Review for Ladies and Gentlemen: Auditions!

Ladies and Gentlemen: Auditions!

(#) bloodbunny15 2012-06-23

Part: new student

Appearance: short blue choppy hair, ice blue eyes, 5'6, skinny-ish, plae-ish complexion and a black lip ring

Personality: shy at first but very rebelious, outgoing, creative, loyal, sarcastic, witty, intelligent, nerdy, random and weird

Style of Clothing (Use Polyvore if you can): band merch (BVB, AA, MDE, WCAR, FIR, ADTR, WTK, BOTDF and BVB), skinnies, vans or converses and studded belts

Age: 16

How your character found out they were gay/bisexual/lesbian: he developed a crush for the most popular guy at school

Who applied them to the school: his strict catholic parents

hope you like it :)