Categories > Original > Fantasy > Bloody Secret

Wolf's howl

by Lurking_shadow 2 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-22 - Updated: 2008-07-28 - 687 words

Chapter 2- Wolf's Howl

I squeeze my eyes tightly shut with the sudden bright light. Evander takes the chance; I am flipped over now he has me pinned. I struggle against his hold but it is to no avail.
“Now shall we talk” He says much happier with his position.
I try to shield my eyes from the blinding light. The warmth of the sun hits my victim he begins to become conscious. I struggle in vein against Evander’s warm grip; he chuckles at my attempts to escape. I go still his grip remains on my icy skin then I shoot my head forward I am now snapping at his neck. He pushes me back, he is so much stronger then I first anticipated. My victim is now fully conscious he is trying to sit up but in too much pain. I try a different approach at getting free “If you don’t mind I was actually in the middle of feeding before you showed up. Could you release me so I can at least save him for later?” I say nodding in my victim’s direction.
“How rude of me but sorry I can’t release you because you might escape or try to attack me again.” He says smiling. “However if you like I’ll get you another later”.
At that point the sun hits my legs. I start to feel its effects immediately. My skin starts to burn and I feel as if my energy is being drained.
“Do you mind getting me into the shade” I ask now falling limply into his hold in submission.
“Oh of course” he replies lifting me with ease from the ground and standing me on my feet.
He holds my arms to my back as I start to head as quickly as possible to my house but he instead steers me towards the thick forest that surrounds my house. I don’t resist, I just want to reach the shade. He sits me down and then sits beside me. I struggle to see my victim through the light but I can just make out him writhing in pain.
“Well this is interesting, I thought vampires were killed by sunlight” he says studding my legs that have now turned bright red.
“The sun doesn’t kill vampires”
The sun gives vampires a terrible sunburn and it is exhausting to be in sunlight
I drop my guard and lie back.
“I never knew that” he says just still studding my sun burnt legs.
“We also struggle to see in light our night vision is so much better” with that he turns his attention away from my legs and looks into my eyes
“Your eyes changed colour. When you first saw me they were red now they are green” he says with a confused look.
“Just a vampire thing” I reply looking up at him.
A vampires eyes portray their mood like mood rings.
He sits there eyes never leaving my face.
I then hear a faint noise in the distance he hears it as well it is what sounds like a howl. Within a second he jumps to his feet and he is running through the trees. Bracing myself for the burning of the suns rays I stand up quickly and grab my victim as I head back to the house, he mumbles something. I move with ease to the couch and drop him there. I grab a pair of handcuffs and chain him to the couch. I head to the bathroom to rid myself of this terrible smell.

~Evander POV~
I finally confronted her, she is even more beautiful up close and those eyes. If only I could have stayed longer with her but I was called away. I remember first meeting her it was just incredible to see such beauty, my pack wasn’t able to see past her being a vampire. She is so much more. I don’t think she appreciated me showing up and spoiling her meal though. I have to go see I can’t let my pack catch her off guard.
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