Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Raven Goes To Hogwarts

Chapter 3

by sargentaaron2004 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-20 - Updated: 2008-07-20 - 2838 words

You guessed it! I still don't own the characters in this story.

Chapter 3


The Titans got up at 9:30, they had finally had a good nights sleep, crime had actually stayed away for a while, they all approached the kitchen, and all turned their respective thing on, Cyborg started the Waffle machine, Robin started adding some raw eggs to a blender with bananas and milk, and starfire was busy making Anchovies and Sardines on toast.

"Where's Raven?" Beast Boy asked.

"Gone." Robin said.

"What!?" Beast Boy shouted.

"She left this morning, she told me a few months ago that she was planning on leaving for a while, look, she left us a note each" Robin said holding the letter with his name on it.

"WHAT!?! Why didn't you tell me!" Beast Boy grabbed and lifted up Robin by the front of his uniform, "I deserved to know, she could be out there hurt, and all alone! And I, I, I would not." He dropped Robin and burst into tears.

"It's alright Beast Boy, she can look after herself, if she wanted us to follow her or go with her, she would have told us." Robin said calmly.

"STOP! Stop talking all calm, you have not been trained to know everything, not everything is what it seems! 'Training is nothing! The will to act!'" Beast Boy said angrily quoting Ra's Al Gul.

"Ok, fine! I admit training doesn't teach you everything, but it can help you be prepared, so, before you go gallivanting in any random direction, read the note she has left for you. She made me promise her those few months ago, to make sure you read her letter to you."

"Ok, your promise is paid," Beast Boy picked up and opened the envelope and pulling out the note.

Dear Beast Boy,
By now you will know that I have left. I have been planning this for a while, but I wasn't sure how to tell you, so this was the only way. I have gone away to learn how to control my powers. And this is a good thing. But I want you to know that I love you.
From Raven


After they had eaten, Hermione, Raven and some others walked down the hall.

Hermione, turned to look at Raven. "Ok, these are my friends, firstly there is Harry, the famous one, and Ron, the scared and rude one," she shot Ron another glare, "next there is Ginny, Ron's sister, and then there's Neville, the- the-

"The useless one!" A voice from behind them said, they all turned to see Draco, standing there looking rather smug, and his friends were there laughing like he had just said the funniest thing in the world.

"You can just call them Potty, Weasel, Mudblood, Loony and Useless." The Slytherin boys laughed again at Draco's comment.

Harry, stepped forward, like he usually did and told him to back off.

People gathered round the two groups of kids, like they usually did when Harry and Draco faced off.

"Really, Potter, is not polite to but into matters that don't concern you, I am here to speak to Raven."

Hermione jumped in front of Raven, "what is your real game Malfoy! It is most unlike you to speak to anyone outside your own house."

"And it's most unlike you to be rude, Granger, I only wish to speak with Raven, surely if I wished to hurt her, I wouldn't be able to stand up against the famous Harry Potter, and Dumbledore's Army!"

Hermione lost her temper "Even so, whatever you have planned you can stuff it up your-" She was cut off by Raven pushing past her towards Draco, "What is it you wish to speak to me about?" Raven asked calmly.

"If you wish to do well here, you will need to choose your friends wisely, I was hoping that I could help you in that aspect." Draco said in a falsely calm voice.

Now it was Harry and Ron's turn to laugh, and they were laughing like they had never before, they were recalling how Draco said a similar line to Harry before the first year.

"Really Potty, it's Raven's decision", he turned back to Raven, "what is it then? Hang out with this helpless bunch of mudbloods, blood traitors and half-breeds, or hang out with us pure blooded?"

The word half-breed rang through Ravens mind like a gong, she snapped, "Half-breeds? Half-breeds!?!?!" The floor was trembling now, Draco and the Slytherin were frozen in fear, then they saw four red eyes appear on Raven's face, and they ran like they were being lashed.

It wasn't just Draco and the Slytherin boys that ran, some of the people in the crowd ran off too.

The remaining members of the crowd cheered and applauded.

"100 points from Gryffindor!" a voice came from the corridor where Draco had run down.

Snape appeared, that’s 50 for shouting and 50 for turning into a hideous looking Demoness.

"Are you sure that that is wise Snivelus?" A voice came from behind Snape, who turned to meet eye to eye with Remus Lupin.

"Ah Lupin, what are you babbling about, what is not wise?" Snape demanded.

"Calling an extremely powerful Demoness hideous, is most unwise." Lupin said coolly.

"Well, you would be the expert in hideous creatures, since you turn into one every full moon!" Snape said with every spitting word emphasised and with a grin planted on his face.

This got Raven's attention, a werewolf, she had not seen one since she slayed that werewolf 2 years ago in Scandinavia.

"Touché, but the real expert would be you, since you are one every day of the year," said Lupin, who planted his own grin, as Snape's shot off.

"Well, do you have a reason to be here or are you just here to annoy me?" Snape said.

"I'm here on the orders of Dumbledore to help Raven, nothing more, but that doesn't deny me the chance to annoy you every time I pass by your office."

"Oh goody." Snape said and stalked off.

Lupin turned to the crowd, "Ok, everyone nothing left to see here, unless you are looking for a signed picture of Harry Potter I have plenty here." He said while holding up a wad of pictures, that he magically elevated down the hall, and the crowd went off chasing after them. Harry was blushing furiously, while wondering how Lupin got his autograph, but remembering that Lupin, as an ex-marauder, should have ways and means to do almost anything.

"Right then, I will need to speak to Raven privately, but I promise to see you all later."

Harry, Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny all stopped, Hermione moved to Raven and said, "We'll wait for you here."

Raven walked off with Lupin, "I heard of what you did up in Norway, I am most thankful, the werewolf packs were going crazy, killing Kal-Zul was a big help in settling the packs." Lupin said.

"Believe me, it wasn't all me, Beast Boy helped me get through to the packs, by morphing into a werewolf, he was able to ask around and find out where to find Kal-Zul, I just did the finishing blow."

"Yes, but you still did it, anyway, I am here to help you control yourself if the demon inside of you ever takes hold, now this is a problem that werewolves have but I will tell you more about it when our lessons begin, go and be with your new friends, and by the way, the friends you have there", pointing back at Hermione, Harry and the others, "and I am sure most of the other teachers will agree, are the most loyal friends you could possibly have. They have fought, hurt, and mourned together, just like you and the Titans. Now go and be with your friends."

Before Raven could respond, Lupin apparated away, leaving a stunned Raven standing. She walked back over to Hermione and the others and asked Hermione, "I thought you can't apparate inside the grounds?"

"You can't." Hermione responded as matter of factly.

"Well Lupin just did." Raven said confused.

"Old Marauder tricks I guess." Harry said.

"Marauder?" Raven asked.

"Yeah, Lupin, Harry's Dad, Harry's Godfather, and Peter Pettigrew were all Marauders, they sought out secret passages and hidden rooms around the castle, they also pulled pranks on fellow students, mainly Severus Snape, Harry's Dad hated him." Hermione said.

"Right, where are we off to now and could you tell me about this war McGonagall said we are in?" Raven asked.

"Well I guess we can go back to the Gryffindor common room, but that will mean, Luna will have to leave, so I'm thinking The Room of Requirement." Harry said.

Raven followed them to The Room of Requirement, when it opened, there were soft seats everywhere, one for each of them near a nice warm fire. They all sat, and they all started telling Raven how Voldemort and his Death Eaters had been causing Chaos and murdered, tortured and kidnapped countless people.

"Well, that’s quite a story, well now that you've all shared this information with me, I would like to share my life’s story with you, including details of my friends."

Raven told them the horrifying story of her life, and how she came to be with the titans and why she had come here.

"Bloody Hell!" Ron said. Ginny leaned in and smacked him on the back of the head, just like his mum did when he said that.

"and I thought my life was complicated." Harry said.

"Yeah, well I think I'm going to rest. I will answer any questions you may have tomorrow." Raven said tiredly.

"I think it's getting quite late as it is, besides, you don't want to be too tired for your Quidditch practise tomorrow?" Hermione asked.

There was a couple groans disapproval, but they all agreed with Hermione, as she usually knows what’s best.

They all left the Room of Requirement and went their respective ways, Raven just followed Hermione, since she still didn't know the way around.

"You like him don't you?" Raven said looking at Hermione.

"What? Who?" Hermione asked in shock.

"Harry, Ginny likes him too, but that doesn't run as deep as yours." Raven replied.

"Hmph, I don't know what you mean!" Hermione responded.

"Really, I'd say you have had feelings for him for about 4 years, maybe when you first met, am I right?" Raven continued.

"I think you are imagining things! What could possibly give you the impression that I have feelings for him?" Hermione said blushing furiously.

"I didn't even need to be a psychic to see that you are so deeply in love with him, that you try to hide it by making it seem like your attracted to Ron, but really you hate his guts, you only speak to him because he's Harry's best friend." Raven continued, she was certain she was right.

"Fine! Maybe I do have feelings for him!" Hermione said with a sign accompanied by throwing her arms up in the air.

Raven smirked at her victory, "I knew it!"

"Yeah, well don't tell anyone! I don't want everyone knowing." Hermione said with a frown.

"He likes you too, he would have told you, but he's afraid because bad things follow him." Raven said.

"HE WHAT!?!" Hermione looked around to make sure no one was staring, and brushed off a non-existent bit of dirt from the front of her robes. "Now I know your making this up, he couldn't possibly have feelings for me, the only time we have ever been alone together was when-" Hermione paused and looked into Ravens eyes, "He has never been alone with me apart from when our lives were in mortal peril, or because Ron is always there!" Hermione whispered now, "You really think he likes me, and has not asked me because he thinks he'll put me in danger?"

Raven simply nodded with a small smile on her face.

Hermione launched herself at Raven and hugged her tightly giggling. Raven was used to receiving tight hugs from Starfire and this was nothing in comparison to those.

At that moment Raven felt her powers surging, all of the candles down the hallway went out, Hermione backed away. Raven raised her shield and the candles started burning again, she lowered her shield and looked around seeing no evident destruction, she turned to Hermione, "We should get to bed, I’m tired." Raven said.

Hermione turned to head down the way they were headed, but she noticed they were already at the room to their dorm, "Hmmmm, when did we arrive here?" Hermione asked.

"About 5 minutes ago, when you shouted 'he what', lets just go in and get to bed."

Hermione nodded and pushed open the door.
They both got changed and ready for bed.
While they were both lying in bed, Hermione spoke, "I’m not the only one with feelings Raven, I know you have feelings for someone too, perhaps the green one? What’s his name? Beast Boy?"
Raven did not respond, but used her powers to put out the candle, leaving Hermione giggling hysterically.
"Seriously, it wasn't that funny, I only turned the light off." Raven said from the darkness.
"Yes, but it was the timing of when you did it, that made it funny." Hermione shot back.
"That’s exactly what Beast Boy says all the time when I do seemingly normal things."
"Hmmm Beast Boy, it must be cool to be him, turning into any animal he wants, he's like a Multi - Animagus. Well goodnight Raven."
Raven just lay there thinking. I wander what Beast Boy is doing right now, hope he wasn't acting crazy. I bet he is playing computer games and trying to erase the thought of me being in love with him.
Raven fell to sleep deep in thought.
"Beast Boy, you can't do this, she could be anywhere!" Cyborg said.
"Then I will check everywhere." Beast Boy said seriously.
"Well if your so adamant about leaving to go look for her, shouldn't you wait until morning to begin your search?" Robin asked.
"I plan too, I need my rest and I have to begin plotting my search patterns tonight."
"Search patterns? Where are you going to start?" Cyborg asked quizzically.
"Europe? Why Europe out of everywhere on Earth?" Cyborg interjected.
Beast Boy sighed and looked at them, "Well, providing she is actually on Earth, and not in another dimension or on another planet. I will discard the Southern Hemisphere for the time being because she has no contacts there which we know of, I asked the Justice League earlier if she was in the USA, she wasn't. Beast Boy stopped and picked up a thick wad of paper with drawings on it. But they did tell me that she did not leave Earth by any of their known means, but I have found hundreds of ways to get past the Justice Leagues Sensors", Beast Boy said throwing the wad of paper up into the air, the paper floating to the floor. "Back to why I should start in Europe, if I start in Norway and work my round to Spain, I could have covered Europe in about a month." Beast Boy said.
"Good plan." Cyborg said.
"No. Bad plan, in a month she could have migrated to a place where I had already looked or back here or elsewhere, in a month she could be seriously hurt or worse, a month is too long, that’s why I plan to visit everyone I know Raven has had dealings with." Beast Boy said quickly leaving the room.
Starfire just stood there shocked while Cyborg picked up a couple of the sheets of paper.
"Man! When did Beast Boy get smart?" Cyborg said.
"He has always had it is his capacity to out-think all of us, he just never uses that capabity." Robin said.
"Oh, so all this time we have had a genius under our roof?"
"Yeah, he is one of the smartest people on the planet, I had a feeling that he was very smart, that’s why i started putting algorithmic locks in his training exercises, he burns through even the toughest combinations."
"Ok, I’m cool with him being Mr. Smart and all, but who’s going to tell Superman that his space station has so many flaws in it that the plans are covering the floor? And these are just how to get past the Sensors!"
Robin just looked at him.
"We'll just send them the papers and let them deal with it, no point in wasting any crime fighting hours in going over the greetings, that is why they invented e-mail. Robin said with a smirk, he obviously wasn't up for the job of telling the Justice League that there space station is as secure as a prison with no doors.
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