Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Your Guardian Angel

Tell Me I'm An Angel...

by renthead 0 reviews

Autumn explains what she is to Gerard...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-05 - Updated: 2008-07-05 - 1335 words

7. Tell Me I’m An Angel

“Yes, I know,” said Gerard. I was lying face down on his bed while he poured a combination of hydrogen peroxide and bacitracin on my wounds; burning into the scars that would forever remain on my back. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing I had ever experienced, but compared to what I had to go through a few hours preceding this, it wasn’t dreadfully bad either. The radio on his dresser said it was approaching ten o’ clock.
I had collapsed in the entrance hall of our high school after ridding the place (and Gerard) of Deamons. According to him, Gerard awoke to find me bleeding to death on the floor. (That’s one of the downsides to being half human: you can die.) He picked me up and carried me to his house. I woke up in his arms when we were half way there; he was crying probably because he thought I was dead. His mother didn’t take our arrival too kindly, figuring she let out a high pitched squeal then passed out on the floor. (I don’t blame her; we were both drenched in blood and I carried the resemblance of a corpse) He let me change into an old pair of his shorts seeing that my clothes were torn and stained red.
“No, I’m an Angel” I repeated, choking down a cough. It was hard to breath when you were resting face down with two slits in your back.
“Okay, now you’re just being arrogant,” he laughed. I groaned in frustration. You would think that someone who worshipped the comic book industry would have caught on a little quicker than this.
“Do you remember anything that happened after your detention?” I knew that Deamon possession meant that you couldn’t remember anything, but I was trying to figure out how Erik could have possibly broken the protective barrier I put up around Ray, Mikey and Gerard when I first met them. (Screw Frank, he’s got Victoria)
“The last thing I remember was taking the note from you, then…I really couldn’t remember anything except flashes of what I don’t think were even my own memories. Does that make any sense?” I nodded as best as I could. I bit my lip, the antibiotics eating through any kind of scab that had tried to materialize over the last few hours.
“But I remember you.” He said sadly. “I…what happened?” I ignored him.
“Were you angry in any way shape or form after you saw that letter?”
“What are you, my psychologist?” I sighed.
“This is important, Gee!” He pushed harder on my left side, causing me to jump in pain.
“Sorry.” He waited a few moments before answering, his hands busy with bandages.
“Yes,” he murmured very, very quietly.
“At me, intentionally or not?”
“Yes,” he said, even softer this time. Then that meant that his anger must have broken the protection.
“Gerard, listen to me,” I said, my voice shaking. Would he accept this or would he think I was a circus freak? I wanted to roll over, to look in his eyes, but seeing that I was topless would have posed more of a distraction then the repulsion that was now my flipside. At my voice he immediately stopped prodding.
“I’m your…” It was hard, the words weren’t coming as easily now that he was listening.
“Your Guardian Angel” It was silent for what felt like hours.
“So…” he stated disconnectedly. “You make sure that I don’t fuck up big time?” I smiled, rolling my eyes.
“I’m not doing a very good job, am I?”
“Is that why you didn’t dump me on my alcoholic ass after Frank’s party?” he questioned abruptly.
“Partially. That and I was falling in love with you.” He was silent again, thinking up more questions, I’m sure.
“Do angels have…uh…special powers or anything?” I didn’t have to look at him to tell he was blushing.
“It depends. Normal angels are born with all of their ‘powers,’ they just have to refine them so they don’t trigger the end of the world. But half-bloods like me are born with one power and we get to learn all the rest. We’re kind of the handicapped of the angel world. We’re treated like that, anyways.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’d think we were murderers the way they spit on us. But no, we’re just part human so we’re not as special.”
“By we you mean…?”
“My mother, my sisters, and I, yes.” His head hit the pillow next to mine, his hands resting behind it.
“But…you almost died back there. I could tell, you were barely breathing.”
“Like I said, I’m part human, right?” he nodded.
“Well, guess what? Humans can die, so…so can we. I’m immortal, but I can be killed. I live forever, but if fate intervenes…” I drew my finger gravely across my throat.
“How are half angels created?” Gerard’s mind was racing so fast I could barely read it.
“Well, you’re either born that way, like one angel parent, one human parent, or…” I trailed off
“Or what?” he asked eagerly.
“Well, now, I don’t want you getting any ideas or anything, but…you can make humans into angels.” His eyes grew very wide all-of-a-sudden.
“No way!?”
“Yes, but it is painful and time consuming and-” He cut off my nervous antics.
“And I wasn’t event thinking about it.” He smiled; a lie.
“My dad was a human. He didn’t know my mother was an angel. She didn’t bother to tell him until…” my voice cracked unintentionally.
“Until it was too late.”
“He was killed by a Deamon. Possessed and killed. I couldn’t let you die, not like him…” I put my face in the pillow; it was quiet for a few moments. Gerard got up swiftly and tossed me a shirt.
“Come on” He said, running out the door. Confused, I followed. Where would we be going in the middle of the night? (On a school night, too; my mother is going to flip nuggets) We went outside and just sat on his front step. It was cold for November, a few snowflakes danced in the midnight air, reflecting the light from the house as they flittered to the ground.
“So…” I said casually.
“You know, winter formal’s coming up.”
“I don’t know.” He shifted his legs and looked down.
“I’ll go with you if you want,” I smiled. He looked up, his expression relieved.
“Well yeah, who else would I go with, Ray?” He shrugged
“There are plenty of guys who would go with you, you know” I raised an eyebrow
“Yeah, that Brett kid in my gym class never shuts up about it.” I shuddered. Brett Loens is the most annoying prick I have ever encountered. All he ever talks about is sex or sports. Or now, apparently, me.
“Ew…That kid makes acne look contagious” Gerard laughed.
“You should hear him. I’m just like ‘uh, she’s my girlfriend’ and he doesn’t care. I don’t exist to people like him.”
“Who’s he going out with?” he sighed.
“Oh. Uh…sorry, I didn’t-”
“Not that I care,” he added, then flashing a smile.
“I would guess that Victoria isn’t going, seeing as Frank doesn’t go to our school.”
“Oh, she’s going. She’s just going to leave early to hang out with him.” He put a slight emphasis on ‘hang out’.
We both rolled our eyes.
“Your sisters…?” Then I realized I shouldn’t have been there.
“Shit! They’re going to kill me.” I jumped up off his porch and ran as fast as I could.
“See you…later?”
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