Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Capulet Cafe


by alirae 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-07-24 - Updated: 2008-07-25 - 680 words

“I missed you too,” I said as he put me down.

“Hi I am Bryan,” a guy with really good blonde hair said.

“Hi I am Ali,” I said.

“You look good Ali,” Ronnie said.

“I don’t think so I think I look like shit,” I admitted.

“So who dumped you,” Max asked brining up our conversation.

“Uhmmmm Frank,” I said rubbing the back of my neck.

“Oh how long were you dating,” Ronnie asked.

“Two years almost,” I admitted.

“Whoa,” was all they said.

“Yeah exactly, but I was to hung over and tired to care,” I said.

“Why were you drinking,” Bryan asked.

“We were plating a game that’s all nothing really just for my graduation party,” I said calmly.

“Ah well lets finish the movie,” Max said.

I was sitting on the floor in front of him and he laid down in front of me and I sat on his stomach. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “I still love you too.”

“Well then if we are admitting stuff,” he paused, “I love your boobs the look awesome,” we laughed.

“Your eyes are still as pretty as I remember them.”

“And you are still the most beautiful girl in my eyes,” we rolled and switched spots. The movie ended.

“Well I am going to bed,” Ronnie said getting up. Omar, Robert and Bryan followed him.

“What about you,” I asked looking at Max who was still sitting on me.

“I am going to stay with you,” he said.

“Well I am going back to the MCR van,” I told him trying to get up.

“Nope you can crash on the couch and I will lay with you,” he said leaning forward the kissing me.

“Fine your eyes are over powering I give,” I got up and threw myself on the couch. He laid down behind me and I fell asleep.

“I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Ali get the fucking phone off of me at practice I hate it I fucking hate camera phone, ‘its recording dumbass,’ oh I love you Ali muah,” Gerard’s ringtone.

“Uhm hello,” I answered.

“Where the fuck are you,” Gerard yelled.

“Well I am in Honolulu, Japan can you come get me,” I laughed.

“Ali seriously,” he said.

“I am on the Escape the Fate bus,” I said closing my eyes.

“Okay, tell me next time I was worried you made me cry,” he paused, “And you know you are the only girl that can do that,” he finished.

“Yeah I know, anyway let me sleep and I will call you,” I said.

“Okay love ya bye.”

“Love ya too,” and I hung up and fell back asleep.

I woke up and called Gerard my ring tone was going on in my head, “tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don’t make me change my mind or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true because a boy (girl) like you is impossible to find you're impossible to find Gerard you cant record me singing I suck get out of the bathroom let me finish my shower, ‘but its for your ring tone,’ fine I love you Gerard and if you snap a fucking pic I will kill you,” I laughed.

“Hey you got Gerard,” it started.

“AND Ali who is annoying the fuck out of him,” it said.

“Yeah soo, Ali is a loser and I love her,” he said.

“And I love Gerard but not like a boyfriend,” I said.

“Yeah and we both sing extremely crappy, well in my eyes I have a crappy voice but Ali’s is beautiful.”

“I believe the other way around.”

“Nope I said it an now it is recorded hahaha, and I am never going to change it.”

“Well fine then,” and the kissing sounds came on.

“Bye love Gerard.”

“No love Ali,” and it ended, “I will see you later Gerard call me,” I hung up.
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