Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Chapter 9

by xXBrokenxRosesXx

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Erotica - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2008-07-10 - Updated: 2008-07-10 - 1421 words - Complete

My head hurt as I slowly began to come around. My vision was blurred and I felt groggy. I tried to move yet found that I was immobile. Slowly I began to hear a murmuring which gradually became clearer voices as I forced my mind to wake up and listen.

Looking around me as quiet as possible I realised that we were in my own room and I was restrained to the bed. I strained my ears to hear what was going on. The first thing I heard was Gerard’s cries.

“Come on you bitch, suck me.” Adriann hissed. “Make me ask you again and princess over there will have another pretty brand to show off.”

“Ok, please, just don’t hurt him.” Gerard begged before I head the unmistakeable sound of Gerard taking Adriann into his mouth. I closed my eyes in humiliation for Gerard. It was unfair for him to have to go through this.

“Don’t worry sugar, I won’t hurt him, you’ll be the one doing all the hurting tonight.”

I began to shake. This unfortunately drew attention the fact that I was awake.

“Aw princess, you’re just in time to see the show.”

I heard Adriann pull out of Gerard’s mouth and make his way over to the bed. He sat me upright without loosening the restraints, causing my arms to pull at uncomfortable angles.

“Now pretty, you’re going to sit and watch the show and if I see you are not paying attention, your lovely little lover here will pay for it. Comprende?”

I nodded.


Adriann once again stood by Gerard and forced Gerard to take him into his mouth. I wanted to turn away but the flash of Adriann’s all-too-familiar knife convinced me otherwise. The tears fell quickly and hot against my face, I felt sick to my stomach and the angle I was sitting at caused my back and arms to protest obscenely. Finally Adriann pulled himself from Gerard’s lips.

“Aw thank you pet,” Adriann purred, running his hand through Gerard’s head. “Get on the bed.” He said, suddenly grabbing a clump of Gerard’s hair and pulling it roughly in his fist.

Gerard moved quickly, scrambling to sit next to me and discreetly took my hand, squeezing it in silent comfort.

“You guys sicken me,” Adriann suddenly piped up, throwing the small clock that sat on my computer desk at us. I cried out in pain as it hit me, unable to protect myself due to the ties around my ankles and wrists. Adriann stalked over to us.

“I’m going to untie you,” he said. “One wrong movement and I’ll run you through. Both of you.” He threatened holding the knife up.

He brought the knife down to my ankles and cut through the ties - nicking my skin in the process – before taking care of the ties on my wrist. I sat up better of my own accord and rubbed my wrists with my hands, circling my ankles. It was when I looked behind me that I saw the blood on the pillow. My blood.

I felt sick at the prospect and briefly closed my eyes, holding onto Gerard’s hand more firmly.

Adriann suddenly grabbed hold of my head and crushed my lips to his, I panicked. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Gerard had tried to come to my rescue but was being held at bay by the knife pointing at his neck. I struggled to get out of Adriann’s grip.

Adriann pulled away. “You two are going to fuck.”

I looked at him blankly. There was no way I could, no way. I wouldn’t be able to stand to the pain, my ass hole was too torn, yet I’d never been one to fuck Gerard, I’d always bottomed, too scared to top. Today might just be the day I face that fear.

“Strip,” he said, pointing the knife like an extra finger towards Gerard. My muscles were shaking uncontrollably. This was bringing back too many memories of what had happened last time.

Gerard’s hands slowly began to undo the buckle of his belt and I noticed for the first time since I got out of the bath that he was wearing no shirt. Amazing the small details you notice when you least need to. Gerard’s trousers slowly pooled around his ankles, his head bowed in shame.

“All of it.” Adriann’s sharp voice came suddenly.

Holding one arm over his stomach in a bid to hide the slight roundness that I knew he hated, Gerard took his other hand to his boxers and pulled them down, allowing them to lie next to his jeans.

“Mikey, get your towel off.”

I cried harder and sniffled, pulling the towel from around my waist reluctantly. Not that it mattered. Not only had he seen it before but I knew that there would be no getting around it.

“Touch your brother,” Adriann said to Gerard. Gerard looked at me apologetically, I nodded his permission. Slowly Gerard lifted his hand to my chest. Running his hands over it I watched sickeningly as Adriann sat on a chair in the corner of my room. I looked over at the door. He had locked it. Looking back I saw him smirking and holding up the key to my door in his hand.

Gerard kissed me softly. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured. I nodded, assuring him that I loved him; that I forgave him.

“Mikey touch him back. Make him hard,” came Adriann’s barking command.

I looked over disgustedly as I saw Adriann slowly rubbing his hand over his jeans.

I pulled Gerard closer to me, burying my face in his neck in hope of forgetting about Adriann and that this was only me and Gerard, alone, doing this of our own accord.

Gerard kissed my neck and held my hand tightly as his other hand ran over my body. I pulled his head up and kissed him back harder. My hand uncurled from Gerard’s neck and ran down his chest, ending up at his crotch. The sight of Adriann’s knife was never far from my mind. I ran my hand over his crotch and felt him buck into my hand.

Gerard grabbed both of my hands and held them about my head, kissing me and pushing his hips into my own. I gasped into his mouth at the contact. Gerard ran his hands down my body and ran them over my crotch. I froze and tried to move away from Gerard. Behind my closed eyelids it was Adriann who was doing this to me and I wasn’t about to comply with him.

“Mikey? Mikey it’s me, Gerard.”

I opened my eyes.

“I can’t do this.” I cried.

“Yes you can.” Adriann said his voice suddenly in my ear. “Get on your knees.”

I did so, feeling the cold, steel blade of the knife nick my throat.

I heard Adriann shift behind Gerard. My heart was beating a mile to the minute.

I heard Gerard sob and looking over my shoulder I realised Adrian had his hand wrapped around Gerard, stroking him to hardness. I turned back around, feeling the sickness begin again.

I never once thought that this would happen again.

“Aww,” purred Adriann into Gerard’s ear. “I thought you wouldn’t want this. Looks like I was wrong. You’re having no problems getting it up.”

Gerard cried harder and the bed lifted as Adriann got off the bed.

“Gerard, fuck him.”

I cried out.

“No please, no,” I cried. “I can’t take anymore, please, anything but this.”

“No.” Adrian replied sharply. “You’ll do what I want you to and right now Gerard fucking you is sounding pretty good, so get comfortable there bitch ‘cause this ain’t stopping any time soon.”

I buried my head into my arms. I wouldn’t be able to do this. I couldn’t.

I felt Gerard move around behind me, felt his hot tears hit my back as he leant over me. I heard a brief sucking sound and felt Gerard’s fingers at my entrance and choked on my breath.

This wasn’t about to happen.

Hey guys, hope you enjoy, remember rate and review and I'll give you another chapter when I get back from Egypt on the 29th of July (:
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