Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Your Guardian Angel

My Way Home Is Through You

by renthead 0 reviews

Mikey tells Autumn the truth about Victoria. Sorry for the wait!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2007-10-06 - Updated: 2007-10-07 - 1092 words

My Way Home Is Through You
I opened and closed my eyes before I decided to accept reality that morning. The only evidence that last night actually happened was the blouse with broken buttons and torn seams in a heap next to my unmade bed. That, and the headache pounding in my head. Somewhere in my mind, something told me to pull on some pants, but somehow forgot to tell me to put on a decent shirt. It also told me that the newspaper was necessary to go on, but somewhere between my mailbox and my front door, the morning news didn’t seem quite as important as crossing the street and going to Gerard’s house. I happened to be smart enough to not wear shoes and at nine in the morning, Mikey found me on his doorstep, freezing my ass off. He quickly ushered me into the house.
“Gee’s not home right now, I think he’s at some sort of art class.” He threw me a sweatshirt that obviously wasn’t his.
“Oh, I’ll leave-”
“It’s okay; I need to talk to you anyways…”
“About…?” I sat down on the stairs, figuring I would be there for a while, and pulled the sweater tighter around me. Did everything Gerard owned smell this good?
“It’s Victoria…” He paused, shutting out his mind from me. Mikey and Winter were that only ‘people’ that I knew who I couldn’t read their minds.
“Is she okay?” I thought for a second. “Is it Frank?”
“No…no. I think I love her, A.” Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Well, sleeping with Frank aside,” he looked at me funny. “Why don’t you just tell her?”
“I don’t know. I guess it’s because I’ve known her since we were little and she hasn’t always acted this way.” Mikey pushed his glasses up on his nose, sniffled and continued:
“We were so close to going out, but then she met Frank and that shook up everything completely. They started seeing each other more and more often. Next they were sleeping together and she kept telling me how he’d hurt her if she wouldn’t-” The words caught in his throat.
“So you’re saying that she deserves better?”
“I guess.”
“I’ll talk to her, okay?”
“Alright. I think Gerard will be home soon, so…” He started up the stairs.
“Hey, Mikey?”
“Is it that bad that I fell for Gerard that quickly?” He waited a bit before answering.
“No. Not at all.” He said finally before dashing up the stairs, just in time for Gerard to come home.
“I’m ba-ack…Autumn!?” He said with almost an air of disbelief in his voice. Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist to give me a hug, lifting me off the ground in the process.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He kept saying that over and over until I told him to stop.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.” He put me back down and sat down next to me.
“You keep telling yourself that.” I shook my head, but left it at that.
“So, what brings you to my place this early in the morning?” It was only nine, but I didn’t mention it.
“The fact that I wanted to talk to you about nothing in particular.” He raised an eyebrow, but I was nowhere close to caring.
“And you showed up in your pajamas, because? Or do you have a sudden obsession with hair metal hoodies?” I pulled the sweater tighter around me still.
“I told my voice of reason to take a long walk off a short pier.” He smiled at me. Did I mention how cute he was when he smiled?
“Oh! Can you do something for me?” He stood up and led me up the stairs.
He led me into what was his bedroom but it looked more like a comic book convention. Cover art lined the walls, most of it you could tell was his own by the jagged lines that reflected not only in his drawing style but in his handwriting as well. An easel was propped up in front of the window, a drawing pad on top of it. His sheets were lazily thrown onto the bed, more important things needed to be done, I suppose. A guitar sat in the stand in the corner, but judging the layer of dust coating the body and strings, it wasn’t used often. Gerard pulled a pad of paper and a pen out from the black desk next to the easel, and held it under my nose.
“Write” he said, taking the charcoal from behind his ear.
“Write what?”
“Any thing I don’t care. It doesn’t have to be any thing or make sense. Or just hold the pen above the pad. I don’t care.”
“You’re drawing me!?” He nodded, the pencil flying across the canvas, only stopping when Gerard turned to get a good look at me. I stared at the pad, pen in hand.
“Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” I had never been so flattered in my life. It took about an hour before he finished.. He covered the easel and sat down next to me and put the pencil back behind his ear, “just in case” I started about my past, about my life in Ohio and my pitiful lack of friends there. I skipped the angel parts and…him, and went on to my family.
“My older sister is Winter,” I said, happy he wasn’t making fun of my sisters’ names. “Then me, and the twins: Spring and Summer.” He was smiling; all of us were named after the seasons. I studied Gerard’s face, his expression. He looked like he was debating something in his mind, his expression changing little enough for me to notice.
“Are you okay?” He didn’t respond.
“Gerard?” I waved my hand in front of his face.
“Oh, hell with it.” He muttered quickly before he pushed his lips into mine. It almost felt like last night, only there was more meaning behind it, more-
“Hey, Gee, Mom says…Woah, sorry guys.” A red-faced Mikey quickly shuffled out of the room. Leave it to Mikey to ruin a moment. I looked at Gerard, shrugged, and continued our make-out session.

As I lay in his arms for a while, I finally felt welcomed; I just might finally have found home.
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