Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Your Guardian Angel

This Isn't The End

by renthead 1 review

God, I honestly don't know how to summarize this one. Give me a few chapters. It's good to be back.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-03-28 - Updated: 2008-03-29 - 1243 words

6. I Don’t Love You

“I need help, Gee.” Gerard ignored me, not even lifting his eyes from the paper. I cleared my throat.
“I said, I need help with this project, Gerard!” He ignored me, still. Only then did I realize that he had his Walkman in his ears, and relinquished my complaining to a minimal sigh.
Ray, however, had been done since Monday and, it being Friday, was bored beyond his limits. He had taken to pissing off Gerard, usually with results that caused the teacher to send Gerard to the principal’s office. This did not stop Ray from continuing his provocation of him and, in turn, did not stop Gerard from lashing out at Ray.
I looked down at my drawing so far and it was a long ways from being done. We were on our final paper and I was having difficulty getting it right. The left wing was considerably larger than the right and hung somewhat lower as well. Eraser streaks disfigured the page. I sighed, dropped my charcoal, and stood up to turn the mess of a drawing in. Mr. Vivendi took it and shook his head.
“Autumn, I am very disappointed in you. Your portfolio from the other school was much more developed than this.”
“My apologies, sir.” The squat, podgy man opened his mouth to say something else, but Gerard’s yelps interjected him.
“Damn it, Ray!” He ripped his walkman out of his ears and rubbed his eye. I skidded back to my table, happy to get out of another ‘you-can-do-better-than-this-shit’ lecture.
“What did you do?!” I whispered harshly to Ray. Gerard was flicking his sharpener knife down the end of his pencil, glaring at Ray with his blood shot eye.
“This,” and he proceeded to poke Gerard in his good eye. He jumped out of his chair, jamming his knife between Ray’s eyes, refraining from contact, however.
“ONE MORE TIME AND, SO HELP ME, I WILL GUT YOU WITH THIS KNIFE!!” I stuck my head under the table to prevent Vivendi from seeing me burst out laughing.
“Mr. Way!”
“I’m going, I’m going!” He grabbed his art supplies and stalked out the door. Of course, I had to be the one to wait for his third detention that week. He only had to do lines, but three days straight and it would start to get boring. I amused myself (while sitting in the kindergarten-acceptable plastic chair outside the art room) with thinking up lines Gerard might have to do. The first detention was for “disfiguring” Ray’s recovering ‘fro with his pencil sharpener. (“I will not give my classmates crude haircuts, no matter how badly he needs it.”) The second was for putting his knife into the desk. (“I will not confront my anger issues by ruining tables that are worth more than my scholarship.”)
And today…well…: “I will not forcibly remove my classmate’s intestines with a blunt object. Or threaten to do so.” After this, I decided to root around through Gerard’s stuff to see if I could find something to look at. My hand closed around a letter that was obviously from a girl. (Unless, of course, Ray prefers pink stationary and has changed his name to Olivia)
Its overly-cute handwriting read:

Sorry you had to see me like that. I mean, I was drunk and whatever. And you of all people should know how that is! I gave you your first beer, remember? ‘Course not, you were shit-ass drunk. Well, I hope we could still be friends and stuff.
Olivia Clarke
A pale hand plucked the note from my grasp and another entwined its fingers with mine.
“Detention sucked, A. Let’s go.”
“Whatever you say, G-Bear” I teased, smiling. But his expression remained grim.
“Are you going to clari-”
“Later, Autumn.” He snapped. Angry was one of few emotions I had ever seen expressed on Gerard’s face, but somehow I knew he was really pissed about me reading that note.
“Oh, I forgot something,” He grumbled quickly before storming off in the opposite direction, tearing his hand from mine. I leaned on the wall nearby, running my fingers through my mangled, auburn hair. The clock across the hall read half past four.
“Winter’s gonna kill me for being late” I thought. Winter, my oldest sister, could be a real pain in the ass if you got on the wrong side of her. Then again, which side of her isn’t the wrong side?
I heard footsteps behind me and I whipped around, half expecting Gerard, half expecting the worst. But there was nothing there but the echoes of my footsteps reverberating off of the large entrance hall. Gee appeared at my side silently.
“So what did you forget?” I questioned casually. He went beck to glaring at me.
“Why do you have to be so damn nosy all the time?!” He shouted, angrily (and probably unconsciously) wringing his hands.
“I…what?” I was a little taken aback at his tone. I’ve heard him yell before but there was something else behind his voice this time that I had only heard once: pure hatred. He started throwing punches and caught my left eye. He went for my right, but I was quicker and grabbed his fist. I had to get to work and fast.
“Oh shit oh shit oh shit,” I muttered.
“You bitch! You thoughtless bitch! Get your fucking hands off of me you motherfucking-” I grabbed his pocket knife out of his pants as I wrestled him to the ground. There was only one explanation for this: he was possessed by a Deamon. Three guesses for which one.
“Get the fuck out of him, Erik.” I slashed the knife quickly across my arm. Thick, scarlet blood oozed out of the wound. Grimacing, I squeezed the gash until it bled onto the back of Gerard’s neck. Angel’s blood is one of the few materials of this earth that Deamons cannot tolerate. He shrieked an unearthly howl, vomited what looked like blood onto the floorboards and passed out. A deep cackle echoed throughout the hall and the entire room went pitch black. Trembling with fear and pain, I stood up. The circular room began spinning, things flew off the walls and started hitting me.
“Come out and play!” Hissed the disembodied voice. I put both my hands up in the air and screamed as loud as I could:
МАЙ ОДНО ОЕ БЫЛО ЛЮДСКИМИ СВЯТЕЙШЕ!” My feet lifted off of the ground. The wound in my arm healed immediately, but my wings started to tear through my back. Blood poured out of the slits as pure white wings spread behind me. My common clothes turned into pure white billowing robes. When my feet touched ground again, I cried out, putting my hands on the floor this time:
РАЗРУШЬТЕ ДЕМОНА И СОГРЕШЕНИЯ!” Bright light exploded from the floor. If anything had managed to not be blown away at that point, it had been obliterated completely. The wind stopped, but it was still as dark as night. I mustered up any energy I had left and whispered “возвращение нормального к нормальному” I was back in my human clothes, drenched in blood and exhausted. Gerard lay sleeping on the cluttered ground next to me. Even though I had rid of Erik for now, I somehow knew this wasn’t the end. And I was pretty sure that it wasn’t ever going to end.
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