Categories > Original > Drama > Gemini Software Inc, Series 1

Episode 2 - Blast From The Past

by sammywrae 0 reviews

The last of the new staff arrives at Gemini, only to find a situation he never expected.....

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2008-06-23 - Updated: 2008-06-23 - 3555 words

{Disclaimer : This is a work of pure fiction. The initial setup is based on a real life situation, however - as someone once said - the moment you start writing it is always fiction. This should not be construed as my views on the people involved, and the situations that develop are purely developed for the purpose of telling a story, rather than because they reflect reality}
{As the opening credits play the camera swoops over Crown Way in wide swooshy loops. In a somewhat misguided attempt to make the location look sexier than it is the camera does lots of flashy loops and swooshy moves, eventually settling in a "landing" type motion infront of the front door to Unit 3-2 . In big bold black letters the words}

"Gemini Software Inc"

{then, in slightly smaller letters}


{the names come up but the bits in brackets don't. They are only for reference in the script since it was quicker than typing all the names out all the time}

"Leo Burrows (LB)"
"David Bonnie (DB)"
"Philip Chambers (PHC)"
"Peter Chase (PC)"
"Bradley Pursglove (BP)"
"Amy Garner (AG)"
"Michael Garner (MG)"
"Jack Harris (JH)"
"Andrew Jenkins (AJ)"
"Gary Jones (GJ)"
"Tony McLellan (TM)"
"Daniel McCormack (DM)"
"Charles Sales (CS)"
"Frank Smithson (FS)"
"Jessica Summers (JS)"
"Tony Summers (TS)"
"John Taylor (JT)"
"Steven Tomlinson (ST)"
"Ian Weston (IW)"
"Nigel Wheeler (NW)"
"Tony Williams (TW)"


"Eloise Jensen (EJ)"

{behind each credit comes a picture of the character from one of the episodes in the series. I will leave the pictures to your imaginations for now. After the last credit is done the screen fades to black for a second and the words}

"Episode 2 - Blast From The Past"

{appear. Then the episode starts and the "guest credits" appear as the show begins. Think Buffy/Andromeda for what I mean. Also - the brackets thing applies again}

"Guest Staring : Robert Taylor (RT), Kirsten Harris (KH), Allyson Harris (AH), Michelle Harris (MH)"

{The picture fades in on a car driving down the motorway. A clock in the corner of the screen shows "9:00am" and the driver looks kind of flustered}

RT : Damn it

{The picture fades, then comes back up still showing the driver looking way more flustered. The clock now reads "9:25am"}

RT : Damn it!

{The picture fades then comes back up, but this time at the offices of Gemini Software. JS is looking out of the window, then at her watch. BP comes up behind her}

BP : I take it he is not here yet?

JS : Not as such no. And no phone call either

BP : This is not the best start for his new job is it? What could be keeping him?

{As they finish talking a car pulls up outside the window. The driver we saw before gets out looking increadibly angry and annoyed}

JS : I take it thats him?

BP : Yes. When he comes in send him to me.

JS : Okay.

{Cut to outside where RT is walking towards the office. As he walks he pulls on his tie and jacket, then looks at his watch}

RT : Well this is going to be the perfect start to the job. But on the bright side I could be home in time for lunch

{He enters the offices and turns to the reception desk}

RT : Good morning. My name is...

JS : Robert Taylor. My name is Jessica. If you would like to come with me Mr Pursglove would like to see you.

RT : Is that a good thing?

JS : Well - you were expected here about an hour ago so Bradley is a little annoyed with you. However he will explain that further in your induction.

RT : Great.

{She takes him down to BP's desk}

JS : Brad - this is Robert Taylor

BP : Robert. Its nice to finally meet you

RT : Here's the thing - when I came for interview I came up the M61 and on to the M6. But almost all of the M61 is shut for roadworks so I had to come a different way. And well.... well I got lost. I am so sorry and if I could go back and start this day again I would but the whole time machine project is not going to be ready until next Thursday so maybe then I can fix all this but until then I would just like to apologise again. {Realises BP and JS, and LB and TM are staring at him} Did I mention I tend to babble when I get nervous?

BP : No, but thanks for the tip. If you would like to follow me. {BP and RT go off to the conference room while JS returns to her desk. LB turns to TM who is still looking somewhat surprised}

LB : I kind of like him already.

{The scene switches to the conference room where BP is giving RT the same talk he gave AJ and PHC the previous week}

BP : So that's basically it. You will be working on the application side of things to start with as that's where your CV indicates you have the most experience. Your team leader will be Andrew Jenkins - the head of development - and the analyst you will be mostly working with is John Taylor.

RT : Okay.

BP : Do you have any questions?

RT : Yeah - am I in any kind of trouble for arriving late?

BP : Its not the best first impression you could have made but since the motorway is closed I think we can let it go.

RT : Cool. Thanks.

BP : Any other questions?

RT : You said I would be taking over the file management stuff from someone else.

BP : Yes - Peter Chase.

RT : How can I put this.... does he know?

BP : Sorry?

RT : Does he know I am taking this stuff over? Because I have worked in places in the past where the projects were taken from one person to another without any communication and so on. It wasn't fun.

BP : Well that does happen here sometimes - if there is a sudden change in plans and so on - but generally we try to keep the developers up to date on what we are doing so there is no confusion. So yes - Peter does know he is turing the File Management software over to you. He is quite happy about it actually because he spends a lot of the time out of the office at customer sites so he really doesn't have a lot of time to devote to the development stuff.

RT : So he won't be annoyed with me

BP : He shouldn't.

RT : Good to know. And - that's it for the questions.

BP : Excellent. {Looks at his watch} Ok - I will introduce you to the rest of the staff, then this afternoon Andrew is going to give you a run down of the Valhalla project and the way the department is organized then you should be ready to start tomorrow. On time if at all possible....

{The screen fades to black and the words "End Of Part One" come up}

{Commercial Break} (1)

{Advert 1 : Coming Soon - "Attack Of The Clones" on DVD. Give more money to George Lucas's empire by purchasing an over-priced film along with all the crap that wasn't good enough to make it to the movie}

{Advert 2 : Are you in debt? Do you have money worries? Well borrow more money to get yourself out of the debt you are in. Or go rob a bank because it makes about as much sense}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The screen shows "Part Two", then it opens on a scene of LB, RT, IW, DB and DM in a car pulling out of the car park. At the same time AG is pulling in and the two cars pass each other. AG's face gives a flash of recognition but only for a second. She parks and walks in to the offices}

JS : Hey.

AG : Hey - who was that in the car with Leo and co?

JS : Oh - Robert Taylor. He started today - an hour late than he planned but he started today.

AG : Robert Taylor?

JS : Yeah - why? Do you know him?

AG : I think so - if he is who I think he is. Hey - is my dad in?

JS : Michael? Not yet. He said he would be in in about half an hour.

AG : Oh wonderful.

JS : Amy - what's wrong?

AG : Oh nothing that a little a-bomb wouldn't fix. {Sees JS looking at her as if she is nuts} Skip it. I am sure it will be fine.

JS : If you insist. Ok - Steven asked if you could pull the accounts together - they have to be taken to the accountants before the end of the week.

AG : No problem. Anything else?

JS : No - its been a pretty quiet day. See you tomorrow {She leaves and AG sits down behind the desk, head in her hands}

AG : {thought VO}Oh good this should be fun.

{Scene changes to a local cafe where LB/RT/IW/DB and DM are sat around a table eating lunch}

RT : Who was that girl who was pulling in as we were leaving?

LB : Amy Garner. One of the Office Managers.

RT : Oh wonderful

IW : What's up? How do you know Amy?

RT : I don't know if I do. {To himself} Maybe its not her.

DB : Her who? Is there something you are not telling us?

RT : What? Oh... well. By any chance do you know her father's name?

DM : Its Michael.

RT : How do you know that?

DM : He is one of the Directors.

RT : {To himself} Oh this just gets better and better. {Notices people looking at him} I guess you will find out sooner or later. Me and Amy we kind of.. well we kind of went out.

LB : How do you "kind of" go out?

RT : It was when we were both a little younger... {use some kind of effect to indicate this is a memory - I am kind of partial to that flash thing that happens when Phoebe gets visions in Charmed, but not so harsh}

{After the effect is done we see RT and AG but younger. For those who are curious AG is currently 21 and RT is currently 22. In this scene they are 16 and 17 respectively. For the sake of accuracy I guess I should say they are also making out on the sofa. Suddenly the door opens}

AG : Dad!!

RT : "Dad"??

MG : Yes. Dad.

{The effect comes in again to indicate we are now back in the present. You could also guess this from the fact we are back in the cafe and the developers are there again}

LB : Oh my.

RT : That was pretty much the end of our little fling. Her father - my new boss - was not so happy with me and I was not allowed to see her again. At the time I didn't know it but two weeks later my family moved south so I haven't seen her since then. I recently moved back up north and applied for this job.

LB : Well.... maybe he will have forgotten. Maybe he won't be so mad any more. Maybe we could get you a big fake beard and teach you to talk in a Russian accent.

RT : Thanks. You're not helping, but thanks {smiles} I am sure it will be fine. It was five years ago.

IW : That's the spirit. There's nothing a little well timed self-delusion won't cure.

RT : This is going to be a very long day

{The scene fades and comes back on the five of them driving back in to the car park. LB points out of the window as they are parking}

LB : That's Michael's car Rob. I guess that means he is in

RT : So - that big fake beard we talked about....

LB : Damn it {snaps his fingers} I left it at home. I do have a fancy dress costume in the back if that will help. (2)

RT : What sort?

LB : That guy from Scream.

IW : Why....

LB : A party I went to last week. I have been thinking I should take it out of the boot before something bad happens and the police start looking for suspicious types.

DM : You think?

RT : Well - thanks for the offer but I think if I spend the rest of my time here in a seriel killer costume someone is going to notice.

{They get out of the car and go towards the office. As they enter RT turns to look at reception and sees AG sat there. He goes over while the rest of them file in to the office}

AG : It is you.

RT : It is me. I can see you are observant as ever.

AG : Very funny. I can't believe it is you after all this time. How long is it?

RT : That's a bit of .. (3)oh - I think its five years come August.

AG : Wow. It seems longer. How have you been?

RT : Moved south. Parents split up. Moved back up north. And up until this morning I was doing quite well. Then I got diverted then lost then utterly lost. Then I was late for work. And about ten minutes ago I discovered that the man who once threatened to beat me to death with a shovel is - it turns out - my new boss. How about you?

AG : Pretty good actually. And I don't think Dad brought a shovel in to work this morning so you should be safe for at least a day or so.

RT : That makes me feel so much better. {Looks at the Director's office} Is your father in? I thought I could say hello now.

AG : He is. Do you want me to come with you?

RT : I think it would be better if I went on my own first. If he sees you and me together he might just get

AG : Ok. Go for it. Good luck.

{RT smiles then turns to the door and knocks on it}

MG : Come in

RT : {to himself} In to the valley of death.... {Pushes the door open}

{As he goes in the scene fades to black and "End Of Part Two" comes up, with the words "don't you just hate ad breaks that come at annoying times?" underneath (just kidding!!)}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : Its nice that the lady in the BUPA commercial could afford to be operated on the next day - and it tells you just exactly what the value of life is, in pounds and pence}

{Trailer : "Next week on Gemini Software Inc :- Jack's birthday parties are almost legendary at GSI. But this year will prove to have an added twist. Find out what happens in "Episode 3 - Interesting Parties" same time next week}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The words "Part Three" appear then the scene fades up on JH sat at his desk. The phone rings}

JH : Hello? {we can't hear the other side of the conversation} Oh hi honey. {pause} What? {pause} How? {pause} When? {pause} Really? {pause} It just snapped? {pause} Ok. Come in to the office and you can pick up my keys. {pause} Yeah - they won't mind. {pause} I love you too. {pause} Bye. {puts the phone down}

AJ : Trouble?

JH : Kirsten put the key in the door and it snapped off.

TW : In the door?

JH : Yeah. So she is coming here with the kids to get my key.

JT : Isn't it stuck in the door?

JH : No - it fell out. But because its now in two bits she can't get in.

AJ : Oh dear.

JH : It'll be fine. Unless she's broken the lock then we will all be locked out of the house until we can get someone to fix it. But what are the odds of that?

{Camera shifts to the door as AG and RT walk back in}

AG : So he was fine with this? He didn't yell at you at all?

RT : He's fine with it. I told him that I was not interested in you any more and that you were not interested in me. That it was pretty much just a co-incidence that we both ended up here.

AG : Cool.

RT : I was wondering - would you like to go for a drink after work? In a purely friendly way of course. I just want to catch up with everything you have been doing since we last saw each other. And I never got to buy you a drink while we were dating so...

AG : It sounds like fun. {RT sits down at his desk} The thing is I finish about an hour before you will, so how about I catch up with you at the Knights Arms.

RT : Sounds good. Where is it?

AG : Turn right outside the carp park and drive for about ten minutes. You can't mi....

RT : Don't tell me I can't miss - I spent most of the morning looking for this place and I have been here twice before.

AG : Okay {turns back to return to her desk, then looks over her shoulder} But you can't.

{She walks in to reception then hears the bell go. She turns and goes to the door}

KH : Hello Amy.

AG : Hi Kirsten. Hi Allyson. Hi Michelle.

KH : Say hi girls

AH : Hey

{MH says nothing but looks kind of shy}

KH : Is Jack available?

AG : Yeah - go on in. {Stands aside as the three of them enter, then goes back to her desk. The camera follows KH and her daughters as they go in to the main office. She looks around then goes over to JH's desk. Meanwhile DB and DM have come out of the kitchen and watch her as she crosses to JH}

KH : Hey honey.

JH : Hey Kirsty. Hey girls.

AH/MH : Hi daddy

JH : Here are the keys. Is the lock okay?

KH : Yeah. The key came out pretty easily. I can get a new one made tomorrow.

JH : Cool. {Turns to his daughters} So - how was school {Camera travels over to DM and DB}

DM : {whispering} Who is she?

DB : {whispering - take it as read they will be whispering until otherwise noted} I don't know, but I am guessing she is Jack's wife

DM : And the girls - his daughters?

DB : You're quick on the uptake today

DM : Haha. Very funny

DB : I do my best

{Camera goes back to JH and his family}

KH : Okay - girls we have to be going. Dad has to get back to work. See you at home?

JH : Yeah. It shouldn't be late - its been pretty quiet today.

KH : Good. {Leans over and kisses him} Say good bye girls

AH/MH : Good bye daddy {Each one kisses him}

JH : Bye girls. Bye love.

{The three Harris girls walk out of the office. Then it returns to the door as AG comes in and walks over to RT's desk}

AG : I am off now. Are you still up for later?

RT : Yeah. I will be along in about half an hour

AG : See you then then {Turns and leaves. RT watches her go then notices LB watching him}

RT : I know what you are thinking

LB : Really?

RT : We are just friends. Today is the first time we have seen each other for five years...

LB : After her father ran you off and you didn't get to say goodbye

RT : Leo - just friends.

LB : Okay. Have fun tonight

{Scene fades then comes back up with LB sat infront of his computer at home. Everything is either typed or read on the computer}

LB : So - do you think I am right?

EJ : Oh almost certainly. The just friends thing was the give away.

LB : But you and me are just good friends

EJ : You and I

LB : You do that very well El - you should be in politics.

EJ : I do my best. So - do you think they would risk it?

LB : I don't know. She is the bosses daughter and from all accounts Michael was none too found of him the first time round. But...

EJ : But your natural romantic streak is coming through and you think that true love conquers all

LB : Well - doesn't it?

EJ : I do hope so - its more fun that way.

LB : Hey - its late. How long have we been talking?

EJ : About an hour or so.

LB : I didn't realise it was that long. I have to go. See you later

EJ : As always

{LB turns the monitor off and leaves the room}

{The screen fades to black and the words "Executive Producer - Sammy Wrae" come up on the screen. Then the closing credits role, detailing the people who made this possible. But you can live without knowing their names for now, can't you?}

{This is a shooting script for GSI/E2. As such there might be changes in the final broadcast not included here}


Episode Notes

1) Commercial Breaks I got the idea from Daria fanfiction

2) Scream Costume Another true story

3) "How long is it" Did I mention I was a Monty Python fan?
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