Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > this was no accident this was a therapeutic chain of events

Sugar, We're Going Down

by kristinluvspete 2 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-07-11 - Updated: 2008-07-11 - 1524 words - Complete

Pete really needs to get over it. I am taking the job, simple as that. It is my dream job, DREAM JOB WENTZ! YA HEAR THAT? I have wanted to work for Cosmopolitan since I was like, 13 and began reading what I was too young to do to a guy in bed. My book got published and the editer's at Cosmo loved it so much that they put it in the red hot reads section. Then I was invited to write an article, which I did, and I was offered a full time job. Pete hates the idea.

Sure, that means that Pete and I will probably break up. I'm still young and Pete is like, my 4th or 5th boyfriend. I think the real reason he is upset is because it is in New York and Gabe is in New York. Not sure why he is so upset, I mean Gabe has a live in girlfriend now. I think she's rebound from me if you want to know my personal opinion. But I'm so over Gabe, well, almost. I still think about him from time to time, I can't lie about that.

So here I sit in Pete's living room listening to him go on and on about why I shouldn't take the job. We've been fighting so much lately about this.

"Why do you need a job three thousand miles away Kiley? I can take care of you," he said for the millionth time. I didn't want someone to take care of me, I wanted to have an actual life.

"I don't need you to take care of me, I want to work Pete. I love writing and this job has been my dream for like, 15 years!" I covered my head with a pillow. I didn't want to argue yet again. I was moving to New York in three weeks and I was hoping we could enjoy what little time we had left.

"So you just want to throw all that we have away?"

"Pete, then move with me! Your job doesn't require that you live in LA, I mean, Joe and Andy moved back to Chicago a couple of months ago." It was true, they did. It's been a year that Pete and I have been together and everyone slowly began settling down and moving to different locations. Gabe was the first to go, then Andy and then Joe. Marie of course moved with Joe, leaving me without my partner in crime.

"I don't want to leave LA." Pete looked so incredibly frustrated. He didn't want this to end at all, but he obviously didn't want me to fulfill my dream. He had his and that's all that mattered right? Not so much.

"Then don't. Pete, I really don't want to spend the last few weeks of us together fighting." I said and stood up. Pete glanced up at me from the other couch and watched as I pulled my car keys out of my purse.

"Kiley baby, don't go please." Pete stood up and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm just really upset because we're breaking up."

"We don't have to if you move," I said and Pete just shook his head. It was actually over, like really over. I hugged Pete before leaving.

When I called Joe later that night, he couldn't believe that it had actually happened.

"He won't move? I can't believe he's just letting you two end like this." He said into the phone, just as confused as I was.

"I know, and I don't want to break up, but I really really want this job. I've been dreaming of this exact job since I was like, 13 and stole mom's Cosmo's and read them."

"I know Kiley. Man I'm so sorry. Do I need to fly out there?" Joe was too sweet.

"No, I'll be fine. I'll just preoccupy myself with packing."

"Alright Kiley, but call me if you need anything. I can be there within a few hours. I love you sis."

"I love you too Joe and thanks. Goodnight."


I hung up the phone and cried myself to sleep that night.


So Patrick has been helping me pack and no word from Pete. I can't believe he's just going to let us end like this. No nothing, no goodbye and it hurts bad. At least my apartment is sold, so I only have one thing left to do. Find a place to live in New York. I would be flying there this weekend to look. My best friend Amy from NYU still lives in New York, so she's going to help me when she's not working.

I just can't bring myself to call Gabe and tell him I'm moving there. He has a live in girlfriend now and I don't really want to interfere with his life. I mean, sure there are some feelings still there, but I don't want to start that up again because then Pete and I would really be done. Well, not like we aren't now anyways. Oh man, here come the tears again. Damn you Kiley for making yourself cry over him.


I made it into New York late last night because my fucking flight was delayed. I hate airlines because they always fuck your shit up! So anyways I am walking down the busy street in New York sipping my Starbucks. I am supposed to be meeting with Amy to go look at places in front of her work. She of course works for MTV and had a pass waiting for me so that I could get into the building with no questions asked.

As usual, there were a ton of teens in front of MTV studios at Times Square and I just made my way around them and to the main entrance. The security saw my pass and let me right through. Now where in the world would Amy be? I dialed her number and waited by the elevators.


"Hey Aimes!"

"KILEY! I am so excited that you're here! Come up and watch the rest of TRL and then we'll get going. It's on the fourth floor."

"Okay sure, I'll be up there in a few minutes." I said and pressed the up button on the wall. A ton of people walked out of the elevator before I was able to climb in and press the number 4. When the doors opened, people were rushing around like crazy. I guess that it was on right now. Not really sure where to go, I walked towards the sounds of fans screaming in the audience. There were people all along the hallway, some looked somewhat familiar, guess they were the guests on TRL today. I saw Amy at the end of the hall and she smiled and began making her way towards me.

"Kiley?" I heard an all too familiar man's voice and I turned around. There stood Gabe Saporta, the one person that I really should have expected to see but somehow didn't.

"Gabe, hi," I smiled and he walked over and gave me a huge hug. Amy was now standing here watching the drama. She knew that I had once been engaged to him, was this a set up for her to invite me here? Stupid bitch.

"What are you doing in New York?" He asked me, still smiling.

"I am moving here and I'm trying to find a place. I was meeting up with my friend Amy from school. Gabe this is Amy, Amy this is Gabe."

They exchanged pleasantries and Gabe turned back to me.

"You look amazing Kiley, and I can't believe you got Pete to move to New York."

"I um, didn't."

"I'm sorry, what's that?" Gabe looked at me like I had just spoken chinese or something.

"He's not moving, just me. We broke up."

Gabe looked shocked and then gently pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry Kiley." I just nodded and pulled away slowly. "You and Amy should come over to my place tonight. Travi and I are going out and you girls could join us, that way you can get your mind off it."

"Yeah maybe, depends on whether I feel up to it or not after a long day of looking at apartments." Someone running the show was trying to usher Cobra towards the stage.

"You still have my number right?" He asked me as he walked backwards towards the stage.


"Call me tonight when you're done with everything."

"Okay, bye," I said and turned to Amy. She was smiling. "Was this something you cooked up in your stupid little head?"

"Of course! You are clearly not over him." She said and walked me towards her desk on the opposite side of the floor.

"Yeah, this is such a stupid idea! I don't need this drama all over again. Pete or Gabe, Pete or Gabe, god I wanted to kill myself during that time." I slumped into a chair and covered my face with my hair.

"Quit being so dramatic." She scolded before we left her office to search for my new home.
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