Categories > Original > Drama > Blood Sucking Babysitter

Chapter 2- Meeting the neighbors

by Mo_Was_Here 0 reviews

Katherine meets her next door neigbors and figures out that they are better friends then she thought.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-06-28 - Updated: 2008-06-28 - 3304 words - Complete

Hey guys! Please don’t hesitate to tell me whether my story sucks or not! I don’t take things to heart, but I do take them into consideration. So please rate and review!

Joshua’s POV

So yesterday the new people moved in, I only saw three people get out of their car two girls and a dude. The Penning house is the oldest house on our block; it was built a long time ago by Mrs. Penning’s great-grandfather. Mrs. Penning told me one day that her house has been passed down by everyone in her family, and now that it is only her left she has to sell it. It took Mrs. Penning two years to find the “right person” to live in her house, but from what I’ve heard the girl who lives there has gone to juvy before. So I don’t think Mrs. Penning chose the right person.
“Josh! Get your ass down here we need to go meet our new neighbors!” My brother George screamed.
“Okay! Whatever!” I shouted back and walked out of my room to meet my whole family by the front door.
“Why do we need to meet the neighbors?” My oldest brother Colin asked.
“Because we need to let them know that we are nice and friendly people.” My mom said straightening her blouse.
“Mom, the girl is a juvenile delinquent. I don’t want to meet her she might-“ George stopped.
“Chop our heads off!” Joey finished for him.
“Now how do you know that?” My mom asked.
“Mr. Penning told us one day when he was chillen’ on his balcony.” I piped in.
“It doesn’t matter! We have to go meet them anyway! Plus, Josh, I heard she’s your age, you might like her.” My mom said raising her eyebrows.
“Oooooo!” My brothers echoed.
“Shut up!” I said trying to hit them.
“Oh don’t try us!” Colin said hitting me in the forehead.
“Come on you four lets go!” My mom said pushing us out the door.
As we walked across our lawn and into theirs I looked in the windows to see if they were home, but I saw nobody. We walked up their porch stairs and my mom started rapping on the door. Sooner or later a women, about as old as my mom, answered the door.
“May I help you?” she said looking questioningly at us.
“We are your next door neighbors! And we just wanted to welcome you to the street with these brownies.” My mom said handing the brownies to the lady.
“Oh… well thank you!” she said still looking puzzled, “Wont you come in?” she asked.
“We’d love to!” My mom replied happily, “These are my sons! This is Colin my oldest, Joey and George they are twins, and Joshua the youngest.”
“It’s nice to meet you all!” she said smiling weakly, “Well my name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Mrs. Cole,” she said turning to my brothers and I, “ My husband is at work, his name is Richard, and my daughter is in her room let me call her. KATHERINE! SOMEBODY’S HERE TO SEE US!”
At that moment we heard steady footsteps and the sound of doors closing.
“Who is it?” we heard her voice.
“It’s our new neighbors, they brought us brownies!” Mrs. Cole said.
“Brownies?” The girl asked and she appeared at the top of the staircase. She looked down at us with a look of disgust, then hopped over the railing and slid down the stairs and grabbed a brownie of the plate. “These are good.” She said looking at my mom.
“Thank you,” My mom said looking completely shocked.
“Well! How about I show you around the house? And Katherine can show your sons.” Mrs. Cole said nervously.
“Works for us.” George, Joey, and my mom said together and Mrs. Cole started to take my mom into the other room and Katherine stood there still eating her brownie.
“Well hi.” She said looking at us, “I don’t even know the house real well yet, but I can show you the upstairs if you want. Or are you a bunch of chickenshit?”
“We’re not scared, and we would love for you to show us around!” George said mocking our mother.
“Delightful.” She said smiling then turned on her heel and headed up the stairs.
As we walked up the stairs I realized how attractive she was, her hair was up in a messy bun and she wore light purple skinny jeans and a paramore t-shirt. She had makeup on but not enough to make her look slutty; she was also skinny and very pretty.
“There’s no furniture in your house.” Joey said looking around the upstairs hallway.
“Of course not, we just moved in yesterday! The mover guys haven’t arrived yet.” She said looking at Joey like she wanted to punch him.
“So where’s your room?” I asked looking around. She just pointed towards the door at the end of the hallway.
“Can we see it?” George asked.
“If you want to, I mean we do have to go through a black hole to get to it.” She said looking at George.
“Ha ha. Now really show us it.” Joey said reaching forwards to try to turn her around to face that end of the hallway, but she was to quick. Once he grabbed her arm she grabbed his twisted his arm around so he was facing the opposite way.
“I don’t like to be touched.” She said fiercely.
“So is that how you ended up in juvy?” Joey asked. She released him immediately as if the words had sent an electric shock up her arm. She looked at him and said,
“How do you know about that?” she said through gritted teeth.
“Mr. Penning told us.” Colin said quietly.
“If you tell anybody that you will never live to see tomorrow.” She said and turned on the heel and stalked away.
“Your supposed to be showing us around!” I shouted after her.
“Do I look like a tour guide to you?” she said and walked into a light blue door slamming it behind her.
“I think we should follow her.” Colin said with his eyebrows raised.
“She’s feisty I like her.” George said.
“Strong and beautiful!” Joey smiled.
“Troubled.” I said looking at her door.
“Troubled?” Colin, George, and Joey all said looking at me.
“Oh woops sorry I didn’t mean to say that…” I said looking at my feet.
“Whatever, let’s go knock on her door.” Joey said walking towards the end of the hallway. Once we got to her door Joey knocked on it three times. She pulled open the door and said,
“What do you want?”
“Show us your room.” Colin said demandingly.
“Only if you help me with something.” She said opening the door a little wider.
“What’s that?” I asked. She opened her door all the way and pointed to a big clothes holder attached to the wall.
“Can you help me get it off?” she asked.
“You seem strong enough how come you can’t do it?” George asked.
“Something’s can’t be done alone.” She said facing the clothes holder.
“So you want us to rip this thing off the wall?” Joey asked.
“Exactly,” she said walking towards the clothes holder and grabbing it, “now everyone get in position and on three pull it off on three… one… two… three!” and everyone pulled and it came off the wall with a ripping sound.
“Looks like we left some wholes in the wall.” Colin said examining the three wholes.
”They are from the screws and plus I needed three wholes to hang pictures from! No if you could please help me carry this downstairs and to the trash bin in the front yard.”
-hopefully you know how people carry trash-
Once we got back up from throwing away her clothes holder Colin asked again,
“Can we see your room?”
“Fine,” she said and opened the door.
“It’s a closet.” George said.
“No, it’s Mr. Penning’s Secret room.” I said and opened the secret door in the corner of the room, “see?”
Katherine sighed and showed us around her room. She had already hung up posters and drawings on her walls; she had a sleeping bag near the windows in the circular part of her room and put Mrs. Penning’s candles in a corner.
“So you pretty much got things worked out here?” Joey asked.
“Pretty much, I am just waiting for furniture.” She said looking around her room.
“Did Mr. Penning show you the balcony?” I asked.
“He didn’t show me anything, when we got here the house was empty. I had to figure everything out by myself.” She said walking towards her clothes pile.
“Have you seen the balcony though?” I asked walking towards the staircase.
“Yea I saw it last night.” She said following m up the staircase.
“You play the cello?” I asked.
“Yea, at my old school I played for their orchestra.” She said looking at her cello longingly.
“You miss your old school?” I asked as George, Joey, and Colin walked up the stairs.
“Yea… I wish I was back there.” She said walking away from her cello and me.
“So where’s your dad?” George asked while looking at her drawing table.
“He’s at work.” She said sitting down on a stool.
“Doesn’t your mom work?” Joey asked sitting down across from her.
“Yea she does, but she needs to find me a babysitter first.” She said looking at her feet.
“BABYSITTER?!” George and Joey asked together.
“Yea my parents don’t want to leave me home alone in case I get into trouble.” She said still staring at her feet.
“You could come over to our house.” I said looking at my brothers.
“I highly doubt my parents will let me.” She said looking up at us.
“Why?” Colin asked.
“Just think for a second.” She said, and all my brothers seemed to go into deep thought then after 10 seconds they all said, “ooohhh”
“Yea,” she said.
“There is always Helena Appel.” George said looking hopefully at Katherine.
“Who?” She said looking confused.
“Helena Appel! She is our age and has babysat for like everyone in South Carolina.” Joey said.
“Her name is Helena?” Katherine asked with her eyebrows raised.
“Yea why?” Colin asked.
“Oh because there is this one song by MCR named Helena.” She said looking at her guitar.
“MCR?” I asked.
“My Chemical Romance.” She said.
“Who are they?” George said almost laughing.
“Just the greatest band ever,” she said, then she stood up got a CD off of a rack and put it into her boom box, clicked a couple buttons then music came blaring out Katherine stood there singing along and we sat on the ground until the song was over.
“So?” she said looking at us.
“That is not Helena at all.” George said looking taken back.
“Yes it is I-“ Joey interrupted
“No what George means is, that is not how Helena Appel acts at all. Her attitude is way different. She is a goody-goody.”
“Oh… wow.” Katherine said her eyes growing bigger.
“Let’s go on the balcony so we can show you our house and the neighbors.” I said. There was a murmur of agreement and we all headed up to the balcony. Once we got there Colin pointed out the houses.
“So this is our house, right there next door and that window is Josh’s, uh right across the street here is the Thomas’s, the house right to the Thomas’s is the Baumgartner’s, the house on the left to the Thomas’s is the Halite’s. The house on the other side of you belongs to the Maibach’s, and the house on the other side of the Maibach’s is Helena Appel’s house. And those are all the neighbor’s you really need to know.” Colin finished.
“Helena owns her own house?” Katherine asked.
“Well yea, Helena’s dad died when she was like one week old, I guess he got murdered. And Helena’s mom left her like two years ago.” George said.
“Poor girl.” Katherine said sympathetically. As we all were looking at Helena’s house our mom called,
“Well it was nice meeting you.” Colin said taking Katherine’s hand.
“Nice to meet you all too.” She said smiling.
“We should all hangout sometime!” I said beaming, “Here is our number,” and I wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to her.
“Thanks, bye guys!” Katherine said waving to us.
“Bye Katherine!” Joey said.
“Call me Kat!” she shouted as we walked out of her door.
“Kat it is!” George yelled.
As we walked down their staircase and met my mother and Mrs. Cole I smiled to myself and thought, she actually might call me.
We said good-bye to Mrs. Cole and walked out the door with our mom, she looked tired, her blouse wasn’t strait anymore and it seemed like she had been working other then talking to Mrs. Cole.
“Mum are you all right?” Colin asked her as we walked into the house.
“What? Oh yes I am fine.” She said sitting on the bench we have by our front door.
“Mom you don’t look to good are you sick?” Joey said kneeling down beside her.
“She looks pale,” George said then felt her forehead, “And she’s warm.”
“Oh don’t you kids worry about me, I am fine.” She said trying to stand up but she fell backwards and Colin caught her.
“George call the hospital, Joey get a damp towel, and Josh help me carry mom onto the couch in the living room.” Colin said demandingly.
“Is she going to be alright?” I asked Colin.
He looked up at me and his eyes softened, “Don’t you worry little bro, they’re house was very warm and I think this might just be from heat exhaustion.”
At that moment Joey and George came in the room,
“Here’s that damp towel,” and Joey placed it on mom’s head.
“They said they would be right over,” George said.
“Wha-?” mom was stirring.
“Mom stay down your going to be alright.” Colin said calmly.
“Okay… it was so hot in that house I thought I was on fire.” She mumbled.
“Did she hurt you?” George asked.
“Hurt me? Of course not! She showed me around then we started sharing cleaning and cooking tips.” She said closing her eyes.
“Mom,” Joey said accusingly, “You know how competitive you get with cooking.”
“We weren’t getting competitive!” She said sitting up, but Colin pushed her gently back down, “We did almost exactly the same things with our pies, cookies, brownies, meats, we had very similar ways of cooking! She was a very kind lady and I think that we will become close friends, not competitive ones.” She said reassuringly.
At that moment we heard sirens, I looked out the window and a police car, fire truck, and ambulance were parked in our driveway and on the streets.
“They’re here ma.” Colin said.
“YOU CALLED THE POLICE!?” Mom screeched.
“Mom you passed out in Colin’s hands we had to do something!” I said.
“Oh forget it! I am all right now! Tell them to go away.” She said angrily.
But it was to late about 10 people came barging through our front door with a stretcher.
“Where is she?” said a big black policeman.
“Right here but be gentle she just woke up.” Colin said.
“She was asleep?” asked a white policeman. He was very tall and his shirt formed around his muscles. He had on a blue jacket that had stars on the shoulders and a belt with guns and other police things, he looked a lot more formal then the other police officers.
“She passed out.” Joey said.
“We need to get her onto the stretcher.” Said a doctor who was examining her.
“Alright men, be very gentle and we need to get this lady onto the stretcher.” Said the white policeman.
“We’ll do it,” Colin said, “She’s our mom.”
The police officer gave Colin a quick nod and Colin, Joey, George, and me all carefully lifted my mom off the couch and onto the stretcher. We wheeled her out of our house and saw Kat and her mom standing in our front yard with Helena and the rest of our neighbors. Kat came running up to me and asked,
“Is she alright?”
“She’s going to be fine,” I said as the ambulance was getting ready to leave, “I got to go with my mom. See you later.”
Kat gave a small wave then backed away with her mom, dang that girl was pretty and I am so glad I gave her my phone number.

Katherine’s POV

Mrs. Stuart was getting wheeled away by an ambulance and I had no idea what happened to her. My mom looked worried and I had tons of questions for her, as we turned around to go back home I ran into some girl.
“Oh I am so sorry!” said a high girlish voice.
“I am alright.” I said standing up. When I got to my full height I got a good view of the person I ran into. She was about and inch taller then me she had blonde straight hair and light brown eyes, she was the preppiest girl I have ever seen in my whole life. She was wearing a tan short that went down to mid thigh and a pink tank top with small pink hoop earrings. She was even completed with lip-gloss and pink eye shadow.
“My name is Helena,” She said sticking out her hand gracefully, “Helena Appel.”
“My name is Katherine Cole, nice to meet you Helena. This is my mom Elizabeth.” And Helena shook my mom’s hand.
“Oh you poor dear your nose is bleeding!” Helena said taking a tissue out of her pocket and whipped my nose. I just looked at her like she was crazy and she smiled and put her tissue back into her pocket.
“Helena, have you ever thought of babysitting?” my mom asked her.
“Why yes! I am a babysitter! I love to babysit!” She said happily.
“Well my daughter needs one so do you think you could babysit her from 10-4 everyday during the summer?” my mom said looking halfway happy.
“Of course I could!” Helena said bouncing on her heels.
“Well my husband and I do take some days off and weekends so you will have some days to yourself.” My mom said reassuringly.
“Oh I don’t mind! I love babysitting!” she said smiling.
“Well thank you Helena! If you don’t mind could you start tomorrow?” my mom asked.
“Of course I could!” Helena said almost to happily.
“Well then I will see you tomorrow!” My mom said inching towards our house.
“Tomorrow!” Helena said happily then scooted off towards her house.
“Well that was almost too easy,” My mom said as we walked into our house.
“Yea I think I am going to watch her.” I said staring into space.
“Oh lord not the telescope!” my mom said rolling her eyes and opening the refrigerator.
“Oh yes the telescope.” I said and walked to my room.

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