Review for Confrontation


(#) storyless 2006-06-03

(This is muggy_mountain from LJ)

Wow. I really like this little scene. Poor Rikku. I like that you describe her as strong, because I really think she is, in more ways than one.

Mentally, she's total steel. She decides to become Yuna's guardian despite strong feelings against it and stays faithful until the end, even after facing doubt, prejudice and watching her home be destroyed.

Physically, she's certainly the strongest girl by default in the party, despite how many describe her as "weak", she's actually a better fighter than Tidus initially.

Too often people write her as weak, and I like that you make her strong. Especially the line "If Rikku had been this angry all the time, perhaps she would be strong enough to defeat Sin all by herself easily.".

Very nice.

Small nitpickles (Hah, "Nitpickles" was a typo, but I think I like it!)

“Auron could not denied” probably should be “Auron could not deny”

“Auron did not answered” probably should be “Auron did not answer”

“arm before she decided to” probably should be “arm before she decides to”

Author's response

Thank you^^

Well, Rikku should be pretty well trained in my opinion, if not Cid can't possibly allowed her to run arond Spira with her brother doing dangerous things at her age.

I believe she is the type of girl who would do anything to keep her friends happy, I'm assuming Auron/Lulu is canon, and Rikku found out that they would have no happily-ever-after.