Review for Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

(#) bloodbunny15 2012-05-27

Name: Andi David Iero

Clothes you generally wear(include shoes): band merch (BVB, FIR, WCAR, ADTR, AA, ETF, A7X and BOTDF), skinnies, vans or converses and studded belts

Clothes you wear for a special occasion: band shirt, suit jacket, black skinnies and black and red vans

Hairstyle: (chose from one of Frank`s previous hairstyles please) black and red mohawk

Any piercings or tattoos: black lip ring and a tattoo that says "fallen angels" on his left wrist and on his right it says "foREVer"

Any make up: eyeliner only

Anything else to do with looks: a massive scar on his left leg after a suicide attempt

Likes: music, drawing, singing, palying drums, having fun, cigerettes and batman

Dislikes: assholes, homophobes, authority and school

Music you like: BVB, FIR, WCAR, ADTR, AA, ETF, A7X and BOTDF

Music you dislike: anything pop, rap or classical

What are you studying at university for? music and art

Hopes for the future: being in a world famous rock band

Personality: rebelious, determined, creative, witty, random, intelligent, sarcastic, can come up with a good comeback and argumentative (sp?)

Thoughts on frank`s sluttish behaviour: annoying but frank himself is annoying

Briefly describe your relationship with Frank: horrible can't stand him, he's a twat

You have a massive crush on a girl that is a lesbian, do you know that she is gay or not? If you do, why don`t you move on to someone else?
How long have you liked her for and what first attracted you to her?
How do you react when you find out Frank has pretended to be you in order to get into Gerard`s pants? doesn't know she's gay, no-one else is really his type, liked her for about 1 and a half and attracted to her by her humour and music taste, very very pissed

Anything else: nope

hope you like it :)