Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Do What I Say, And You'll Still Get Hurt

Chapter Three

by Blackraven 0 reviews

Woah-who is the hot brown haired guy, and why is he just putting jeans on? Oh Hell!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2008-07-15 - Updated: 2008-07-15 - 1217 words

It was a three minute walk down a dimly lit hallway until Brendon opened another door. This time I took one sniff of the air and planted my feet, grabbing onto the door frame and refusing to move. I let out another, continuous growl, refusing to go in the room that stank of blood and vampire.

Apparently Brendon didn’t notice my efforts-or he didn’t care. He turned around, grabbed me around the waist, and threw me into the room. I landed on my butt on the carpet, looking up just as a man finished buttoning his jeans. Woah! What the heck was that about?

“What’s this? Throwing our new dog around already Brendon?” asked a smooth voice. My head whipped to the side as I saw another vampire standing a few feet away from the one who was getting his clothes on-but he wasn’t bothering to put on a shirt or shoes. I quickly gave him the once over, fixing his image in my mind. The guy was small and skinny, maybe an inch taller than my five foot five. He had pale skin and his ribs were outlined against his skin as his chocolate hair shimmered like velvet in the orange light of the room.

A noise made me look over, and I saw the newest vampire shake his head, tossing long light brown hair over his shoulder. He was thin as well, but the guy in front of me was the smallest by far. And all of them were vampires, I didn’t smell a bit of human in this room.

“What do you think, Ryan?” he asked as I watched him. A very, very quiet footstep made me turn my head, and I was shocked when I noticed the shirtless male standing only a few inches away! When had he gotten there without my hearing him?!

“I think she’s a scrawny mutt,” the boy growled in a dangerous and cold voice. I scrambled to my feet, stumbling backward a step. The male mimicked me, stepping forward. Then it hit me-if I was going to die I wasn’t going to spend my last moments like a coward.

Stopping my backward movement, I let a low growl reverberate through my throat, up out my parted lips. I was surprised by the ring of high laughter, and looked around. The man with long hair was laughing like I had just told a funny joke.

Hearing another step, this time I turned too soon. Before I could react, the brown haired vampire had suddenly grabbed my arms and with vampire strength threw me to the floor, straddling my hips as we landed. Again in a move that was too fast for me he tangled his fingers roughly in my long hair and dragged my head back so my neck was exposed. I fought him every step of the way, even as some hair parted ways with my scalp. Finally though, as he gave a jerk, I was forced to bare my neck to him, even as I scratched at his hand with my nails. In response he grabbed my hands, throwing them down on the carpet above my head.

“Geez Dog, can’t you play dead or something,” he snarled. “Because if you’re not careful, that’s what you’re going to be here in a second.” He looked up at the vampire standing against the wall, a scowl on his face. “This is what you’re giving me?” he asked disgustedly, shaking my hair. “A pathetic dog with a need of an attitude adjustment? I thought you were giving me a new toy to play with, not a fucking mutt who’s going to rip my heart out when I’m not looking, William.”

“If you remember, you threatened to rip my heart out when I first turned you, Ryan,” remarked this William guy. His gaze flashed to mine. “But if you don’t want her, get Brendon to dispose of her, it’s not my problem,” he shrugged.

‘Ryan’ looked down at me with a considering look on his face. “What’s your name, mutt?” he growled angrily, shaking my head again.

“Nephenee-and damn it you can stop shaking me! I’m not a dog!” I snapped, trying to writhe out of his grip.

“You talk too much,” replied Ryan, shaking me yet again. “So tell me, Nephenee, how much do you want to live?” he asked. At least he didn’t shake my head this time.

“Not enough to be stuck here for any length of time,” I hissed, though my heart was beating a different tune.

I didn’t know that my eyes were also singing a different pitch, but for a long few seconds Ryan held my gaze with his own reddish-brown one. “You so sure about that?” he growled, standing and hauling me to my feet. I had to scramble to prevent him from ripping out more hair.

“Y-yes,” my voice broke slightly, and I cut my gaze away from his.

“Liar,” whispered Ryan, and his hot breath on my ear shocked me. “You coward, you want to live, just like the rest of us.” He let go of my hand and tipped my chin up so I was looking into his eyes again. My mind was suddenly in a hazy mist, and I couldn’t move when Ryan put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips to mine. When he broke the kiss, my eyes were wide, and my hands were around his neck, though I didn’t remember putting them there.
As soon as I could move I ripped away from him, stumbling backward and almost falling.
Ryan smiled, and looked away, and finally I was able to breathe. I kept falling backwards, putting as much distance between him and me as possible, and when I reached the wall I slid down it, shaking.

“So, do you want me to get rid of her Ryan?” William was asking from the opposite wall.

The other boy looked thoughtful. “No,” he said. “No, I want her. I think she could be fun, for all she’s a dog.” He glanced to me, with that smile on his face. The one I was already beginning to fear.

“Well, Brendon can take her to your room, but for now I want you all for myself.” He turned to exit through a different door, and with one last smoldering look at me, Ryan followed.

I sat on the floor, until I was aware of Brendon standing in front of me. “What?” I growled. “Are you going to kiss me too?”

“No, I don’t bat for your team,” answered Brendon. He reached a hand out to help me up. I studied his hand for a moment before finally taking it. “Come on,” he ushered, pulling me to my feet somewhat gently. Well, more gently than last time anyway.

I followed him, but still reluctantly. “Um, where are we going?” I asked softly.

“Ryan’s room.” He kept walking.

Dun Dun Dun! Chapter three has been published, whoot. I wrote lots last night, and I'm just getting around to posting it all. R&R People! Neph's story depends on your reviews!
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