Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This is how we like to do it.

Chapter 3

by Sannose 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-07-09 - Updated: 2008-07-09 - 2037 words

"You're what?" I asked in slight dis belief. I meant the last time we spoke we were yanking each others hair out in the middle of the mall.
"Moving in." She stepped in a little further and put her back back and suitcase down.
"Josey I heard you. But I'm still mad at you." I admitted. She looked at me like nothing happened. Like she doesn't remember the shit she said and the memories she brought back for god sake.
"Oh come on just get over it. It was a stupid fight. And its not like anything I said was a lie." She shrugged her shoulders and started picking at her nail polish.
"I'll give you something to get over." I clenched my right hand into a fist when Gerard butted in. "ELLIE! Okay okay enough just chill out." He said grabbing my hand with the fist stopping me from punching her right in the nose.
"Jeez Ellie whats your problem?" She asked like it was no big deal. NO BIG DEAL! The pure fact she didn't see how this upset me got me even more angry. And she didn't even apologize. She just rubs it in more and then waltz's up in here just expecting me to take her in.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Gerard let go of my hand and I relaxed it.
I explained to her how I was feeling and we ended up getting into a huge discussion about the argument and our friendship in general.
"I mean Jose common. I told you about Josh in confidence you would keep it to yourself. And you know he..." I looked around the room. We were sitting on the couch talking and Gerard was out front having a cigarette. Then whispered. "Raped me."
Gerard didn't want to leave us alone yet. Something about me killing her and stuffing her body in the basement. But frankly I couldn't blame him. The idea didn't sound too bad at the time.
"I know Ellie and I'm sorry. It just picked at me that you didn't tell me what was bothering you. Since we first became friends I always thought you trusted me to tell me if something was up. You know how I sit here and tell you everything that's going on with me, I always thought you did the same." She explained.
"I do Josey really I do. But seriously I told you it was just a bunch of little things all over and stuff with my parents. You know how alone I get. Something just came over me."
"I know, Ive thought a lot about it and I'm sorry I acted how I did." She put her hand on my hand which was resting on my leg. "And I'm sorry I made what happened with josh out to be something anything less than serious." I nodded and smiled thanking her for apologizing.

We talked to the point where Gerard left since it was getting so late. I told him I wished he would have gone home when he was originally going to, because him coming home now would make his mom freak out on him again. Fuck she's gonna hate me before I even meet her.
"Ellie?" Josey was waving her hand in front of my face.
"Sorry"I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to remember the last thing she said. Let's see, Oh I remember Gerard putting on his shoes with a cigarette still in his mouth. Damn he looked hott. Focus Ellie! Okay what was JOSEY saying while Gerard was putting on his shoes?. it, she was sympathising about my parents. Good job A++ Ellie.
I smiled to myself but then Josey smacked my leg trying to get me to pay attention. We were sitting Indian style facing each other on the couch. My right leg was kinda hanging off the edge so when she hit me I fell totally off balance and onto the floor. I was laying on the floor and all i could hear was Josey's laugh er. It was a real tension reliever and she was laughing ridiculously hard. I couldn't help myself from laughing too.
"Sorry" She said between bursts of laughter.
"Its fine." I said sitting back up on the couch. But there was no way I was sitting Indian style again with her in reach.
"So...I really am sorry Ellie." She looked me in the eye like to make sure I knew what she was saying.
"I know." I said staring into her Green eyes.
"Do you forgive me?"She asked not braking the gaze.
I nodded."Yeah I forgive you." She smiled and I did as well in return.
"So all's that leaves is one more little matter." She looked back over her shoulder to where her bags still sat by the front door.
I laughed and stood up. "Let me show you to your room Miss." I held out my hand and put and arm behind my back like a butler.
Josey giggled and stood up beside me. "Why thank you good sir, how kind of you." She did a fake little curtsy towards me.

She chose the room she always stayed in upstairs. I helped her move things around and set up the few things she had. I finished plugging in her alarm clock and turned to face her. She was putting a medium sized picture frame on the night stand by her bed. It was a picture of her whole family.
"That's a nice picture." I said taking a seat on the edge of her bed still facing her.
"Yeah, I like having a picture beside my bed. At my uncles I had a picture of you and me." She looked at me. "But i don't see that nessicary anymore since we live together now." She made a goofy smile and I laughed.
"Well Its a very nice picture." I said taking a better look. I had never seen any pictures of Josey when she was little. This picture had been taken probably around when she was 11 or 12.
"Thanks."She sighed and sat down beside me on the bed.
It hit me then that I still didn't know what happened to make her move in with me. "Hey Jose...What happened?" I asked knowing she would know I was talking about what made her move in.
"I just couldn't take it anymore you know? I love all of them really I do, but I feel like if I live packed into that house with all rough boys, I may not for much longer." She made an uncomfortable laugh.
"Well you know you're always welcome here." When I spoke it barley looked like my words phased her. She seemed to be lost in thought. I frowned and stood off her bed. I looked over at the alarm clock but it was still blinking 12:00 . I knew it had to be sometime after 3 because we were talking for so long, and then I helped her unpack. I walked over to the doorway with my hand on the light switch and watched her snuggle up under the blankets.
I wanted to say something that would reach her in her thoughts. "Welcome Home Josey."
A smile grew across her face as she closed her eyes."Good night Ellie."

The next morning I woke up to the smell of something cooking. I wasn't sure what it was exactly but it smelled wonderful. My clock told me it was only 6:30am, school didn't start until 7:50 so I showered and made my way to the kitchen. I was greeted with tired but happily eating faces. Gerard and Mikey were sitting at my kitchen table stuffing their faces with piles of French Toast. Mikey looked up as I walked in and greeted me with a smile with food leaking out of his mouth. Josey was over the stove making more French Toast but turned around when she heard me walk in.
"Good morning lovely!" She greeted me cheerfully. I swear this girl was flipping out pieces of French Toast by the second. I smiled and said good morning as I kept walking into the kitchen. Gerard looked up from his now empty plate and swallowed a huge amount of food and downed what remained in his coffee cup. He stood up and walked towards me, meeting me before I reached the table. He picked me up and spun me around in his arms.
"I missed you so much Baby!" He said putting my feet on the ground but not releasing me from the hug.
"Gee its only been a few hours." I giggled.
"I know but still." He smiled and kissed me. Holding my hand he led me to an empty seat next to him at the small circular table.
I ate breakfast with the three of them and we all drove to school. Josey and I drove in my car and Gerard and Mikey followed in Gerard's car. It felt like it had been forever since I had been at school. I mean it was only two days but so much has happened. I mean getting a boyfriend, not being able to remember my first night having one, getting kicked out of the mall, and having my Best Friend move in with me are some pretty big things to jam into one weekend, at least for me it is. I cleared my head and took Gerard's hand walking into the school. We said goodbye to Mikey and Josey as they each went to their homeroom's and Gerard and I walked happily through the halls to our homeroom. A few of our 'friends' (you know, people we talked to during classes and such but nothing outside of school) smiled at the sight of us together. I was shuffling through my locker when I heard Jane's voice.
"Morning you two." She was leaning on the locker next to mine scanning Gerard and I grinning.
"Good Morning." I said smiling. I shut my locker and Gerard almost immediately took my bag off my shoulder. I looked at him with a look asking 'what are you doing' and he just smiled.
"Morning Jane." He said looking away from me.
"So whats up?" They way she said it told me she knew something was up with Gerard and I. Jane is in Gerard and I's English class. She had lunch with us but she stuck with her group of friends during that period. I considered her a friend unlike a lot of the other kids i knew from school. Even though the only time I ever hung out with her outside of school was when I ran into her at the mall one day. But I guess I wont be running into anyone there any time soon.
"I don't have any idea what you could be talking about." I joked turning my head smiling at Gerard.
"Hmm, Yeah right! I know you both too well to think something didn't change over the weekend." She said raising her eyebrow at us.
"That you do Jane." Gerard said taking my hand. He pulled me turning around not saying anything more to her. I heard her laughing as we walked to our homeroom.

Most of my classes were highly uneventful due to 'Monday Lag' as Mr.Potter my History teacher would say. Lunch came in what felt like a minute and neither Josey Gerard or I were hungry after having such a big breakfast, but we stayed in the cafeteria to talk with our friends.
I was so happy right then, I never wanted anything to change. Everything I ever needed was in Gerard and the rest of my friends. I never thought I'd be this happy in my entire life. The small act of changing school's was the best decision I had ever made. Gerard was the best thing that ever happen to me. Nothing and no one could change the way I felt about him.
"Michelle?" I heard a deep voice say behind me. I was laughing and turned around still smiling. My smile vanished from my face when I imidietly recognized the person standing behind me.
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