Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How To Predict The Future

Alone With My Lonliness

by wheresyourheart 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-26 - Updated: 2008-06-27 - 558 words


"We... the thing is, I..." Felicia spoke, barely audible, over the telephone. "I just..."

I could picture the way she played with her earlobe when she was nervous, how if we were in person, she wouldn't look me in the eye. I already knew where this was leading. Actually, I'd known all along. I guess I should have ended it then, because we wouldn't be going through this now.

"Look," I said, anger rising in my voice, "If you want to break up, just say so."

Silence, then, "Yes, Gerard. I want to. Break up, I mean."

I sighed sadly, feeling like I was going to cry. After a moment to gather myself, I said, "Well, alright then. I have to go now," And without saying goodbye, hung up, then stared at the phone in my hands. This feeling was just so weird... I was sad. But I hadn't loved her. Not even close. She was pretty, sure, and nice, and could make me laugh, but I didn't love her. Not even like. I'd let it continue on for fifteen months, even though we drifted apart after three. So why was I upset? Maybe because I'm always upset.

Or maybe because now I really am alone again. Atleast more alone than before.

Without even thinking, I picked up a sketchbook and started continuing the comic I had been drawing the night before. I used to love this stuff--- comics, drawing--- until a few months ago, they just lost their touch. I would come home from school and be excited to read the crisp new super hero comic I'd purchased on the way home, then sit down and be bored after reading a page. Of course it was the same with drawing, so me sketching had lasted all of, oh, two minutes.

In the back yard, I heard another burst of laughter from my parents. Since it was one of the first few nights of summer, my parents wanted to have a few friends over. All they did was talk and drink beer. They sounded like they were having so much fun. I wish I could geniunly laugh again.

Someone knocked at my bedroom door, so I said, "Come in," in a quiet voice I usually use in front of a whole classroom of people.

My little brother, Mikey, popped his head in the door, "Since it's fend-for-yourself night, um, want me to bring you anything?"

Sort of smiling, I said, "I'm fine, I'll get something later." He looked disappointed so I added, "Thanks, though. For offering."

"No prob," he said. Then stood in the doorway, like a mannequin or something.

"Um?" I said.

Mikey took a deep breath in, closed the door behind him, and asked, "Gee, are you sure you've been alright lately? Like, I know you always say you're fine, but... you're just not yourself."

Not knowing what to say, I shrugged.

"I just want to know when you'll be happy again," he said, studying his hand.

I nodded, even though he wasn't looking at me, and said, "It's just a stage."

Mikey nodded, too, then said, "Well, see ya."

"Yep," I replied. Then Mikey was gone, leaving me in my dark basement bedroom, alone with my lonliness.

First chapter of (yet another) new story! Rate & reveiw, I'll try to update again soon if you like :)
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