Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Welcome to my Life

Chapter 18

by RyanRossLuver 4 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-07-12 - Updated: 2008-07-12 - 1631 words

The interviewers name is pronounced Rarn-yay

On with chapter 18:

Pete's POV

Wednesday had arrived, and that meant Mikey and myself being interviewed for Rolling Stone, the next issue that gets released next week. Frankie had returned home to NJ to fill MCR in on everything, and to tell them Mikey would be back later that night. Alexiz had met up will Holly to go shopping - Holly for baby supplies and Alexiz for maternity clothes, to which she decided to go to Clandestine. I have no clue how that works, although she did mutter something about men's sizes and warm hoodies. That girl can be slightly strange.

But Mikey and I made our way up to the office of one Ranyai West, the young lady who would be interviewing us, chatting about whether they'd bring up the dreaded "are you sure you're gay" ordeal. Mikey cautiously knocked on the door, pushing it open to see a young woman of Asian descent, no more than 25 years old, with a desk in front of her; pen, paper, coffee, cookies and water set out across it. She's been prepearing for us I thought as she ushered us in with her hand as she stood, walking to the opposite side of the desk.

"Mr. Way, Mr. Wentz, how are you?" She asked, shaking our hands.

"We're good thanks Miss West," Mikey replied.

"Please, call me Ranyai," she replied, sitting on her chair and offering the other two to us.

"And please call us Pete and Mikey," I replied, greatfully taking the seat, pulling my Sidekick out of my pocket and placing it on the desk. "I hope you don't mind. I'm supposed to be getting a call from Clandestine today," I lied, regarding the cell on the desk. I was actually waiting for Alexiz to call.

"Oh no, it's perfectly alright," Ranyai replied, pulling her notebook and pen closer. "So let's get into this thing then. First of all, are the rumors about a My Chemical Romance/Fall Out Boy tour true?"

"Yeah, it's 100% true. We decided a few days ago that we both needed a good tour, and we've been friends since Warped, so we thought, why not? It'll give old friends a chance to catch up," I replied, getting comfortable in the chair.

"And who are your support and/or opening bands for this tour?" She continued, crossing her legs.

"We actually are only having one official support act, and that's a good friend of ours, Alexiz Asher. She'll be opening each night for us," Mikey replied, putting emphasis on the word 'friend'.

"Alexiz Asher.... that's Victoria's sister, right? The one in Cobra Starship?" Ranyai replied, completely intruiged.

"That's right. She's been a friend of mine for about ten years now, and she's recently graduated from Julliard, so we thought it would be a perfect opportunity for her," I replied, flashing Ranyai my 'trademark' smile, to which she giggled at.

"And when do you plan to have this tour, and where exactly will you be playing?"

"We're looking at mid-January next year, and a tour of the States and Central America," Mikey replied.

"Now, sources have told us that there are new Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance CD's in production," she continued. The interview was basically about work, touring and Clandestine/Decaydance.

"Now tell us boys, are there any special someone's in your life? I know Mikey has a special someone in his band," Ranyai asked. How could I not see this coming?

"Well, as you know from the last Rolling Stone interview, I am dating someone within the band, and we've decided to make it public. Myself and Frank have been in a relationship for around two years now, and we're really happy together. Sorry ladies, it's not Gerard and Frank, but myself and him," Mikey joked at the end, as Ranyai scribbled it all down. No doubt that joke would be published.

"Pete? How's love looking for you?"

"Well, there is a special someone out there. She doesn't know quite how much I love her, or our children she is bearing, but she means the world to me, and that's putting it lightly. My smile's an open wound without her; without my best friend, I wouldn't be the happy man here before you now. She's my princess, my baby girl, whom I will love forever," I admitted, not being able to keep my feelings to myself. Ranyai took note of everything, word for word, that I said.

"So, who is she?" I couldn't help but smile at the upcoming answer to this question.

"Alexiz Asher," I replied, and saw out of the corner of my eye Mikey giving me a 'you are so dead' look. We wrapped up the interview before heading home, where I found Alexiz curled up on the couch fast asleep, Clandestine and Hot Topic bags scattered around her. I cleaned all the clothes up before making myself a cup of coffee, the smell registering with her, seeing as she ran for the bathroom at full pelt.


Alexiz's POV

It had been a week since Pete and Mikey's interview, and Mikey had gone back to Jersey to stay with Gee and Frankie. I had just picked up an issue of Rolling Stone and taken it back to the apartment, where I read it whilst drinking a can of soda. Yes, soda at 8am - I'm pregnant okay!

"Is that my interview?" Pete asked, walking into the kitchen in nothing but boxers, pouring himself a glass of OJ. I nodded reply as I removed my belly bar, setting it on the counter next to the magazine where I'd remember to put it in my jewellery box later. I flicked to page 40 and started reading.

What do both Mikey Way and Pete Wentz have in common other than good looks, three successful albums and skills of playing bass? A new tour that will take the two bands across 48 States (sorry Alaska and Hawaii) and all countries in Central America, starting January 5th in Seattle, WA and ending in Miami, FL. The reason for this tour you ask?

"We both needed to have a full tour, and seeing we're good friend due to Warped (Vans Warped tour 2005), we'd thought we would have another tour together," Wentz confirmed.

"She's written this really well," I said, looking up from the article. Pete came over and sat on the barstool beside me, throwing an arm around my shoulders. I looked back down at the page, skipping all the stuff about CD's, trying to find Mikey's admittal to dating Frank. Before I reached that part, I noticed my name printed in the article.

Throughout the interview, Pete repeatedly checked his phone, saying he was 'waiting for a call from Clandestine'. I could see right through his facade, and brought it up.

"So, are there any special people in either of your lives?"

"Well, as you know from the last Rolling Stone interview (August 2008), I am dating someone within the band, and we've decided to make it public. Myself and Frank have been in a relationship for around two years now," Way announced.

"Sorry ladies, it's not Gerard and Frank, but myself and Frank," he joked. And as for Pete you ask?

"Well, there is a special someone out there. She doesn't know quite how much I love her, or our children she is bearing, but she means the world to me, and that's putting it lightly. My smile's an open wound without her; without my best friend, I wouldn't be the happy man here before you now. She's my princess, my baby girl, whom I will love forever." So our king of Emo does have a girl, and children on the way. But I suppose everyone's asking, who?

"Her name's Alexiz Asher." That's right, Vicky-T of Cobra Starship's older sister. The same Alexiz who is joining the bands on tour next year as the opening act. The innocent -"

I never finished the article as my eyes blurred over with tears.

"What's wrong baby?" Pete asked.

"What's wrong? Are you serously asking me what's wrong!?" I screeched, lifting myself off the stool, starting to pace around the kitchen. "You... go to the interview to talk about the tour and the upcoming CD, and yet you somehow mak eit public knowledge that we're dating, and that I'm pregnant."

"What's so wrong with that? You keep saying how you've been meaning to announce that we're together. I just took the opportunity to get it out there," Pete argued, never raising his voice above regular speaking level.

"But to release it in a press conference without talking to me about it before hand! And saying I'm pregnant too! And letting everyone know I'm opening the tour. I sound's like I'm only opening cause I'm your girlfriend!"

"Do you think I would seriously quote on of my songs if I wasn't serious about you?" Pete yelled, choosing to raise his voice. Tears started spilling from my eyes.

"It's not that I didn't want you to tell anyone," I sighed, dropping my head into my hands.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I should have talked to you first," Pete said, pulling me into a hug. I pushed him away.

"Don't think that because I've stopped shouting at you that I've forgiven you," I said, pacing once more.

"You'll either forgive me or hate me after I do this," Pete muttered, putting his hand in the pocket of his boxers and bending down on one knee.

"Alexiz, you infuriate me sometimes beyond measures, but it's nothing compared to how much I love. No words can describe the way I feel about you. Love is to simple, lust is too sinful, but I love you baby. Alexiz Asher, will you marry me?"
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