Part: any even the singer who's a bitch
Name: Gloria "Glory" Rose Evans
Age (I'd like the characters to be around 16 or 17, please.): 17
Appearance is split for detail.
Hair color and style: short, black choppy with purple tips
Eyes: hazel
Weight/Height: 5'5 and skinny-ish
Clothes: skinny jeans, studded belts, band t-shirts (bands such as BVB, FIR, BOTDF, CTC, WCAR and ADTR), vans or converses and a leather jacket
Tattoos/piercings: a black lip ring
Anything else regarding appearance: nope
Personality: can be a bitch due to her being rebelious, loud mouthed and having a "i don't give a fuck" attitude but she's creative, witty, intelligent, loyal to friends and a bit bitchy
How do you feel about the song?: kinda cute but too sappy
Any ideas for band names (I need a ton of them for the story.)?: Death To The Fate, Killer Killer, Damnation and Serenade Of Suicide
Any other info: nope
hope you like it :)