Review for My Chemical Childhood #2 - Pottytime Vampires

My Chemical Childhood #2 - Pottytime Vampires

(#) madzMCRMY 2009-05-16

There was a crash. Ray shrieked as a bin of baby powder overturned itself onto Ray's head.

Bob had pinned Mikey down. Mikey was screeching, frantically trying to push Bob away, still desperately trying to avoid an unpleasant gum bite. Frankie was squatting in a corner, relieving himself.

ahahahah, this made me laugh so hard. :D
you're an awesome writer.

Author's response

i know RIGHT!!! the part where i have the bin of baby powder tun over onto ray's head cracks me up everytime!!! and i usually NEVER laugh at my own stories!!!

i'm SO glad you're enjoying reading my work! i'm wanting to do some stuff that most MCR fans would never dream of. i read a lot of parenting lit, so that's where i get my ideas for the My Chemical Childhood stories.

you know what else is funny about me writing these stories?

when some of my fans (god bless them)i love the reaction i get when i tell them i'm a black guy.

the're always like, "no way! you're BLACK? and you're a GUY?"

and i'm like, "yeah." then i start laughing.

then i also throw in that i'm a pastor.

i love it when their jaws drop.

"no fucking way!" one girl said.

"yes fucking way." i said.

then i mentioned i wsa 22 years old.

i love it.

i love you guys.

madzMCRMy, you're so cool because you actually took the time to review my story. thanks for telling me i'm an awesome. i feel like i could do better, but you're encouraging me.

seriously. YOU, madzMCRMY, are encouraging me.

whee! i'm glad you enjoyed it! check out my peview for "meanguys".

it'll rock your MCR socks off.

i love you! you rule!

~mr gayestgoth.