Categories > Anime/Manga > s-CRY-ed > His Promise

His Feelings, Her Love

by anicka 1 review

Ryuhou makes a promise to Scheris to protect her. This promise brings them closer than ever before.

Category: s-CRY-ed - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Ryuhou Ryu, Scheris Adjani - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2006-02-27 - Updated: 2006-02-27 - 969 words - Complete

Disclaimer: I do not own s-CRY-ed.

Ryuhou sat in a chair in his room. He was tired, but he could not allow himself to sleep. He could not allow himself to sleep until he knew what he was going to do about the situation in front of him. He made a promise to Scheris, and he would keep that promise.

He was going to tell the commander that he would go out and look for the native altar himself. 'Just like before. Just Zetsuei and me.' He had to protect her.

He would never tell her, but she meant so much to him. He would never tell anyone. If he told them, what would they think of him? Everyone knew him as a man of strength. He never let his guard down. What would they say if they found out that he was a softy at heart? No, he could not tell anyone.

Scheris thought about Ryuhou while sitting on the edge of her bed. 'Why would he promise such a thing? He would have to find the altar user anyway, so why would he promise me that he would find him? Does he really care enough about me to protect me like that? He has never let anything happen to me before, but it is almost as if he is doing something for someone else instead of himself for once.'

She knew that he was not stingy, but she had always secretly hoped that he would show some feeling towards her. She loved him. He always made her smile. He could always cheer her up when she felt lonely or down. It happened just by hearing his voice. She could never tell him, but he meant so much to her. She was just able to show him by caring for him.

She stood up. She thought about going to his room to talk to him about what had happened, but she decided against it. She would just roam the hallways until she worked up the courage to say anything to him. She really was speechless over what he had said.

She sighed. "I guess I'll go downstairs and see what everyone else is doing." As she turned around she bumped into someone. "Ryuhou! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

Ryuhou just laughed. "Didn't this happen this morning? It was just the other way around."

She let out a small smile. She wanted just to walk past him, and continue on her way, but another part of her wanted to stay with him. She leaned into him, and rested her head on his chest.

Ryuhou's eyes widened surprised at her action. He instinctively put his arms around her and stroked her hair. What was he supposed to say? He was not used to these sort of situations, so he just whispered in her ear telling her that everything was going to be okay. He would make sure of it.

Scheris nodded her head then looked up at Ryuhou, and Ryuhou could see the sadness and fear in her eyes. 'Is she breaking down? Her? She's stronger than that. I know she is. Why is she so scared? Is there something that she hasn't told me? There has to be. Should I ask her? I don't know what to do!'

Ryuhou, now very serious looked into Scheris's eyes and asked her a question that he was not sure if he wanted to know the answer to or not, but he had to know. "Scheris, what happened?"

Scheris backed up for a minute not knowing what he meant. She thought about it for a minute and realized that he had figured it out. She would not tell him. She had never thought about it since it happened. She always had pretended that it had not happened. She did not want to believe that it had, but it had. "What are you talking about?"

"I think you know."

"I already told you a long time ago. Don't you remember?"

Ryuhou knew that it would be hard to break her. She was just like that. She held many secrets inside of that mind of hers. 'That is why she is the way she is; very stubborn.' She was not scared to speak about what she thought should be done. He liked that about her, but this was more important than just little things like that. There was something really bothering her. He needed to know. "Scheris, don't lie to me! Tell me what is going on! I know there is something else that happened with that native altar that you are not telling me about!" Ryuhou looked hurt. He thought that she trusted him.

Scheris took another step back from him. 'Maybe I was too harsh.' Ryuhou apologized. "I'm sorry, Scheris. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I'm just worried about you, that's all."

'He said it. He's worried about me. He's worried about me! Wait. Why do I want that? I don't want sympathy from him. Is he just saying that because he feels sorry for me? How am I supposed to tell? I can't. If only I could-- No, I can't.' Scheris's eyes became a glare. "Don't do that! Don't say that! Are you really worried, or are you just saying that? I don't want you to be worried about me. I don't want you to feel sorry for me! I don't need you to do that!"

Ryuhou was shocked at her outburst. "Scheris, that's not true. I meant what I said. It isn't because that I feel--"

"Just leave me alone." Scheris turned around and ran off. 'Why did I do that? I was finally alone with him, and I yelled at him. Why did I do that?'

Author's Notes: Please rate and review. No flames!
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