Categories > Original > Drama > Gemini Software Inc, Series 1

Episode 3 : Interesting Parties

by sammywrae 0 reviews

Jack's birthday parties are almost legendary at GSI. But this year will prove to have an added twist.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-06-30 - Updated: 2008-06-30 - 3810 words

{Disclaimer : This is a work of pure fiction. The initial setup is based on a real life situation, however - as someone once said - the moment you start writing it is always fiction. This should not be construed as my views on the people involved, and the situations that develop are purely developed for the purpose of telling a story, rather than because they reflect reality}
{As the opening credits play the camera swoops over Crown Way in wide swooshy loops. In a somewhat misguided attempt to make the location look sexier than it is the camera does lots of flashy loops and swooshy moves, eventually settling in a "landing" type motion infront of the front door to Unit 3-2 . In big bold black letters the words}

"Gemini Software Inc"

{then, in slightly smaller letters}


{the names come up but the bits in brackets don't. They are only for reference in the script since it was quicker than typing all the names out all the time}

"Leo Burrows (LB)"
"David Bonnie (DB)"
"Philip Chambers (PHC)"
"Peter Chase (PC)"
"Bradley Pursglove (BP)"
"Amy Garner (AG)"
"Michael Garner (MG)"
"Jack Harris (JH)"
"Andrew Jenkins (AJ)"
"Gary Jones (GJ)"
"Tony McLellan (TM)"
"Daniel McCormack (DM)"
"Charles Sales (CS)"
"Frank Smithson (FS)"
"Jessica Summers (JS)"
"Tony Summers (TS)"
"John Taylor (JT)"
"Robert Taylor (RT)"
"Steven Tomlinson (ST)"
"Ian Weston (IW)"
"Nigel Wheeler (NW)"
"Tony Williams (TW)"


"Eloise Jensen (EJ)"

{behind each credit comes a picture of the character from one of the episodes in the series. I will leave the pictures to your imaginations for now. After the last credit is done the screen fades to black for a second and the words}

"Episode 3 - Interesting Parties"

{appear. Then the episode starts and the "guest credits" appear as the show begins. Think Buffy/Andromeda for what I mean. Also - the brackets thing applies again}

"Guest Staring : Kirsten Harris (KH), Danielle Ray (DR)"

{The scene opens up - unsurprisingly - in the Gemini Offices. Everyone is there. For a while the camera moves about observing the day to day activities of GSI, but then it moves in to the kitchen where LB, RT, DB and DM are talking}

RT : So what's this party everyone is talking about?

LB : Jack's birthday. Every year he has a party and they are usually a lot of fun.

RT : Would I be invited?

LB : Its a general invite to all the staff and their wives, girlfriends or whatever.

RT : And its when...

LB : Saturday

DB : So - are all of you going?

DM : Yeah. It sounds like fun.

LB : Why not?

RT : I guess. I will have to.... {notices everyone looking at him} Never mind {Leaves}

DB : What was all that about?

LB : Not sure. So - are you two going to bring anyone?

DB : Jenny.

LB : You two are still together? That's what - eight months now?

DB : Nine {smiles} Its going pretty well.

LB : What about you?

DM : Not so much. Since I broke up with Sophie its been kind of quiet. Still - maybe I will meet someone nice at the party.

DB : Not likely. Everyone who is invited is going to be coming with someone, except mayb Amy but do you really want to think about that?

DM : I guess not. Still - the party should be fun and it'll take my mind off of things.

{Scene shifts to reception, where RT is talking to AG}

AG : So you heard about it? And you are thinking of going?

RT : I guess. Are you?

AG : Yeah. I mean there is the whole parents thing to deal with but aside from that..

RT : "parents thing?".... Your mother and father are going?

AG : Of course - have you ever known them to miss a party?

RT : I guess not. So - you bringing anyone?

AG : Nope. I thought about inviting a friend but... what about you?

RT : Only just moved up here. Haven't really made a lot of friends outside of Gemini yet. So... {long pause - long enough to make it sound like RT has stopped talking}

AG : So? A dear? A needle pulling thread? (1)

RT : Very funny. I was wondering... would you like to go... together?

AG : Why not - it will save on petrol and make it more... oh. That's not what you meant, is it?

RT : Not as such no, but if you want to go as friends I can live with that.

AG : No... its just... well - can I think about it?

RT : Sure. {turns to go, then looks over his shoulder} I just thought it might be fun {leaves}

AG : Oh hell.

{Scene moves back inside the main office where the staff are - still - talking about the party. IW, DB and DM are talking in a little group}

IW : The TA

DB : Visit with his parents

DM : Doesn't want to go

{GJ walks over}

GJ : What's the topic guys?

IW : We are trying to work out what excuse Peter is going to use for not going to Jack's party.

GJ : What's the smart money on?

DB : Its the last weekend in March so Ian thinks it'll be a TA thing.

GJ : I am going to go out on a limb and say he will go. No excuses. {The three of them stare at him, then IW smiles}

IW : You know something

GJ : I know lots of things

DM : Something specific - as to why Peter might actually attend a party for the first time in three years.

GJ : What makes you think that? Maybe I am just on a lucky streak

DB : Spill it Gary - what's up?

GJ : Well Robert heard him talking to Amy. It appears that Peter has a new friend.

DB/DM : What? How?

GJ : You two do that way too much you know. Its scary sometimes

IW : How? Who?

GJ : A girl named Dani. From what I can gather he met her about a month ago.

DB : Where?

GJ : He was reluctant to say. But - apparantly - he is bringing her to the party.

DM : This should be fun. So - who wins the sweepstake?

DB : I say we find sort it out next monday morning.

GJ : Why monday?

IW : After the party. Cause that way if he doesn't turn up we can get his excuse then.

{The scene fades and the words "End Of Part 1" appear}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : "Buy 'Baby Annabelle' and convince your child that taking care of kids is easy"}

{Advert 2 : You have to wonder why anyone would want to take predictions from Princess Diana's personal astrologer}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The screen shows "Part Two" then fades in to LB's house. He is talking - unsurprisingly - to EJ}

EJ : You're kidding? Really?

LB : As... well god would be the wrong person to call on I guess. But seriously - Malfoy has a date for the party.

EJ : I still think you are winding me up. I want pictures!!

LB : *grin* I think that can be arranged.

EJ : What about you?

LB : What about me what?

EJ : Are you going on your own?

LB : Yeah. Despite my calm and cool facade about the events with Sammy I am still not ready to go out in to the world yet. And besides - its not like I will be the only one.

EJ : I thought you were over her?

LB : I am. Well - I kind of am. The thing is we were together for a long time and now...

EJ : Now you think "if it was her then it could be anyone"?

LB : You know me too well. So I will be going stag and I will be taking my camera

EJ : Cool. I expect the pictures by no later than Monday night.

LB : Some hope.....

{As he keeps typing the scene fades then comes back to the office the next day. All the developers are in the conference room with AJ stood at the front}

AJ : So that's pretty much it. Any questions? {looks around} Good. Have a nice weekend and I guess I will see you all on Saturday night.

{The developers start to file out, leaving DM, DB, LB, RT, TM, CS and NW behind}

TM : Do you know where Jack is? I have to make my apologies

CS : You are not going?

TM : Sandra's mother is ill so we are going across to visit them.

CS : Too bad. Anyone else not going? {no voices} Cool

LB : Oh yeah - this sounds like acres of fun. I still can't believe Peter is going. In the four years we have been working together he has never turned up before.

DM : Maybe this Dani is a good influence on him. Making him get out and about

DB : {thought vo}Amongst the little people {Outloud} Or maybe he just wants to show her off.

LB : I am just eager to meet this woman who is turning Peter in to something close to a normal person. {Off the looks of the others} Yeah I know - I have no room to talk

DB : I take it you are not bringing anyone then?

LB : Nope. Maybe if it was two months ago but... but no.

DM : Two months?

LB : Never mind. It doesn't matter. So Rob, do you know where it is?

RT : Near the centre of Grasston I was told. Jack said he would make a better map before I left today

DM : {looking at his watch} He had better get a move on then.

{Scene fades then comes back up the following evening. There are various cut shots of the staff getting ready. LB looks at a photo on his bedside table, but because we are looking at his face we don't see the picture. PC is standing infront of a green door with a golden letter box. He knocks. We cut back to LB who is getting ready inbetween typing at his computer - it's EJ he is talking too although there would be know way of you knowing that without this script. PC is coming out of the green door followed by a young woman - DR - and they get in to his car. We cut back to LB who is still typing away, then suddenly he gets a surprised look on his face and jumps up}

LB : Bugger

{He rushes out of the door, then comes back in two minutes later and picks up the bottle on the mantlepiece then runs out again. The scene switches to JH's house. A few cars are parked up and down the street and there are already noises coming from the house to indicate the party is somewhat go. PC and DR arrive and they walk to the door. They ring the bell and KH answers}

KH : Peter? Come in, come in. You must be Dani

DR : That's right.

KH : Kirsten. Peter works with my husband - he's about somewhere but most of the guys are here already so good luck finding them. {She stands aside as PC and DR enter. They walk down the hall and end up in the kitchen. JH is there, with DB/DM/TW and NW}

JH : Pete! Welcome. Thanks for coming

PC : No problem - I figured I should try to come at least once.

NW : And you must be Dani

DR : People keep saying that. Do I have a tatoo on the back of my neck or something? (2)

DB : Its just Peter has been talking a lot about you in the past month. Its nice to finally put a face to the stories.

DR : {turning to look at PC} Stories?

PC : Nothing bad cupcake - just little things. {Turns to DB} Thanks.

DB : No problem. Let me know if you need me again. I do parties too. {As the laughter starts the scene moves back to outside. LB has arrived and is about to enter. He reaches to press the bell when RT and AG walk up behind him. As they approach they are holding hands but by the time they are behind him they have let go}

RT : Hey Leo.

LB : Hey guys. Here together?

AG : {casual} Just shared a taxi.

LB : Good plan.

RT : What about you?

LB : Not drinking. I have to be up early tomorrow so I thought I would get some sleep at some point before then

RT : {slightly over enthusiastic} Good plan! {Notices LB looking at him a bit oddly} So - are you going to ring the bell or use your magical powers to get in?

LB : Sadly I had my magic license revoked so.... {pushes the bell. After a short while KH comes to the door - a little more drunk - and invites them in. The go in to the hall}

AG : Wow - that painting is very nice. Is it new?

KH : About six months. Jack bought it for our anniversary.

LB : Speaking of.. where is he?

KH : Kitchen. And Peter and Dani should be there - they just arrived.

AG : {turns to RT} Okay - pay up

RT : Best of three? {AG shakes her head} Spoilsport {Hands over a fiver. While this is going on LB has walked down to the kitchen}

LB : {entering} Jack - happy birthday {As he finishes speaking PC and DR turn round and both LB and DR stop dead. For a moment there is just silence, then...} Sammy? (3)

{The scene does not fade to black but cuts to black straight away. The words "End Of Part Two" come up}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : If there was no football there would be no postponements, no football riots, no boring discussions, no pointless debates, no acting like hyperactive two year olds, no stupid taunts... so why is football so good again?}

{Trailer : "Its a late night at Gemini software and the staff have different ideas about how to pass the time... "Episode 4 - If Life Were Like The Movies" same time next week}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The words "Part Three" come up and the scene opens on LB climbing the stairs to the first floor. He pushes open a door and goes in. Before he realises it he has walked in and seen RT and AG kissing}

LB : Erm... Excuse me? {AG and RT turn and see him. They both leap up and out of each other's arms}

AG : Eep!

RT : Argh!

LB : Sorry {turns to leave, then AG stands up and goes over to him}

AG : Leo - can you wait a moment

LB : Why?

AG : Well..... {looks at RT who shrugs}

RT : You've known him longer

LB : Oh. Don't worry. Firstly I kind of figured it out already. {To their looks} Did you notice the window besides the door on the way in? Well you two were reflected in it all the way up the drive {Sees them look at each other sheepishly} Secondly I really don't care. Well - not enough to discuss it with anyone else anyway. I know you {looks at RT} are worried about Michael and you {looks at AG} are generally worried about your parents but they won't hear about this from me {sighs} And third its nice to see something working out

AG : Sorry?

LB : Its a long story which you will no doubt hear about it come Monday. Anyway - I am going home.

RT : So why did you come in here?

LB : Just to get away from downstairs for a moment and try to make it look like I am not a spoilt seven year old

RT : Are you sure you don't want to talk about this?

LB : Thank you but no. I will figure it out eventually but now I need to be on my own. {Pushes the door open and leaves, but the camera stays in the room}

AG : Well that was.... odd.

RT : Do you think he will tell?

AG : Nah. Despite his somewhat cynical attitude he is a romantic at heart. I think. {smiles} So - do you want to go downstairs and find out what's going on or.....

RT : Its up to you hon {gives her a slight smirk} But I have to vote for the staying up here for a little while option.

AG : Well I tried. {grins}

{They sit down on the bed again and the scene fades to black. It comes up at LB's house where he is sat infront of the computer}

LB : Hey Pinky - are you there?

{there is no reply so he goes down and gets a drink (non-alcoholic) then comes back up. There is a message waiting}

EJ : Perky? I didn't expect to hear from you tonight. Party no fun?

LB : Oh yeah - endless fun. Just not for anyone who is me.

EJ : That doesn't sound good. What happened?

LB : Well - the good news is Malfoy is not lying about having a girlfriend. She is real. She is pretty. And as unlikely as this sounds she is the type of girl I could easily want to date.

EJ : That sounds good. So...

LB : Ask me how I know she would be perfect for me.

EJ : Perfect? You have only ever described one girl as ... no.

LB : Yes.

EJ: Malfoy is dating Sammy?

LB : Yes.

EJ : How could you not know?

LB : He is calling her by her middle name. I don't know why but he told the group that she was called Dani. It never occurred to me to ask.

EJ : Oh my. I am sorry Leo. Do you think they will break up?

LB : I don't know. And as I have said once before tonight I really don't care.

EJ : Why don't you care?

LB : Oh - that was about Rob and Amy. They did come as a couple and after the exciting revalation about Sammy I went to sit in a dark room and found the two of them having a little snog. But I told them I would not rat them out to Michael and Susette - its not my place and besides I think its kind of sweet.

EJ : But what about Sammy and Malfoy?

LB : No idea. I guess we will see on Monday.

EJ : You really don't care? Seriously?

LB : Seriously. I am over her - way over her. But there are so many problems with her dating someone I work with every day. And if it was Danny or Dave then not so much in the problems. Even if it was Amy it would not be a problem...

EJ : I'll bet.

LB : You know what I mean. But Malfoy is not the most tactful guy in the world and... well you know how close Sammy and I were.

EJ : You think he is going to bring things up?

LB : I can't see him not doing. And this is not about jealousy - I don't care if he marries her then screws here on national TV. Its just...

EJ : I get it. You think he is going to start mocking you and bringing up your past.

LB : And life will become even more unbearable than it already is.

EJ : Maybe she will break up with him and come back to you.

LB : Oh god I hope not - its taken me this long to get over her I don't want to have to start again!

EJ : Hey Leo - I have to go. I don't want to leave you hanging but I am going out.

LB : Hey no worries P. I will let you know how things go on Monday.

EJ : Keep in touch.

{LB reaches to turn off the monitor but another message pops up}

LB : {thought vo} You are kidding? What the hell is going on? {typing} What do you want?

DR : I thought we should talk

LB : Does Peter know about this?

DR : We came home from the party about ten minutes ago. Then he went home.

LB : Didn't make a night of it then?

DR : Is that's what's bugging you about this?

LB : Who says I am bugged? I am full of life and happyness about your new life

DR : I can tell by the lack of sarcasm in your voice

LB : Seriously - I have no problem with you dating Peter. I hope you have every happyness.

DR : Then what?

LB : Its.... its nothing. Never mind. Was that all you wanted to talk about?

DR : Yeah. I figure that you and I talking about our past would not be wise.

LB : You got that right Cor... Samantha. What else happened at the party?

DR : Not a lot. We got asked a lot about why you left and Daniel spent a fair amount of time talking with Kirsten about all sorts of things.

LB : Anything else? I mean if there were any fights or the like then I really should know abou them *smile*

DR : You would have to ask Peter. I don't know the rest of the staff well enough.

LB : Fair enough. {pause} Anyway - I have to be going.

DR : Good night then

LB : Good night Cordy... sorry

DR : I'll survive

{LB turns off the monitor then sits back in his chair. The rest is thought VO until otherwise noted}

LB : This is not going to be good. And to think a month ago I said Gemini was the dullest place I had ever worked. Now we have the new guy romancing the bosses daughter, Malfoy dating my ex and... and what is going on with Daniel and Kirsten? How did things get so complicated so quickly?

{stands up and leaves the room. The scene goes through a quick montage of shots - AG and RT walking hand in hand back to her house and then after a kiss going their seperate ways, PC and DR talking, KH and DM talking intently (you will be able to tell the difference when you see it), EJ sitting down in a restraunt with a young man about her age and finallyof LB pullng back the covers on his bed. The scene fades to black with some kind of music in the background - possibly Goodbye to You by Michelle Branch cause its so good and kind of fits the mood of the end of the show}

{When the words "Executive Producer - Sammy Wrae" come up on the screen the music changes to the closing tune and Then the closing credits role, detailing the people who made this possible. But you can live without knowing their names for now, can't you?}

{This is a shooting script for GSI/E3. As such there might be changes in the final broadcast not included here}


Episode Notes

1) "So... a dear? A needle pulling thread" From "The Sound of Music" ("back":#1)

2) Tatoo on the back of the neck More Monty Python ("back":#2)

3) Sammy Ray Why not? (smirk) ("back":#3)
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