Categories > Original > Drama > Gemini Software Inc, Series 1

Episode 5 - Seven Meetings Before Home Time

by sammywrae 0 reviews

Val-Net is about to be released, but GSI is engulfed by another matter.....

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-07-20 - Updated: 2008-07-20 - 3905 words

{Disclaimer : This is a work of pure fiction. The initial setup is based on a real life situation, however - as someone once said - the moment you start writing it is always fiction. This should not be construed as my views on the people involved, and the situations that develop are purely developed for the purpose of telling a story, rather than because they reflect reality}
{As the opening credits play the camera swoops over Crown Way in wide swooshy loops. In a somewhat misguided attempt to make the location look sexier than it is the camera does lots of flashy loops and swooshy moves, eventually settling in a "landing" type motion infront of the front door to Unit 3-2 . In big bold black letters the words}

"Gemini Software Inc"

{then, in slightly smaller letters}


{the names come up but the bits in brackets don't. They are only for reference in the script since it was quicker than typing all the names out all the time}

"Leo Burrows (LB)"
"David Bonnie (DB)"
"Philip Chambers (PHC)"
"Peter Chase (PC)"
"Bradley Pursglove (BP)"
"Amy Garner (AG)"
"Michael Garner (MG)"
"Jack Harris (JH)"
"Andrew Jenkins (AJ)"
"Gary Jones (GJ)"
"Tony McLellan (TM)"
"Daniel McCormack (DM)"
"Charles Sales (CS)"
"Frank Smithson (FS)"
"Jessica Summers (JS)"
"Tony Summers (TS)"
"John Taylor (JT)"
"Robert Taylor (RT)"
"Steven Tomlinson (ST)"
"Ian Weston (IW)"
"Nigel Wheeler (NW)"
"Tony Williams (TW)"


"Eloise Jensen (EJ)"

{behind each credit comes a picture of the character from one of the episodes in the series. I will leave the pictures to your imaginations for now. After the last credit is done the screen fades to black for a second and the words}

"Episode 5 - Seven Meetings Before Home Time" (1)

{appear. Then the episode starts and the "guest credits" appear as the show begins. Think Buffy/Andromeda for what I mean. Also - the brackets thing applies again}

"Guest Staring : Kirsten Harris (KH), Danielle Ray (DR), Penelope McCoy (PM)"

{The camera opens on the conference room. AJ/LB/TW/BP/ST/MG are sat. At the front is a project screen with the Valhalla logo on it (which is not designed yet but it will most likely involve a V at some point)}

MG : I just wanted to see where we are at the moment. Val-Net is due for release within the week and I can not stress how important it is that this happens with no hitches. So - Andrew, Leo and Tony - we just need you to tell us where you are up to.

TW : Okay. The browser side is all complete and it all works - more or less. However it really needs to be tested in parallell with the original application so we can see if it is doing what it should be doing.

AJ : That shouldn't be a problem but - and this is something you will need to discuss - to do that it would be better to put the development of Valhalla on hold for the moment.

LB : I have to agree with Andrew - if we are to test Val-Net properly it would be better if we - however temporarily - were free of Valhalla work.

ST : {To AJ} Can we do that?

AJ : I don't see why not - after the development session last week all of the modules are more or less up to date. The only problem is if any huge ERFS (2) come in inside the next week

MG : I don't suppose we could split the team up - put half of them on testing and the other half on ERFS duty

LB : Not really I am afraid. We've tried that sort of thing in the past and it failed badly.

ST : How much testing are we talking about?

AJ : For a fully comprehensive test before the release date next week? I would say .... hold on. {Turns to LB} We can split them up I think.

LB : How?

AJ : At the moment the Val-Net staff are covering two modules each, right?

TW : Yeah

AJ : So to do combined testing they would have to do deal with two members of the app staff.

LB : Right - I get it.

BP : Well if you could explain it to the rest of us...

AJ : Well - outside of integration and admin - there are two application staff to one browser staff. So if we do dedicated testing in shifts then which ever member of the app staff who is not required at that point can deal with ERFS stuff. It means some stuff might get put off longer than others, but it would keep them ticking over while the testing was going on.

ST : Sounds like a plan. Can you three draw up a schedule of some sort so we can see what's going on?

AJ : Yeah - I will have it done before lunch time.

{The scene fades then comes back in the conference room. This time it is all the development staff except PC}

AJ : So - that's whats going to happen. Hopefully by lunch you will have the schedule. Once you get it can you tell me if there are any conflicts or holidays and so on then I can re-arrange it.

LB : Also if you need to swap any of them around you can but please inform Andrew, Tony or me first.

DM : What happens if there is a ERFS thing that has to be done urgently?

LB : Then first off bring it to me. Sometimes the customers get over-excited and it needs a second opinion. But if it really is a class 1 then we can work something out.

IW : Not that it matters but why is Peter not here?

AJ : Peter does not work on any of the modules so I thought it was pointless to drag him in to the meeting when it would not affect him.

IW : Fair enough

TM : When's all this supposed to start?

LB : It should begin tomorrow morning. The rest of the afternoon is going to be taken up with the testing the Val-Net team still has to do.

AJ : Any more questions?

GJ : How are the releases going to be handled? I mean once we are done testing then it has to be sent out somehow.

TW : That's still under discussion but its looking like a lot of customer visits in the next few weeks.

GJ : Swell.

AJ : Ok - if that's everyting {pauses - no one else speaks up} then we should all get back to work. Once the schedule is organized it will be distibuted to all staff

{The scene fades then comes back up in the kitchen with PC and LB}

PC : What was the meeting about?

LB : Oh nothing much. Andrew is trying to co-ordinate the testing of Val-Net and Valhalla before the releases.

PC : {pauses} So why was I not there? If it was about releaes....

LB : It wasn't - really. It was about the testing strategy.

PC : Okay. {pauses again} Its just...

LB : Just what?

PC : Its just since the party it feels like I am being cut out of a lot of discussions

LB : What?

PC : Maybe its not deliberate but I feel like I am being left out of a lot of Gemini business. I wanted to know...

LB : You have got to be kidding me. You think this is my doing?

PC : So you admit there is something wrong?

LB : I think that you should stop thinking of yourself as the centre of the universe Peter. The first meeting this morning was about organizing the testing stratergy. I was there because I am leading the application team at the moment. Tony was there because he is in charge of Val-Net. Andrew was there because he is in charge of the pair of us. The second meeting was about organizing those working on Valhalla and Val-Net in to the testing plan. Since the FileMan stuff was given to Rob you have not been involved.

PC : Exactly.

LB : And you think that was my choice?

PC : It was.

LB : Well - sort of. But I did not find out about you and Cordy (3) until...

PC : Cordy?

LB : Sorry - you and Samantha until two weeks ago. Rob started the week before that so how could that choice have been made based on you dating my ex?

PC : Cordy?

LB : Its a nickname I had for her.

PC : And you are still using it?

LB : For seven months its all I called her - the only name I ever thought of her by. Its a hard habit to break.

PC : Try {turns to leave}

LB : You should let this go Peter - its not going to do you any good.

PC : Fine. {Leaves}

LB : Oh brother.

{The scene fades and the words "End Of Part 1" appear}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : If there was no golf there would be.... no change in the world}

{Advert 2 : Drink Smirnoff Ice and lie to your friends, boss, family, girlfriend.... }

{End of Commercial Break}

{The screen shows "Part Two"}

{The scene re-opens in the director's office. LB is sat opposite BP, ST and MG}

ST : Leo - we have called you in here because we think there is a problem.

LB : And that would be what?

BP : Well... since Jack's birthday party it appears there has been some... tension in the office.

LB : Oh not you as well {see's them look at him in amazement} Sorry - that sounded a little more abrupbt than I meant it to.

BP : Can you tell us what is going on with you and Peter?

LB : Nothing.

ST : Are you sure - we know that he is dating your ex-girlfriend and that you are not happy about it.

LB : Who told you that?

BP : Peter.

LB : Then he is lying and you should deal with him and not with me. {Stands up}

MG : Where are you going?

LB : This is an insult and I have better things to do

BP : Sit down Leo. We are not done. {LB sits} Now - can you explain this?

LB : Explain what? Yes - Peter is dating Samantha. But she and I broke up a long time ago and we are... we are not even friends at this point.

BP : Why did you break up?

LB : That's none of your business Brad

BP : Well - who split up with who?

LB : Again - not really your business.

ST : If she left you then you may want her back and may be a bit....

LB : Oh for gods sake. She and I are done. It doesn't matter who broke up with who or why. We are not pining for each other and I do not give a rats ass who she dates.

BP : Then why did Peter say you did?

LB : Ask him. Now unless you have any more insulting questions or can think up other ways to invade my private life I have things to be doing - or did you forget that our biggest release is due in less than seven days? {Stands up and leaves. He walks out to the desk where JS is staring at him having heard the shouting} What?

JS : What was all that about?

LB : It was about how I am trying to screw Peter over because he stole my girlfriend.

JS : Really?

LB : I am not kidding. {Hears a knock at the door and goes to open it. PM is standing there} Penny?

PM : Hey Leo. I wanted to know if you wanted to have lunch

LB : Oh you have no idea. Let me get my coat.

{The scene fades then opens up at the cafe. PM and LB are having lunch}

PM : So are you going to tell me what's up or do I have to torture it out of you?

LB : Oh god - you're going to sing?

PM : Very funny. So - what's wrong?

LB : Val-Net is due out in a week. According to what we have been told this is the biggest thing the company has done since the first release of Valhalla five years ago. So when Steven, Bradley and Michael called me in to the office today, guess what they wanted to ask me?

PM : You are not going to say the release, are you?

LB : No. They wanted to know why I was making Peter's life a misery over his relationship with Cordy.

PM : Are you making his life a misery? And Cordy?

LB : Sorry - force of habit. But no - I am not making his life a misery. I don't care if he is dating her or not. But he seems to think I do and not content with approaching me about it he has - it appears - gone to the management.

PM : And that's what they were talking to you about when I came in? No wonder you were pissed off.

LB : What am I going to do Penny? I have told him. I have told them.

PM : Have you told Sammy?

LB : I am trying to avoid talking to Sammy to be honest. It will cause too many problems.

PM : My best advice - as teen drama as this sounds - is to get Sammy and Peter in a room with you and get through to them

LB : Seriously?

PM : It's that or wait till the break up before you get your life back

LB : I will think about it. Now - what's with you and the little net girl?

PM : Very well thank you. Our fifth date is tomorrow and she is taking me to the pictures

LB : What are you going to see?

PM : I have no idea. She said she would surprise me.

LB : Well have fun. {Looks at his watch} I have to go back now. Sorry.

PM : Try not to let Peter get to you. Maybe he is discovering that Sammy thinks more of you than of him and is trying to get back at you

LB : I never thought of it that way. {Smiles} Thanks.

{The scene fades and comes back up in the office as LB walks back in. He looks at the Director's office then sees AG sat at her desk. He walks over}

AG : Hey Leo. How's it going?

LB : Its been better Amy. How's it all going with you?

AG : Pretty good actually. Can I talk to you a moment?

LB : Sure

AG : Not here {Stands up and goes in to the conference room} I am sorry to be so sub-rosa but...

LB : Its about Rob.

AG : Its my birthday next week and he wants to take me out. But my parents and sis already have something planned.

LB : You think he should come out of the shadows?

AG : I don't know. But I haven't told him about the birthday thing either.

LB : Amy - why do you want my help? You have seen what a mess my life is in - what makes you think I can make yours better?

AG : Cause you are the smartest person I know. And I don't really trust anyone else at the company not to blab to my parents.

LB : Ok. Are you happy the way things are?

AG : More or less. I don't like the sneaking around but we are together

LB : I take it you would not want to be apart?

AG : Oh god no

LB : And what do you think your parents would say?

AG : At this point in time they would not be pleased. Cause we have been lying, cause Rob is an employee. You get the idea.

LB : And is the freedom you and Rob would get worth the balanced by the risk of telling Michael and Susette?

AG : I guess that's the question. What do you think?

LB : I think you and Rob should make the decision together - it affects him as well as you.

AG : I guess. Thanks. Did you want me for something?

LB : Yeah - I wanted to know if your father had calmed down yet? I kind of annoyed him, Steven and Brad before I left.

AG : I got that. And yeah - they do not want your blood any more.

LB : That's reassurring.

{The scene fades to black. The words "End Of Part Two" come up}

{Commercial Break}

{Advert 1 : Join the Army. See the world. Then blow it up. Meet new people. Then kill them. Get an education. If you don't die first}

{Trailer : Val-Net is installed and the staff are out and about. What could go wrong? Find out in "Miles To Go...." next week on Gemini Software Inc}

{End of Commercial Break}

{The words "Part Three" come up}

{The scene opens with LB sat in the kitchen reading the testing schedule. AJ and TW come in behind him and close the door}

AJ : So - what you do think?

LB : {startled, turns} Oh my. I didn't hear you come in. What do I think of what?

TW : The future of sunlight as a replacement for petrol. What do you think we meant?

LB : Sorry. Long day. {Looks at the schedule} It looks fine. But I notice I am not on it.

AJ : Yeah. The integration stuff is pretty much done so there's no big need for testing it. You might be needed on and off for consultation and the like but mostly - if possible - I would like you to help the rest of the guys with any ERFS stuff that comes in.

LB : Ok. You've cleared this with Brad and Steven?

AJ : Yeah. What did you say to them by the way? I mentioned your name and almost at once the three of them threw their ears back

LB : Sorry?

AJ : They are not happy with you. Or they weren't about half an hour ago. What is going on?

LB : Its a very long story and honestly I don't think it is any of your business.

TW : It appears to be affecting the work. If the three amigoes on there are annoyed at you then something must be up.

LB : {pauses, then sighs} You really want to know?

AJ : If you want to tell us.

LB : Ok. You know about Sammy and Peter? {They nod} Well he thinks that I want her back. And he has told the management that I am bugging him about them being together.

TW : Are you?

LB : Oh for the love of god. Why is everyone siding with him over this? No - I do not want her back. No - I have not been bugging him about it. Until this morning - when he approached me - I have not talked to him about Sammy since the night of Jack's party.

AJ : Then why do you think he is saying it?

LB : You got me. Maybe he is not happy I was promoted over him. Maybe things aren't going well between them and he wants someone to blame. Maybe he bumped his head and he thinks I am now Satan incarnate and wants to stop me anyway he can think. Ask him. Are we done?

TW : I take it you told the same thing to the management

LB : In almost those terms. You think I should go talk to them?

AJ : Leave it till tomorrow. You are obviously still in a bad mood and it won't help at all.

LB : I guess. So - is the schedule fixed? No problems with anyone?

TW : Surprisingly no. I think by this time next week the testing will be done and Val-Net can go out of the door with as much confidence as we can muster.

LB : Excellent.

AJ : I know. Its kind of surprising really.

LB : You are not kidding.

{The scene fades then comes back up with all the developers in the conference room again. PC is present this time}

AJ : Okay guys. The testing plan has been organized - that is not what this is about. The thing is once we are done with the testing we actually have to install Val-Net at the customer sites. There are seven initial customers all expecting the first release on the same day. So although Peter is generally in charge of the releases the plan is going to be to send six other developers out. Each one - including Peter - will go with one of the analysts to make sure everything is done right.

PC : They don't think we can do it right ourselves?

AJ : Its not that. You know better than that. We send two staff on every install. It makes it look better. So these are the planned trips to the sites. You will go down the night before and stay for two days. These are only draft schedules - if you have other engagements they can be altered.

TW : Andrew, Leo and I will be staying in the office unless circumstances force otherwise. That way we can try to co-ordinate any problems that might come up and get the solutions out to all of you as soon as we can.

AJ : If there are no questions then you can all get back to work.

{Everyone leaves except LB and TW}

LB : So when was this decided? The me staying here part?

TW : Its not my idea Leo. The management want the three senior staff here rather than out in the field.

LB : And when did they decide it?

TW : About an hour ago.

LB : Pretty much what I thought. This is getting beyond a joke you know. How did my life become the centre of attention and the reason for making decisions here?

TW : I honestly have no idea Leo.

LB : Well - its going to stop. My private life is my own and its time I reminded people of that.

TW : How?

LB : I have no idea. But if I don't you know what's going to happen - this thing between Peter and Sammy is going to take over my life. {to himself} Which is why we broke up really {outloud} Don't worry about it. I will find a way. {They both walk out and go back to their desks. As LB sits down he notices PC staring at him} {to himself} Damn right I am going to do something.

{Scene fades then comes back up with LB in front of his computer. Again with the typing thing}

EJ : So - you didn't have a good day?

LB : You know how much I value my privacy. But now they all want to know why I broke up with Sammy and whether I want her back or not

EJ : How are you going to convince them you don't?

LB : I have been giving that some thought and this is what I have .....

{The screen fades to black as LB continues to type (so we can't see what he is writing) and the words "Executive Producer - Sammy Wrae" come up on the screen. Then the closing credits role, detailing the people who made this possible. But you can live without knowing their names for now, can't you?}

{This is a shooting script for GSI/E5. As such there might be changes in the final broadcast not included here}


Episode Notes

1) "Seven Meetings" A nod to The West Wing, Series 1

2) ERFS The Enhancement Request/Fault System - used to store customer requests about Valhalla

3) Cordy This will be explained in future episodes...
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