Categories > Original > Drama > Gemini Software Inc, Series 1

Episode 1 - The New Guys

by sammywrae 0 reviews

GSI gets two new staff members.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-06-20 - Updated: 2008-06-20 - 4479 words

{Disclaimer : This is a work of pure fiction. The initial setup is based on a real life situation, however - as someone once said - the moment you start writing it is always fiction (1). This should not be construed as my views on the people involved, and the situations that develop are purely developed for the purpose of telling a story, rather than because they reflect reality}
{As the opening credits play the camera swoops over Crown Way in wide swooshy loops. In a somewhat misguided attempt to make the location look sexier than it is the camera does lots of flashy loops and swooshy moves, eventually settling in a "landing" type motion in front of the front door to Unit 3-2 . In big bold black letters the words}

"Gemini Software Inc"

{then, in slightly smaller letters}


{the names come up but the bits in brackets don't. They are only for reference in the script since it was quicker than typing all the names out all the time}

"Leo Burrows (LB)"
"David Bonnie (DB)"
"Peter Chase (PC)"
"Bradley Pursglove (BP)"
"Amy Garner (AG)"
"Michael Garner (MG)"
"Jack Harris (JH)"
"Gary Jones (GJ)"
"Tony McLellan (TM)"
"Daniel McCormack (DM)"
"Charles Sales (CS)"
"Frank Smithson (FS)"
"Jessica Summers (JS)"
"Tony Summers (TS)"
"John Taylor (JT)"
"Steven Tomlinson (ST)"
"Ian Weston (IW)"
"Nigel Wheeler (NW)"
"Tony Williams (TW)"


"Eloise Jensen (EJ)"

{behind each credit comes a picture of the character from one of the episodes in the series. I will leave the pictures to your imaginations for now. After the last credit is done the screen fades to black for a second and the words}

"Episode 1 - The New Guys"

{appear. Then the episode starts and the "guest credits" appear as the show begins. Think Buffy/Andromeda for what I mean. Also - the brackets thing applies again}

"Guest Staring : Andrew Jenkins (AJ), Philip Chambers (PHC)"

{As the "credits music" continues the camera floats round the office showing various members of staff sat at various seats. This will only happen in this episode since its kind of important that the viewers get used to where the staff are. However I am not going to bore you with it in the script because it looks a lot better than it reads. Just deal with it! The camera finally comes to rest next to a desk in the far right of the room, occupied by LB. He is sat with his headphones on typing away on his computer. As the music fades he takes off his headphones and turns to the main office}

LB : So - does anyone know when our new development manager is arriving?

TM : According to Bradley he should be here today.

PC : Does anyone know anything about him?

GJ : Brad has been pretty closed mouth about all this, but from what I can gather he has about four years experience in running a department.

DB : Four years? Cool. At least he should be able to deal with all of us. I think that was Bill's biggest failing.

LB : Yeah. I mean I miss him a little - he was kind of fun - but he had no management skills at all.

NW : So how did he get the job?

PC : After the mess his predecessor made of the first release they sacked him and Bill was the only other choice.

LB : It was obvious he would be no good at it, but the only other long time developer quit in sympathy with Harry so Bill was the only one left. Aside from me and Peter of course, but we had only started a week earlier so we were not on the short list, so to speak.

IW : Hold on - if he was that bad how come it took them two and half years to sack him?

PC : There was no one to take his place. You have seen how fast the staff come and go here - there was no one with enough seniority or ability to do his job.

LB : Well - to do it better than him anyway

PC : And the development team was pretty small before now. In the past five months it has doubled in size and with the Val-Net thing starting Brad and Steven must have realised they needed a proper DM.

GJ : I guess the VCS (2)problems didn't help either.

BP : {entering} Could I have your attention for a moment guys? {waits for everyone to quieten down} As most of you will know our new development manager starts today. His name is Andrew Jenkins and he should be here in about half an hour. Also another developer named Philip Chambers starts today to work on the application development team.

LB : Is Andrew going to be making changes at all?

BP : That will be up to him. With Philip coming in it might be a good time to sort out the department and make sure everyone is working to their full potential. But for the first few days Andrew will be just getting used to the way we do things here before he starts jumping in with both feet. Anyway - after they are done with their induction I have set up a short meeting so you can all be introduced to each other. It might run past mid-day so your lunches might be a bit delayed. {He turns and leaves}

DB : So - I guess the pub is delayed until 1pm then?

{The scene fades out, then comes back up in the conference room. BP is talking to AJ and PHC}

BP : So that's pretty much everything. Andrew - is it Andrew or Andy?

AJ : Andrew

BP : Andrew - I have arranged a meeting with Steven Tomlinson this afternoon. He has general responsibility for the development part of the business and will take you through the whole of the Valhalla suite so you can get a better idea of what we do here.

AJ : Cool

BP : Okay. If you two could wait in here for a moment I will bring the rest of the development team in and make the various introductions. {Stands up and leaves}

AJ : So - Philip

PHC : Phil

AJ : Phil. How did you hear about this job?

PHC : A friend of mine pointed it out. He thought it would be a good way to get a start in the programming world.

AJ : You haven't worked in programming before?

PHC : Not so much. I have been dabbling for a while - a few shareware things here and there but this is my first real development job.

AJ : No experience then?

PHC : No commercial experience, but I know a fair amount already.

AJ : Cool. {Looks out in to reception} So - what do you think of the place so far?

PHC : Seems nice enough. Its cleaner than some places I have worked in. And no one has thrown up on me yet so....(3) {Sees AJ looking at him with a questioning expression on his face} Its a long story and not one you want to hear this close to lunch time. But - it seems a nice enough place.

AJ : Yeah.... {breaks off as the staff start to file in}

BP : Ok. {He goes round the circle introducing each member of staff, then turns back to AJ} Andrew - perhaps you would like to say a few words? {AJ looks a little surprised then stands up}

AJ : Okay - hi everyone. My name is Andrew Jenkins. Before I came here I was working for Aquilae Computing for about six years, the first two as a developer then moving up to project manager. Most of my work has been in Delphi 3 so the situation here will be a step up - so to speak - so I might need a little help to start off with. But - having said that - please feel free to approach me with questions or problems you might have and I will do my best to help you out. {Sits}

BP : Thank you Andrew. Now - I guess its lunch time so you can all go. Andrew - the meeting with Steven is set for 2:30pm if that's alright?

AJ : That should be fine.

{As they all start to file out the screen fades to black and the words "end of part one" come up on the screen}

{Commercial Break}

{Since this is the first episode I won't inflict any evil adverts on you this time. But this is a one time only offer, so beware!}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The words "Part Two" come up on the screen, then the picture comes in. Most of the developers are at lunch in a local pub. AJ and PHC are not amongst them}

NW : So - what do you think?

LB : About our new DM? Seems nice enough. And he appears to know his stuff so I guess he is one up on Bill before he's even started.

PC : What do you think his style will be?

TM : Style?

PC : Yeah - how he will manage us. Do you think he is a rod of iron guy or a do what we want guy?

IW : I don't really want to think about his rod, if that's okay with you

PC : You know what I mean.

DB : I think that whatever his style is we are not going to figure it out for a month or so. He doesn't know enough about the company or Valhalla to start yet. I guess that means you {looking at TW} and Leo are going to be his first port of call for the next couple of weeks.

TW : I guess so. Although if he doesn't have any experience in the web side of things he might leave me alone for a little while.

LB : So that leaves most of it on me I guess. Thanks. What about Phil?

DM : What about him?

LB : Just curious. A new development manager is all well and good, but bringing a new developer in to the department is a big change. What's he going to be doing? Are we all going to be switched around on the modules? {realises everyone is staring at him} Is there the slightest chance I have given this way too much thought?

GJ : Yeah. I think he will fit in just fine. We are short staffed anyway so I figure the more the better.

DB : So - who's up for another half?

PC : {looks at his watch} You don't think we should be getting back? I mean with Andrew and all I think that Brad is going to be expecting us to be back at our desks earlier than normal. {Looks around, and sees everyone realising the same thing. As they all get up the scene fades}

{The scene returns with everyone back at work. PHC is setting up his desk (next to PC) and BP is showing AJ around the office}

BP : /{talking as the scene fades back in}/... which is why we moved. We have only been here for about two months so somethings are still in a bit of a mess at the moment. If you have any problems talk to Daniel or Leo - they are in general charge of the hardware side of things.

AJ : That's good to know

BP : As for the rest - you will pick it up as you go along. Any stationary things should go through Jessica or Amy and any large expenses have to be cleared with Steven, Michael or me. Do you have any questions?

AJ : Not for the moment. I think you have covered everything pretty well.

BP : Then I think all that's left is for us to go talk to Steven then you can get in to doing the work thing.

{They leave. The scene moves in to the kitchen}

NW : Guys - do you think we should take them out for a drink tonight?

IW : I suppose. We could tell them about the rest of the company - you know the things Brad and Steven won't tell them.

PC : Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean what if Andrew decides he is above it all? He could turn in to a direct line to the management and we could be talking to them instead of him.

LB : He doesn't seem the type.

PC : Still...

DM : I think that we should try to start out on the right foot, even if he turns out to be one of them. Besides if we invite Phil and not him then it will look kind of obvious.

LB : He's right.

PC : There's a shock.

LB : So - Nigel - you want to do the honours?

NW : Me? Aren't you the senior developer?

LB : It was your idea

NW : Fair enough. {Leaves the kitchen. The others follow and return to their desks}

LB : {thought vo} Why do I keep doing that? I have been here a while. I am virtually in charge of the application team, even if they won't acknowledge it with any kind of salary rise, yet I still get ansty talking to new people. Maybe Eloise is right - I should learn to seize the day.

NW : {returning} Ok - we are all going to the Knights Arms tonight after work. Well - I haven't asked Andrew yet but he is still in talking to Steven, but when he comes out I will see what he says

LB : Cool. Do you want to send a mail out so everyone will know?

NW : Sure. Is it just us or everyone?

LB : Everyone I guess. The more the merrier.

PC : Although if Steven or the others come then its going to make it harder to dish the dirt

LB : I am sure we will survive.

{The scene fades again, then comes up in the Director's office with BP, AJ and ST}

ST : So that's the situation. After Bill was fired no one has really been in charge of the development team - although Leo has been doing a more or less good job as caretaker. But we need you to make sure that they are all doing their best and working to their full potential.

AJ : By which you mean....

BP : If you think changes have to be made, then make them. You can move people on to new areas and so on. And - if you think its necessary - you can recommend that we lose some staff and hire more.

AJ : Ok. Thank you for your honesty in all this. Its good to know where I stand.

ST : Oh - another person is starting in a weeks time. I guess I should have mentioned that earlier, but it slipped by mind {Looks at a piece of paper on his desk} Robert Taylor. He has a little experience and should fit right in.

BP : I think that's about it. Do you have any more questions?

AJ : I don't think so, although if I do think of any I will get back to you.

ST : Then welcome to Gemini Software - I hope you will enjoy your time with us

{The scene fades to black as they shake hands and the words "End Of Part Two" come up}

{Commercial Break}

{No adverts, but one trailer}

{"Next week on Gemini Software Inc :- The arrival of a new developer causes some problems in the office, but not half has as many as a broken door key. Remember to tune in for "Episode 2 - Blast From The Past" same time next week"}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The words "Part Three" appear, then the scene fades up in the conference room. AJ is talking to TW and LB}

AJ : So here's the thing - Steven and Bradley have given me an overview of Valhalla, but I just wanted to hear from you two a more in depth description and what - if any - problems there are.

LB : Ok. Valhalla is basically a set of modules. Each module has a function - diary management, file management and so on. They can all be used on their own or they can be integrated to run together.

TW : About half the developers are on the application side - which Leo will tell you more about in a moment. The rest are on the Val-Net side. This is a new project to get Valhalla in to a web based system for ease of use and also to make it cross platform.

AJ : That was why you were hired I take it?

TW : Yes. I was hired about three months ago to start the design phase and since then the other staff have gradually been moved across on to the team and we are just starting the development phase now.

AJ : How's it going?

TW : Pretty well, but we really are in the early phases so I wouldn't read too much in to that.

AJ : Fair enough. Leo - you were going to tell me the application side?

LB : Yeah. Before he left us Bill moved each of us on to a specific module. He felt that rather than all of us doing everything it would be better if we specialized in a section.

AJ : How's that working out?

LB : Pretty well actually. I think the biggest bonus is that we are not constantly getting swapped from one module to another so we are getting to know the part we are working on inside out. When support calls come in it does make it a lot easier to deal with.

AJ : What if someone is off?

LB : Sorry?

AJ : Well - say you are doing the...

LB : Project Management and Admin modules

AJ : Those modules. What if someone phones up with a problem about them?

LB : It gets put on my list. I know - its not the perfect solution but before this one Bill tried another attempt where we were each assigned a specific problem and we had to solve it regardless of what module it was on.

AJ : And why was that scrapped?

LB : It became almost imossible to get any development work done because - say - if there was a problem on the admin module then whoever had to deal with it stopped working on their module to fix it, and they had to come talk to me about it so I kept getting interupted. Maybe if we had had longer to try that system it might have worked out better - we would all have become more familiar with all of the systems - but Bill scrapped it before that could happen and we moved on to the current one. Which is working pretty well as I said.

AJ : Ok. Good to know. Do have a list of who's doing what?

LB : Yeah... hold on... Here.

AJ : Thanks. {Looks through the list} You are on two?

LB : Since Bill's departure. I took over Project Management when he left

AJ : Of the two which is the easier?

LB : I would say Project Management. The Admin side is small but it also covers all of the integration code which is a total bugger sometimes

AJ : So if Phil took over the Project stuff...

LB : That would be very nice

AJ : Ok. Is there any reason the others are on the modules they are on?

LB : Some of them yeah. Daniel also manages the network side of things, so he has less free time. The Cor Man stuff while not exactly easy is not the hardest of the modules. Same with Peter - he does not spend a lot of time in the office so the File Man stuff is the best thing for him.

AJ : Yet you - according to Steven - have a lot of other duties and you get the most complicated part of the system.

LB : I know. Ain't life great? {smiles}

AJ : Ok. Tony - how does your team work with Val-Net?

TW : More or less the same way, although each developer has two modules.

AJ : And the interaction with the application team?

TW : Pretty constant. Even though its a new interface its helpful to know the code behind it and any pitfalls or problems that might occurr.

AJ : Sounds good. Do either of you have any questions?

LB : I have one... Aside from Phil do you plan to make any other changes?

AJ : Not just yet. I thought I would see how things are going and if everyone seems happy on their modules I figured I would leave it as it is. One thing - I think I will want to talk to each of them about their little bits in the next few weeks. Even though I am mostly here in an administrative capacity its always good to know how everything works so I can fill in as I am needed.

TW : That kind of answers my question. I was wondering if you were going to program much or...

AJ : Not at first. With the somewhat rapid departure of my predeccesor my first job is to get the department back to some reasonable state - following guidelines and so on. Then as it all falls in to place I might get back in to programming again. Or at least I hope I will cause you can only do so much administration in a day before you want to do some real work. Any other questions?

TW : No.

LB : No. Except are you coming to the pub tonight?

AJ : I wish I could but I have a prior engagement. Sorry.

{The scene fades then comes back up. The staff are in the pub. Present are JH/JT/TS/AG/TW/GJ/PC/DM/DB/IW/NW/LB/PCH/TM}

JT : So - Phil - what do you think of the place so far?

PHC : Its different from my last job, but so far its much like I thought it would be

TW : How's that?

PHC : I haven't got a lot done on my first day, which is kind of what I expected. I guess I will get used to the rest as it comes.

DM : You'll have it down in no time. Me and Dave started at about the same time and for the first few weeks it was kind of chaotic. Then things settled down and it feels like we have been here forever now, doesn't it?

DB : Oh yes.

IW : Oh come on - its not that bad.

DB : I guess. Anyway - Phil - how did you get in to programming?

PHC : Mostly as a change. I have been doing odd jobs over the past few years and realised that I was not going anywhere - just drifting from one company to another. Then I got a place on a short training course for a data entry job. The instructor realised that I... well this will sound kind of conceited but she realised I Had a gift for solving problems and so she moved me to a short trainging course for programmers. I came out top of the class and applied for this job.

PC : So no formal qualifications or the like? Just this course?

PHC : I guess. Its never occurred to me before.

LB : Well - you are joining the select few at Gemini then. Most of the staff came through university but a few of us - including me - mostly taught ourselves and are doing just as well as the rest.

PHC : You didn't go to Uni?

LB : I did go, but it was the whole passing thing that kind of threw me. Anyway... I am sorry but I have to go.

GJ : You seem to be leaving early a lot recently. Is there anything going on we should know about?

LB : Ok - you got me. I am really a spy for the Russians who hope to bring down western civilization by stealing their office management software.

GJ : Really? Me too.

LB : Well - it just goes to show. Seriously - no. I just have things to do tonight and rather than be doing them at midnight I figured I would get home at a sensible time. See y'all tomorrow

{various good nights follow him out the door, then the scene fades again and comes back up with LB sat infront of a computer. Its not the one at work - its in his study at his home}

{everything that follows here is being typed on or read from the computer. Any exceptions to this will be noted (4)}

LB : So that my exciting day. I am not sure about Andrew - he could go either way at the moment. But from what Phil said I think he will be fun to work with

EJ : Sounds fun. I can't believe Malfoy (5) is still going on about your qualifications.

LB : I know - I think he is a bit pissed off that I got promoted before him, so he uses every chance he has to get back at me

EJ : *grin* Still - you don't let it ruffle you, do you?

LB : Of course not - I am unruffleable. Or something like that anyway.... So - how was your day?

EJ : It bit. Due to our less than stella performance last week we had another fire drill today. Was it raining where you were?

LB : Not so much.

EJ : Well it was pissing it down up here. I swear our DM was meant to be a drill instructor but got in the wrong line at birth. Ach - for a new job!

LB : Something'll come up soon I guess. And hopefully there will be a place for me there too *grin*

EJ : You never know. Hold on... the phone is ringing. I have to go. Take care. E.

LB : You too. {shuts down the chat program - everything is now thought vo} Poor El. Still - I guess having a crappy job is better than no job at all. Otherwise why would I stay where I am? {looks back at the screen} Midnight? Its later than I thought. Guess its time for bed. {Turns off the monitor and then leaves the room}

{The screen fades to black and the words "Executive Producer - Sammy Wrae" come up on the screen. Then the closing credits role, detailing the people who made this possible. But you can live without knowing their names for now, can't you?}

{This is a shooting script for GSI/E1. As such there might be changes in the final broadcast not included here}


Episode Notes

1) "the moment you start writing it is always fiction" From a film called "Storytelling"

2) VCS Version Control System. Used to manage development of software

3) "And no one has thrown up on me yet" True story :}

4) Typing/Talking This happens a lot throughout both series

5) Malfoy Leo's nickname for Peter Chase
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