Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Can Feel Him Staring

Drinking Leads To Wondering

by peteysgirl89 0 reviews

Gerard is drinking and Pete overhears some things he shouldn't

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-07-07 - Updated: 2008-07-08 - 1389 words

So here's Chapter 9. Hope you'll enjoy it!

“Gerard why do you do this to yourself? Every time you find out he’s with someone else you just completely drown yourself in alcohol. Why can’t you just tell him?” Mikey asks as he places himself next to his brother on the floor removing the bottle from his hand.

“I can’t,” Gerard responds almost robotically to his younger brother’s questions. He had gotten so used to his brother asking and he always responded in the same way that his answer was automatic.

“What are you afraid of Gerard? That he might actually consider it if you told him?”

“No Mikey. Honestly I thought about it there for a while but he’s happier now than he has ever been and I think Pete is here to stay this time. Or at least he better be or I’ll kill him. So help me God I’ll ring his skinny little tan neck. Besides he doesn’t even know I’m bisexual. Well technically I’m not. He’s the only guy I have ever felt this way about.”

“I know that and I think when you guys first started hanging out and talking he liked you a lot Gerard in that way but you just never showed interest so he gave up.”

“I never showed interest because at that time I didn’t have these feelings but now that I do it’s just hard to get over them.”

“Honestly I don’t think you want to get over them and that’s why you can’t. Gerard I’ve been there with those feelings and it’s better if you make up your mind and either tell him or get over it. I’m serious. Stop drowning yourself in alcohol and tell him or sober up and get over it. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s the truth.”

“I want him to know because I to happen but I can’t ruin what he has now. His and Pete’s relationship is completely different now. It’s better than it ever has been and I can’t ruin that.”

“Then you need to try to move on. Gerard I love you. You’re my brother and I only want what’s best for you and the best thing you can do, if that’s the way you feel, is to move on and find someone else that makes you feel the way he does,” he says placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Oh and I suppose I’m just expected to automatically forget about him and go find someone else is that it?”

“Gerard it’s not like that and you know it but you have to be at least willing to try and move on which you’re not. Now come on seriously would you rather see him every day with Pete and be miserable with how you feel or see him with Pete and actually be happy for him?”

“Hey Mikey?” Pete asks entering the room.

“Yeah?” Mikey says as his heart pounds in his chest, “Jeez Pete you really should like knock or something. You scared the piss out of me.”

“Sorry I didn’t mean to .Um I was just wondering if you wanted to tune your bass right now or are you busy?”

“Um no just give me like five to ten minutes and I’ll be ready.”

“Okay I’ll see you out here then,” he says exiting the room.

“Okay now look get your ass up off the floor and drink some water,” Mikey says turning back to his brother.

“Mikey leave me alone.”

“I’m not going to do that. Now damn it I’ve had enough of this.”

“If you’re so fucking sick of me then leave and get away from me. AND as far as I’m concerned you can just stay out of my life.”

“Okay well if that’s how you’re going to act then fuck you. You can go ahead and drink yourself to your fucking grave because I’ve had enough,” Mikey says opening the door and slamming it behind him.

“Is everything okay? Are you sure you want to do this right now?” Pete asks as Mikey slams the door.

“Yeah everything is fine. Or at least I hope it will be. Let’s just forget about that and worry about this right now shall we?” he says picking up his bass off the couch.

“Yeah I guess so,” Pete says fiddling with the knobs on the end.

45 minutes later....

“Hey Mikey can I talk to you for a minute? Just take a break from this and talk to you?” Pete asks Mikey as he leans the bass against the couch.

“Pete we haven’t even gotten close to getting this done. You sure you want to take a break right now?”

“Yeah it’s being stubborn and making my head hurt and I need to just talk to you for a few minutes about something.”

“Well can’t you talk to Frankie about it? I mean it’s no big deal if you want to talk to me but I just think it’s weird you don’t want to talk to Frank about whatever it is,” he says as an uneasy feeling settles in his stomach and nervousness overtakes him.

“I can’t talk to Frank about this because it involves your brother and it’s really bugging the shit out of me.”

“Okay Pete hit me even though I really don’t want to talk about him right now.”

“Well earlier when I got here before I came into the room I could pretty much hear everything you were yelling about. Does Gerard have feelings for Fra....,”

“Pete it’s okay. Gerard always gets testy when he’s drunk and I was just saying things to make him mad. He goes in and out of his drinking and he knows it really pisses me off but don’t worry he won’t even remember what happened tomorrow when he wakes up with a pounding headache.”

“Mikey I really don’t want you to lie to me so I’m praying that you just told me the truth. I’ve known you and Gerard as long as I have known Frankie and it just seems like every time Frankie is with someone Gerard starts drinking really heavy so please if he feels something for Frank I need to know. Please,” Pete says as he stares at Mikey expecting the worst.

“Pete I don’t want to talk about this because I hate being the bearer of bad news and I hate being caught in the middle of this when it’s not even happening to me. I don’t want to lie to you and I don’t want you to leave Frank because of this. Frank loves you so much and if you leave him he would die this time on the inside. He would become lifeless and depressed and I don’t want to see him go through with that. Gerard yeah he does have feelings for Frank but he has also had a million and one chances to tell him and he never has so it’s his loss. That might be a shitty thing to say about my own flesh and blood but he had his opportunity and he blew it. He’ll be alright and he’ll live. He’ll learn to move on and find someone else but you don’t need to feel obligated to leave. Frank needs you here. Okay?” Mikey says placing a hand on Pete’s shoulder.

“I need to go outside for a little while and breathe.”

“Um actually why don’t you just go ahead and go back to your bus and lay down. I think I can finish this by myself.”

“Okay. I’ll umm talk to you later,” Pete says as he stands up and walks to the door.

“Oh and Pete?”

“Yeah?” Pete says turning around to look at Mikey.

“Please don’t tell Frank what happened.”

“I won’t don’t worry,” he says turning back exiting the bus.
So there's chapter 9. Hope you enjoyed it!
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