon alone to protect us."

"And that choice will lead to their demise, as well as yours," said Daemon as he stood back up. An aura of fire wrapped around his body as he rose into the air.

"Not as long as we're around!" said Takato.

"That goes for us too!" said Davis and Tai together.

"Digi Modify!" cried Henry, Rika, and Takato together, swiping a blue card through their digivices. "Matrix Digivolution activate!"

"Gargomon, Matrix Digivolve to...Rapidmon!" cried Gargomon as his body morphed into Rapidmon.

"Kyubimon, Matrix Digivolve to...Taomon!" cried Kyubimon as her body morphed into Taomon.

"Growlmon, Matrix Digivolve to...WarGrowlmon!" cried Growlmon as his body morphed into WarGrowlmon.

"This time you're going down, Daemon!" cried Davis.

"That's for sure!" said Ken. Both of their digivices flashed a combination of a green and blue color, sending out two beams of light that connected and created a ring of data in the air.

"ExVeemon...!" cried ExVeemon as he flew towards the ring.
"Stingmon...!" cried Stingmon, joining ExVeemon.

"DNA Digivolve to...!" they cried together as they entered the ring, their bodies combining into a half dragon, half insect body. "Paildramon!"

"Let's get to it!" said Yolie.

"You go girl!" said Kari. Both of their digivices flashed a combination of a red and white color, sending out two beams of light that connected and created a ring of data in the air.

"Aquilamon...!" cried Aquilamon, flying towards the ring.

"Gatomon...!" cried Gatomon as she floated up towards the ring.

"DNA Digivolve to...!" they cried together as they entered the ring, their bodies combining into a humanoid half bird, half cat body. "Silphymon!"

"Our turn," said TK.

"You bet!" said Cody. Both of their digivices flashed a combination of a yellow and gold color, sending out two beams of light that connected and created a ring of data in the air.

"Ankylomon...!" cried Ankylomon as he floated up towards the ring.

"Angemon...!" cried Angemon as he flew up towards the ring after Ankylomon.

"DNA Digivolve to...!" they cried together, their bodies combining into a statue like digimon. "Shakkoumon!"

"Let's get him guys!" cried Paildramon as all the digimon leapt towards Daemon.

"Fools!" cried Daemon as his fire aura expanded, slamming into all the digimon, knocking them back to the ground. "I am more powerful than you can imagine!"

"You always say that!" said Paildramon as he aimed his cannons at Daemon. "Desperado Blaster!" he cried, firing several rounds of energy from his cannons. Silphymon swirled his hands around as red energy gathered in his hands.

"Static Force!" he cried, tossing the ball of energy at Daemon.

"Kachina Bomb!" cried Shakkoumon, launching several small bombs from a compartment on his stomach. All three attacks slammed into Daemon, knocking him back a couple of feet.

"Atomic Blaster!" cried WarGrowlmon, firing twin beams of red energy from his chest cannons.

"Talisman of Light!" cried Taomon, drawing a symbol with her large paintbrush, sending a ray of light from the symbol.

"Tri Beam!" cried Rapidmon, forming a triangle with his legs and arms, a triangle of green energy firing from his body. All three attacks nailed Daemon, knocking him to the ground.

"Nova Blast!" cried Greymon, breathing a giant fireball.

"Howling Blaster!" cried Garurumon, breathing a blast of blue sonic energy.

"Meteor Wing!" cried Birdramon, releasing several fireballs from her wings.

"Elector Shocker!" cried Kabuterimon, launching a ball of purple electricity from his hands.

"Harpoon Torpedo!" cried Ikkakumon, launching three missiles from his head. All five attacks engulfed Daemon, causing an explosion that kicked up a huge cloud of smoke.

"I think that got him," said Takato. Suddenly, the whole cloud of smoke turned red, bursting into flames. Daemon rose from the flames, laughing evilly.

"Is that all you've got?" asked Daemon, floating above the ground.

"No way! Paildramon, show him what you're made of!" cried Davis. A blue light burst forth from the sky and wrapped itself around Paildramon's body.

"Paildramon, Mega Digivolve to...!" cried Paildramon as the light morphed his body into that of a giant dragon with red wings and black armor on his body, along with a giant cannon on his back. "Imperialdramon!"

"Face it Daemon. You can't beat all of us," said Ken as the thirteen digimon formed up in front of the kids.

"I'm not going to try," said Daemon, laughing. "See you in America!" With that, he dove towards the TV, the Digi Port opening up as he flew through it. Suddenly, a fireball flew out of the screen and slammed into the TV, destroying it.

"Why'd he go to America?" asked Joe.

"Because that's where Kimeramon is," said Ken, looking down at the ground.

"So he was able to bring him back," said Tai.

"Yes. It's my fault. I could have prevented this," said Ken. BlackGatomon leaped up onto Ken's shoulder.

"No, it's my fault. I never should have helped him," she said.

"So what do we do now?" asked Cody.

"First we need to get back to the Real World, then Imperialdramon can take us to America," said Davis.

"Good idea," said Imperialdramon as the other digimon changed back into their regular forms. A beam of light then shot down from Imperialdramon's back, wrapping around the kids and digimon and pulled them onto his back. "Hang on everyone. We're heading back at supersonic speed!" With that, Imperialdramon flapped his wings and flew off towards the Wall of Fire to re-enter the Digital World and find the nearest Digi Port. As Imperialdramon flew off, Impmon walked over to BlackGatomon, who was sitting a good distance away from the others.

"Are you okay?" asked Impmon. BlackGatomon stood up and nodded.

"Yeah. It's just I'm not used to being around humans yet. I'll get better with it in time," she said.

"Don't you worry. Their couldn't be a nicer bunch of humans if you searched the entire dimensional plane," said Impmon. BlackGatomon smiled and looked over at the kids and their digimon. She sighed as a new thought came to her head. For the first time she could remember, she had friends. Friends that would be by her side through thick and thin. And with this feeling, she knew that she would never be alone again.

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