Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Raven Goes To Hogwarts

Chapter 2

by sargentaaron2004 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-20 - Updated: 2008-07-20 - 1222 words

I still don't own any of the characters in my story. Try as I might, but I don't see them coming into my possession any time soon.

Chapter 2


The next morning Hermione woke up to something unusual, normally from this position, she would have seen a stack of books with crookshanks sleeping on top of, but those were moved to the side, instead she saw another bed with a head of blue hair, although she couldn't see the face, she could safely say that the person was someone she had never seen before.

Hermione rolled out of bed onto the floor and did a little stretch, the kind of stretch you'd see a cat do in the morning. She then picked up her wand and walked round the bed to see who the unknown girl was, upon walking round the bed, she was slightly startled by her grey skin, but carried on towards to new girl, she also realised she was wearing what appeared to be a form fitting top, she reached out with the hand that didn't have the wand and tapped her shoulder, waking up the blue haired girl.

Raven stirred and opened her eyes, seeing the girl she saw last night, she got out of bed and made to greet the girl by holding out her hand. Seeing that the other girl was nervous, she introduced herself, "Err, I'm Raven, I’m a Demoness, I don't mean to hurt you, or eat you, or do anything bad."

Hermione took Raven's hand and shook it. "I know who you are, you are a member of the Teen Titans, I used to see you on the news, but why are you here?"

"To learn to control my magic, my magic has been hard to control lately." Raven replied.

"Well, that explains why you are in the school, but what I meant to ask you was, why are you in this room? Surely Dumbledore could have placed you in a more suitable dormitory."

"McGonagall, she said that as my main hobby is reading, she placed me here, maybe because you like reading too? But hey, if you’re that unwilling to be my roommate, I can ask her for a new dormitory"

"No, no, it’s fine, just thought that this was going to be my own room for the rest of term since I am the Head Girl, but it seems, this years is going to be much more fun now that there is another book loving girl here.” Hermione said with a smile.

"Thanks, now that that is out of the way, I'm going to warn you that I do meditation a lot, and my magic can be a little unstable at times, so have your shield spell ready."

"Ok, anyway, I think we should get changed, breakfast is in thirty minutes, ok I'll go into the other room and change you can change here." Hermione said and went for the archway.

"Wait!" Raven turned to where Hermione now was. "Changed into wha-" Raven got cut off by a clear bag containing what appeared to be a robe and uniform landing in her arms.

"McGonagall obviously left it during the night." Hermione said as she left.

Raven wasted no time in changing into her uniform and robes, using magic in some places, such as the buttons, to speed up the process.

"Are you ready yet?" she heard Hermione call from the other room.

"Yes," Raven walked into the other room to find Hermione dressed and looking very eager to leave. "Ready to take on the entire army of D'Kintar by myself." Raven said with a small snicker. Just at that moment a teapot hurtled off of a nearby table into the direction of Hermione. Luckily Hermione saw it coming and raised her wand and her shield was raised, the teapot collided with the shield and shattered sending pieces flying in every direction, which was when Raven raised her own shield to protect herself. Now with all the pieces on the floor, they both lowered their shields.

"Your shield completely covers you!" Hermione said.

"Yes, when I have time I would be happy to show it to you, but right now I think we should leave for breakfast." Raven replied.

They left the room and onto a long corridor, Raven followed Hermione, as she had no idea where to go. "How come my robe doesn't have an emblem on the front?" Raven asked.

"Because you haven't been sorted into a house yet, the Sorting Hat will choose a suitable house for you to be in, and then the emblem will appear on your robe."

"The Sorting Hat?"

"Yes, The Sorting Hat is basically a hat that was made by the four founders of the school.The hat sits on your head and chooses a house for you. The houses are: Gryffindor, for the Bravest, Ravenclaw, for the smartest, Slytherin, for the Purest of blood and Hufflepuff for anyone else." Hermione explained.

"Oh, well I'm not pure blooded, I'm not the smartest, and I'm most certainly am not the bravest, I just try to be." Raven said.

"Well, chances are you will end up in Hufflepuff then, but I hope you will end up in Gryffindor. Anyway, after you are sorted, I will introduce you to my friends." Hermione said beaming brightly at her as they reached the Great Hall, they had arrived slightly late, and as they entered the hall the disillusionment ceiling, crackled and changed into a lightning storm, which was when Dumbledore rose up and muttered something in an ancient dialect that echoed across the hall, and the ceiling was a clear. , starry sky again.

They continued walking down the main aisle, everyone’s eyes were on them, to Raven's dread, Hermione stopped and sat down half way down the aisle to sit at the long table, but Hermione pointed Raven back up the aisle to where Dumbledore was standing next to a chair with a large black hat.

Raven continued up the aisle and when she got to Dumbledore, he spoke, "Boys and Girls, this is Raven, some of you may have already heard about her, but she will be attending school, now the reason why she is here are for her to tell you if she so wishes but I want you all the make her feel welcome."

Dumbledore urged her to sit down onto the chair, which she did, and he placed the hat on her head.

Over at the Gryffindor table, Ron nastily, "Slytherin, Definitely." At that Hermione shot him a death glare.

To Raven the hat started speaking, "Hmmmm, well now, right, I was woken up prematurely for this, hmmmm, you have a dark past, you have hidden from your past which makes you quite the coward, but when you faced it, you became more of a hero than anyone could hope for, bravery runs deep in your veins, I think you will do well in 'Gryffindor!'"

Only half the Gryffindor table actually cheered for this, but that was more than she had expected.

She walked back down the aisle and sat next to Hermione.

"And now without further a due, let the feast begin." Dumbledore said.

Food appeared everywhere on the tables, as eager hands grabbed at it.


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