Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heart It Races

This Is Freaking Creepy, Bryar

by wheresyourheart 1 review

bob tells his buddy, casey

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2008-07-21 - Updated: 2008-07-21 - 861 words

"So there's a girl following you around?" Casey asked, just to confirm. We were sitting in the way back of the school library, near the study desks that have a bunch of writing on them (the usual names, hearts, skool sux, and inappropriate drawings).

I nodded. "First she said she was Amber Sampson, and it was like pretty creepy, because Amber's dead."

"Yeah, that girl like last week, right? The drunk driving accident?"

"Mh-mm," I answered. "So I was like, girl, you're not dead, I can see you. Then I found out her name isn't really Amber, it's Sam. And Amber Sampson's picture in the yearbook is different from the apparently dead girl's."

All of a sudden Casey's eyes widened and pointed at me, as if he'd figured out a cure for cancer or something. "Maybe you're on one of those shows!" Only he said it a little too loudly, so a bunch of people at tables looked over at us, and a teacher gave us a dirty look.

After shushing him, I said, "What do you mean?"

"You know," he continued. "Those prank shows. Then anytime they'll come out and be all 'haha, pranked you!' and you'll be like, 'man, you really had me going!' or something."

But I shook my head. "I don't think so. Why would someone do it to me? It's not like I prank people or anything." I paused, then said, "And besides, just saying, maybe she is dead... maybe it's like those weird stories where the ghost contacts people to have them talk to their relatives or whatever."

Casey shrugged. "If she really is dead, make her come back."

"Um, no," I quickly told him. "I just freaking got rid of her."

"You can't get rid of me," her voice said, as she appeared right next to Casey. I must have jumped or gotten a startled look on my face, because he asked me what was wrong.

"Okay, turn to the left," I said, so he turned to his left, so I said, "No, other way."

He looked right through her then turned back to me, confused. "What, is it that poster?" he asked me, referring to the enlarged picture of a kitten holding on to a tree branch, which below read 'Hang in there'.

"No," I replied, then whispered, "She's here."

Casey pursed his lips and said, "Okay, ghost, if you are here make your presense known," like he was on the show /Ghost Hunters/.

I looked at Sam, who raised an eyebrow. "'Make my presense known'? "

Shrugging, I told her, "Just like, move something."

She looked around for a minute, then nodded, aha and I heard something dragging across the floor behind me.

"What the fuck?" Casey said under his breath, and I turned to investigate. Sam had completely moved a whole desk, the really old ones that are a bitch to move, even a few feet. But then he said, "That was planned," which resulted in Sam flinging a paper-back book at his head. It landed in front of him, the pages flipping back an forth until he picked it up.

"This is freaking creepy, Bryar," Casey said, looking genuinely creeped out. The bell rang which signaled the end of this period. He got up, his bag on his shoulder, and whispered, "I believe you now," then left me standing alone in the library.

"Cute guy," Sam said, suddenly standing next to me. "I mean in a little brother sorta way. I wouldn't, like, date him or anything." I stayed sitting, so she grabbed my arm and yanked me up, which would look funny to anyone that happened to glance over and see my arm oustretched, and me getting up at a funny angle.

"If you don't get a move on you'll be late for your next class."

"Sam?" I said, looking at her.

She looked back and said, "Yeah?"

"Um, why are you here anyway?"

"Well," she told me, "I think I know. But if what I think is right, I don't want to tell you and blow it or anything."

I nodded. "Right. Well like you said, I'm going to be late if I don't get going." She started to follow me, so I stopped and said, "You think you could leave me alone for the rest of the day?"

Looking hurt, she said nothing, but disappeared.

"Bob?" A girl's voice of to my right said. It was Lydia, who was in my English class. I looked at her and she asked, "Who were you talking to?"

I laughed lightly, then said, "Oh, just myself."

New chapter!
Thanks so much to all my reviewers, I love you :)
you know what to do ! REVEIW REVEIW REVEIW.
and one more thing,
the song i used for the title of this story
right here: Dr. Dog - Heart It Races.mp3
it's deffinetly not like MCR, but I used to love this song. I still do. It's kind of addicting. One night I was listening to it and was like, "this sounds like a song at the beginning of a movie" and came up with this story. :)
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