Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heart It Races

Must Be Nice

by wheresyourheart 3 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2008-07-24 - Updated: 2008-07-25 - 817 words


For the first time since I'd gotten it four years earlier, I was sitting at my desk, attempting to finish the last of my homework. Since the conversation in the library, I hadn't seen Sam around at all. I'd figured it would just blow over, and she'd be in my car to bother me again after school, but she wasn't. I couldn't even believe I'd gotten through three assignments without her popping right next to me. And this was a lot of time, because I couldn't concentrate, on account of what she'd told me. It kept rumbling through my head--- "I think I know why. But if what I think is right, I don't want to tell you and blow it or anything."

How would her telling me why she was here blow it? Was it good or bad? If I found out would she have to kill me, like in those weird FBI movies? Another thought crossed my mind, that maybe she was exaggerating, but that was soon crossed of the list of possible answers when I remembered how serious she was.

I was writing my name in the top corner of the last page of homework when she said, "That's not your name."

"Huh?" I asked, excited she was here, but confused as to what she was saying. That's when I noticed that instead of writing Bob Bryar like I'd meant to, I'd written Sam Denton.

"How..." she paused, and I looked up at her. "How do you know my last name?"

I shrugged and told her, "I don't."

"Well, you wrote it," she argued. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion and I couldn't help but smile. She was just too cute.

Um, no. She's not cute, she's dead, remember?

I swallowed, "Yeah, I guess I did," and looked back at the paper, then started to slowly erase it and write what I'd meant to. When I turned to look at Same again, she was gone. I was pissed, because she was always disappearing like this. Next time I see her, I'm giving her a piece of my mind.

The only problem with this little plan was that I hadn't seen her for four days, four brutal days of jumpiness and being extremely antsy, unable to concentrate at anytime. This leads us up to the day of the splinters, where I went to the empty bathroom, and Casey played a mean joke on me.

After I'd walked out of the bathroom, she was next to me, walking, but I didn't acknowledge her, because Casey was still in earshot. He'd made it clear that he wanted no part in this whole ghost thing, yet he'd had no problem playing that prank on me. Probably because he thought she was gone, and knew that I (sort of) wanted her back.

"Yoo-hoo," she said, waving her hand in front of my face. Still, I acted like she wasn't there. "Fine, ignore me."

Her figure started to shimmer away, so I stopped her, "No, don't go," and she came back.


"Um," I told her. "You heard me. Stay."

She looked at me inquizitively and said, "Thought I was some big nuisance to you."

I shook my head. "Look, I've got to get through the rest of the day without distractions, because of Jazz, but I promise, after Jazz, we can hang out."

"Hang out?" She asked. I figured she was just confused about my sudden change of heart, until she asked, "What's that mean?"

Without wondering why she didn't know a simple slang word, I said, "You know hang out. Like we can just get together and talk and do stuff."

"Alright," she said, holding back a smile, "When shall we 'Hang out'?", she questioned, making airquotes on the words "hang out".


"What?" Said a male voice.

I turned to meet the owner of the voice and at the same time, Sam left, just shimmered away leaving breathing air.

"What what?" I asked Sean, the bass guitarist in jazz band.

"Thought you were talking to someone or something..." he said, and I gave him a funny look. "Oh, well, Ms. Wakelin's looking for you. Uh, we all are, because you've been gone an aweful long time."

"Alright," I told him, then started walking back to the class. Before we went back into the classroom, he muttered to me, "Must be nice to take ten-minute-long bathroom breaks to talk to walls."

Sorry if this chapter is sucky, I basicly just wrote it to have something to update with. You better be happy because my arm hurts like hell from a tetnis shot/being punched a while after.
Also, I fixed a little glitch in the story in like the second chapter, when it was five days before the first chapter (splinter stuff) but said that he missed the jazz festival.
So rate/reveiw and show me you're thankful :)
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