Categories > Original > Fantasy > Bloody Secret

Strangers at my door

by Lurking_shadow 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-22 - Updated: 2008-07-23 - 480 words

Chapter 3- Strangers at my door

~Original (Annabelle) POV~

After my shower I feel refreshed. I begin to walk back to the lounge room where my victim is chained when I notice that stench is back. I race to where my victim lay to find Evander sitting casually on the couch next to my now conscious victim. I stand in the middle of the room just watching Evander, accessing the situation. I know that I am quicker but he is stronger.
“Hello again Annabelle, won’t you join me on the couch” he says calmly moving closer to my victim to clear a spot next to him.
“I’d rather stand” I reply.
“What are you?” my victim demands. Before I can speak Evander replies
“Oh Good morning, I’m Evander and I’m a werewolf. This is Annabelle and she is a vampire. Who would you be?” Evander sounds so casual except for saying vampire where he gave a face of disgust.
My victims jaw drops he looks horrified; the colour of his face drains away.
“I’m Justin Lander” He says still just shocked at Evander’s response.
Justin starts to tug and pull at his handcuffs but this does nothing except make his wrists sore. I hear a crash from outside the door. What now? I think to myself as I move swiftly to the door watching Evander and Justin’s every move. Before I can even reach the handle the door is flung wide open. I spring to the side avoiding the door. In the door frame stands two massive wolves. I hear my window open I turn to see taking my eyes off the wolves for a moment it is another werewolf but he is in human form. As I turn back to face the two in the door I see only two men where the wolves once stood. I give a deep growl now thinking how this day could get any worse. Time passes slowly as we all stand perfectly still. The one at the window lunges at me and Evander springs to his feet shouting
“Patrick No!” I move out of the way easily.
I smirk as Patrick grasps at thin air where I once stood then hit the ground with a thud. The shorter of the two men is now giving Evander a confused look. I watch as Patrick stumbles to his feet and readies himself to leap at me again. I move out of the way of his failed attempt to grab me and appear at his back. As I strike him he gives out a loud yelp. The expressions of the two men now change dramatically at my actions they are now staring with anger and barring their teeth. The tallest enters the room the other follows they begin to surround me as Patrick struggles to his feet once again.
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