Review for Roll Up, Roll Up. Auditions.

Roll Up, Roll Up. Auditions.

(#) bloodbunny15 2012-01-11

Name: Ross crozier

Gender: male

Age: 16

Talent: drums and draws


Hair: short spikey black hair

Skin: pale(ish)

Eyes: blue

Clothes you wear normally: black skiny jeans, band tees and vans

Clothes you would wear for a night out or for a special performance: same thing

Any tattoos/piercings: lip ring

Anything else for looks: nope

How did you get a place at the camp: (pay for it easily because you have money, had to work hard for it, free scholarship type thing ect)free scholarship

Do you like the camp? Why? it's alright because of the experiences but most of the people are asreholes

Are you shy or outgoing? outgoing

How confident are you in your talent? not very confident in drawing but very confident in drums

Part: band mate

what part do you play in the band? drummer

Any bad habits or quirks? smokes, doodles on everything

Saying/phrase you use often "look at all the fucks i give"

Some random, interesting facts about you: bit physco, obsessed with black veil brides, hates pizza

Likes: ipod, black veil brides, drumming and comics (BATMAN!!!!!)

Dislikes: hypocrites, authority, people who overeact for attention

Music taste: screamo, rock, alt-rock

Fears: death

Anything else I need to know? nope

i have a band name suggestion as well how about outcast's revenge or the vengence (what do you think?)