Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Your Guardian Angel

What's The Worst That I Could Say?

by renthead 0 reviews

Gerard is more than drunk, but he has something to say...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Humor, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-30 - Updated: 2007-05-30 - 1082 words

What's The Worst That I Could Say?
I threw myself onto my bed, trying to shut out Gerard's apologies.
I'm sorry...And I love you!
"I love you, too" I whispered pointlessly into my pillow. "But I can't..." A tear streamed silently down my face. I remembered the last time I was like this, only with Erik. And it wasn't only a heartbreak that I was hurting from. I planned to never trust anyone like that again. In case you hadn't noticed, that wasn't going too well for me at the time. I sat up, the blood pounding in my head from exhaustion. I walked to the door with slow, quiet footsteps. I hesitated, letting my hand sit on the doorknob for a while. I heard him say something, but it was incoherent through the walls. My cell phone rang, almost mocking my silence.
"I really need to change that," I said to myself.
"Hello?" I mumbled, regretting answering every minute I was on the phone.
"Heeeeeyyy, Auuuutuummnn!" It was Victoria.
"You're drunk," I stated, plainly.
"Yeeaah, but the sex was GREAT!"
"Slut..." She laughed.
"Sticks and stones, bitch!"
"I have a problem..."
"Oh...?" I waited before answering.
"Gee's at my house, and -" I could barely get the words out of my mouth.
"That's not what I meant!" I hissed.
"Why not try telling me what you mean?"
"I were right," I admitted. She didn't say anything.
"He, Gerard, got drunk." She still kept quiet.
"And he tried to, you know..." She sighed into the receiver.
"Do you want me to come over?"
"Nah, it's okay." I knew it wasn't. I heard her giggle, and then the line went dead. I dropped the phone to the floor, walked to where Gerard was, and slowly opened the door.
"Gee?" He was stomach down on the floor, his face rested on his arms. He was breathing in what looked like painful, irregular patterns.
"Are you okay?" I heard a muffled 'no'. I rolled him over onto his back and propped him up against the wall. Sweat and make-up stained tears streaked his face. I wiped them away, feeling a hint of irony. I had always pictured the guy wiping away the girl's tears, not the other way around. He looked pale.
"I feel sick..." he whispered.
"It's'll be fine." I took his hand and squeezed it.
"Autumn..." His eyes were rolling back into his head. I tucked my hands under his arms in a sad attempt to pick him up. He collapsed on top of me. I pushed him off, gently. I didn't want to hurt him, not again.
Not another one.
I disposed of the bag in the bathroom, and then went to check on Gerard. He had passed out, as I had imagined would happen. I pushed my ear up against his chest. There was a heartbeat, but barely. His breath had grown short. I knew what was wrong with him, but I didn't know what to do. I picked my phone up off the ground and dialed 911. I told the operator that my brother had alcohol poisoning. I really didn't need the story of my life on a hospital record. I told her where I lived and soon enough, the ambulance had arrived. I felt uneasy, and a bit panicked, during what seemed like a rushed ambulance ride. I couldn't wait to see what my mother would do when she found out...
"I heard your friend here had too much to drink, eh?" I shrugged.
"Yeah" I wasn't in the mood to argue with his nosiness.
"What's your girlfriend's name?"
"My brother's name is Gerard" The man's face grew pale. He didn't say much after that. Gerard didn't look that much like a girl, did he?
We pulled into the hospital. Gerard was wheeled to a room, but they made me sit in the lobby and wait. Some pretty sad looking people came in through the lobby while I waited for Gerard. One was a woman who was sobbing and wouldn't stop complaining how cold it was. Another was a girl, a little younger than I, with a baby on the way. By the time the doctor had come out to tell me what happened, I had seen enough.
"Can I see him, now!?" I begged, wanting to leave the lobby as soon as possible.
"Sure, but don't have high expectations." I wanted to say something, but I didn't. I found the room that Gerard was in, and he was a sight for sore eyes. His hair was a sweaty, matted mess. There were dark circles around his eyes from make-up or exhaustion. Blood stained his lips from vomiting so much. I sat down in the chair next to him.
"Oh, God, Gee." I stroked his cold, pale cheek with my hand, and then ran my fingers through his hair. Gerard slowly opened his eyes.
"A-Autumn," He was having trouble talking; his voice was hoarse. "How...What happened?" I didn't have to answer; he remembered on his own.
"I'm sorry, Autumn. I really -" I put my other hand to his lips.
"Shh, it's okay" I rested my head on his chest. His heartbeat was steadier now; his breath stronger.
"I'm sorry, too."
"I should have told you. You didn't need to see me like this." He tipped my face up towards his. I tried to reassure myself that this was okay; that I could trust him.
"But I meant it," He looked at me, hesitant. "I meant it when I said I loved you." He pulled my face close to his.
"And don't you ever forget that." Gerard gently pressed his lips against my forehead.
"I guess we all have secrets..." He said, almost like a question.
"...That all have a time to be told," I finished for him. I sat up, silently asking him to go home.
I gave the receptionist my address for billing, then called my mother to come and pick us up from the hospital. I mentioned that I would explain later. After an uncomfortably quiet ride and dropping Gerard off at his house, Mom began the interrogation.
"I told you he wasn't the right type to hang out with..." I kept my face pressed against the window, not in the mood to answer my mother's awkward questions.
"Mom..." I moaned.
"What as he in the hospital for?" I didn't say anything.
"What's the worst that I could say?"
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