Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Knows No Age - Continued

Nightmare Dontcha Know? JUNE 30 (Follows June 26)

by AlexSanDee 5 reviews

Bob and Kara find out about the babies. Elle delivers the message to Kelly.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-30 - Updated: 2008-06-30 - 1703 words

They had just gotten back to the room when Bob’s cell phone rang. He glared when he saw who was calling. The night had turned into a fiasco and it was all his fault.
“Yeah, Frank?” He didn’t bother with a hello.
“Hey, Bob. How’s it going?”
“We went to the Nightmare Fear Factory.” Bob glanced over to make sure Kara had gone to take her shower. “Thanks a lot buddy.”
Frank laughed, “What’s wrong? You didn’t like it?”
“You should have warned me. That place is fucked up.”
Suddenly Frank broke into a fit of giggles, “Shit, Bob. You’re on the Chicken List aren’t you?”
“Shut up.” Bob growled.
“Oh man. Big old Bob chickened out.”
Bob thought briefly about pretending that Kara was the reason they’d chickened out halfway through but knew the truth would get out anyway. “Did you want something?’ Bob asked not wanting to continue with the discussion.
Frank’s giggles finally died down. “Well yeah. Just thought I’d call and tell you about my kids.”
Bob sat down on the end of the bed. “What?”
“My kids.”
His words sunk in. “Shit. Jamia had the babies?”
The pride in Frank’s voice was strong. “Late this afternoon. I have a son and a daughter.”
Bob got off the bed and went to the bathroom door. “Kara, Jamia had the babies.” He said opening the door a crack.
Frank smiled to himself. Now Bob wouldn’t be mad at him about the Nightmare Fear Factory. Who could be mad at a new father? Good thing he didn’t look at all the names on the Chicken List, Frank thought. Frank never planned on telling him that his own name was among the chickens.

Kelly was surprised to see Elle still awake when she returned home from her date with Luke.
“She said she has to talk to you.” Monica explained smiling over at a very sleepy Elle. “I tried to get her to go to sleep but she said she had to wait up for you.”
“Mes gots to talks with youse.” Elle yawned as she looked up at Kelly.
Kelly laughed, “Okay, Bug. Let’s get into bed and we’ll talk.” She put out her hand and Elle gripped it.
“How was your date?” Monica asked.
“We went to the movies.” Kelly shrugged, “The movie was okay, nothing great. So are we gonna go to the hospital tomorrow to see the babies?”
Monica has been expecting the question. Kelly had been so excited today when she’d called her and told her Jamia was in labor “Yeah, we’ll go tomorrow to see them.”
Kelly nodded, “Mom, we can’t just stop being friends with people because of what happened. I like Frank and Jamia. I wanna see the new babies.”
“I know.” Monica said softly.
“So what are they gonna name them?”
Monica shook her head, “They haven’t decided yet.”
“Well they really should.” Kelly laughed. She leaned down and kissed her mom’s cheek. “See you in the morning.”
Once Kelly changed into her nightgown she crawled into bed. Elle’s eyes were closed and she thought she’d fallen asleep.
“Mes twaked to Dadgee.” Elle said opening her eyes.
Kelly turned to her, “You talked to him? He called today when you were at Grandma Donna’s?”
Elle nodded happily. “Hes wants mes to tell youse somping.”
“Oh.” Kelly tried not to let her hopes rise. “What did he say?”
“Hes miss youse.”
“He really said that?” Kelly tried not to read too much into his words.
Elle yawned. “And hes says hes luves youse.”
Kelly closed her eyes. It was impossible not to let hope into her heart. She looked over at Elle who had closed her eyes again. For several minutes she simply lay there replaying the words over and over in her mind. Did he mean them? Was he going to come home and try to fix things with her Mom? She hoped with all her heart that was what he was going to do. She closed her eyes and smiled. Maybe, just maybe, there was still hope.

Monica crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep. The day had been full of so many emotions. When Frank had said one of the babies was in distress she’d felt her own heart stop. Thank God the day had turned out to have a happy ending. Frank had been right. The babies were beautiful.
She rolled over tried to keep the thoughts of Sarah’s baby from entering her mind but it was impossible. She and Gee would have had a baby boy. What would he have looked like? In her mind she imagined Gerard holding a newborn in his arms. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. This was an image she would never see.
Suddenly she remembered he’d wanted to talk to her today when she’d been at Donna’s. She had hated to see the hurt on Donna’s face when she’d shaken her head no, that she didn’t want to talk to him. Should she have? Was it wrong to refuse to speak with him? In her heart she knew she wanted to talk to him, she wanted to hear his voice. But it was the fear that he was still angry with her that kept her from speaking with him. What if he had demanded she simply leave Elle with his mother?
Monica rolled over on her back and stared into the darkness. He would be home in less than a week. She knew she’d have to see him then. They needed to discuss Elle. Monica felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She knew she had to remain strong.

“Bob?” Kara wasn’t sure if he’d fallen asleep. She hoped not. Her body was still tingling from the love they’d made earlier.
“Yeah?” He opened his eyes and looked over at her. They’d left the candles burning on the nightstand and his breath caught at her beauty.
“Tonight was fun.” She said as she snuggled up to his chest.
Bob groaned, “Oh yeah, it was a fucking blast.”
“No, really. I did have fun. I’m glad you wanted to leave. I was pretty scared.”
“Sure, you were.” Bob said closing his eyes again.
Kara laughed, “It was scary but I was holding on to you so I felt safe.”
Her words caused a smile to appear on Bob’s face. He pulled her closer. “I love you.”
“I love you.” She kissed his lips. “So what are we doing tomorrow?”
“Whatever you want.” He answered as he stroked her bare arm.
“I just want to be with you.” Kara’s words were straight from her heart.
“It’s out last day here.” He reminded her.
“Yeah, and then back to Jersey.” She closed here eyes. “I hope Mom’s doing okay.”
“Yeah.” Bob agreed. “But like I told you before if she needs us to stick around before we go to Chicago, we will.”
The thought of going to their home made Kara smile. “I just wish there was something I could do to help, Mom. I know how badly the breakup has hurt her.”
Bob decided to bring up a subject he’d been avoiding, “Kara, do you think there is any chance she and Gerard will work things out?”
“He broke up with her.” Kara reminded him softly.
“Yeah, but I get the feeling he’s regretting it. If he didn’t still care about her, he wouldn’t be trying so hard to talk to her.”
“I guess.” Kara signed, “I just don’t understand what happened. I knew losing Liv would be hard for him but it seems to have tipped him over the edge.”
Bob had thought a lot about this too. In his mind he knew there was more to it then just Liv’s death. Still he knew he would probably never know the whole story. Whatever had happened it was between Monica and Gerard. He just hoped that somehow they could work through it.
“What’s ya thinking’?” Kara raised her head to look into his face.
Bob pushed those thoughts aside, “I’m thinkin’ I’d like to make love to my wife again.”
“Oh, really?” Kara giggled. “Strange I was just thinkin’ I’d like my husband to make love to me again.”
“Well, great minds think alike.” Bob said as he lifted her body on to his.

“Oh, for cryin’ in a bucket…. Herbert” Mrs. Lancaster gave her husband a not so subtle nudge. Herbert had just fallen asleep. His wife was up finishing her beauty routine.
This involved curlers, a chinstrap and a hideous green mud mask.
“Yes, dear?”
“Herbert. I told those kids not to go to that horrible place. Now just listen to them. That poor thing is having such a nightmare. I knew it just wouldn’t be good for them.” She whipped her blankets off. “I’d better go make them some nice cocoa. Help them get back to sleep, dontcha know.”
She started to get out of bed, when Herbert stopped her. “Mabel, let them be. They don’t need any cocoa”
Mabel stopped on the edge of the bed, hesitating. “Are you sure Herbert? A nice cup of cocoa would be just the thing, I’m sure. I know you like your cocoa. Always sets you to rights, yep.”
“Tell you what, Mabel. You go make me a nice cuppa” Mabel looked pleased to be doing something. She started to say something else. “Now, get on with you. The kids are already back to sleep.” Mabel stood up and pulled on her robe. “And don’t forget those little marshmallows” Herbert turned on the lamp next to him and sat up as Mabel bustled away.
“I told those kids not to go to that place. Kids today. What are they thinkin’? All that screamin’ and such….” Her voice became indistinct as she neared the kitchen.
“Perhaps they saw your mud mask, my dear” Herbert said very quietly.
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